
Chapter 254: Don't use it


Liu Kang smiled and said, "That's because Shao Mei didn't get her eyes. If Shao Mei was taken by him, he would not stay away."

Wu Wen shook her head and said, "I still don't believe Xu is such a person. He has been with me for so long, and I have never seen him like beauty in the slightest."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "Xiaowen, you don't understand this officialdom. Many people, like us ordinary people, have seven passions and six desires, and they also love wealth and beautiful women. But the law stipulates or something. In order to preserve their rights, these officials had to suppress some of their thoughts forcibly. So these thoughts of them became more private and even a little distorted. Xu Zheng is not a bad woman. I am really in this world. I have never seen a few men who are bad women. Unless he is gay, his good looks are male, not female. The reason why Xu Zheng acts as a bad woman in front of you is that his status restricts his goodness. He had to suppress women's thoughts. If there is a chance to let him release these thoughts, then he still doesn't know what it looks like."

Wu Wen still didn’t quite believe Liu Kang’s evaluation of Xu Zheng. She shook her head and said, “Some people are still different. Let’s talk about Fu Hua if you don’t talk about Xu Zheng. When he first saw me, even though it was because of my beauty. Surprised, but I think he can control himself soon."

Liu Kang smiled and said, "You just said that he has controlled himself. If there are no restrictions in this society, will he still control himself?"

Wu Wen also laughed and said, "That's really hard to say, but Fu Hua is always a gentleman. He used to be alone in a room with my sister and didn't mess around. I believe he is still different."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "You said that Fu Hua I will not fight with you, but Xu Zheng absolutely can't do this. I can see that this man is definitely not a gentleman."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "I won't fight with you anymore, eh, by the way, godfather, why didn't you mention to Xu Zheng that you want to participate in the new airport project?"

Liu Kang smiled and said: "I didn't do anything well. I told him what I was doing. I think Sunan must have reached a tacit understanding with Xu Zheng that time. I rashly proposed it and waited for me. It can be rejected. I have to wait for everything to be done before I put it forward, and I don’t need it now. The project has not been formally approved. When I put it forward now, it can only be a plan and cannot be implemented."

When Liu Kang and Wu Wen were chatting, Xu Zheng returned home. He got out of the car and entered the house with Liu Chao's support. His wife Yan Fang met and said unhappily: "I was so drunk again, this What are you doing? Do you have time to drink?"

Xu Zheng smirked and said, "A friend came from Beijing, and there were a few more glasses. Stop yelling and call Xiao Liu a joke."

With a smile, Liu Chao handed the items Liu Kang left in the car to Yan Fang, and said, "Auntie, this is a gift from Mayor Xu's friend. Please keep it."

Yan Fang looked at it and saw that it was a bag of things in a very ordinary handbag, and asked, "What is it?"

Liu Chao smiled and said, "I didn't see it either. Maybe it was a gift. The man put it in the car."

Xu Zheng asked drunkly: "When was it delivered? Why don't I remember it."

Yan Fang glared at Xu Zheng and said, "You drank like this, what do you remember? Alright, go to sleep with your head."

Xu Zheng looked at Liu Chao and smiled, and said, "Xiao Liu, your Aunt Yan is angry with me."

Yan Fang ignored Xu Zheng, took the handbag from Liu Chao, and said, "Little Liu, thank you for sending Old Xu back. Go back and rest early."

Liu Chao said, "Then I'm leaving, Auntie."

Yan Fang sent Liu Chao away, and then came back to look at Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng sat on the sofa and dialed the TV channel to watch TV. He said unhappily, "Old Xu, you have drunk so much, don’t hurry up. Go to sleep."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "I squinted in the car for a while, and now I am not sleepy. You make me a cup of tea to sober me up."

Yan Fang went to make a cup of strong tea for Xu Zheng and brought it over, handed it to Xu Zheng, Xu Zheng took it and drank it. At this time, Yan Fang measured the handbag Liu Chao helped Xu Zheng brought back, and muttered, "What kind of friend are you from Beijing? What are you sending so rustic?"

Said Yan Fang and poured out the contents of the bag. It was a tightly wrapped paper bag wrapped in newspaper. After opening the paper bag, Yan Fang exclaimed, "Old Xu, hurry up. Come and see."

Xu Zheng was still drinking tea and watching the evening news. Hearing Yan Fang's exclamation, he said dissatisfiedly: "What, what a fuss."

Xu Zheng turned his head and saw that the newspaper contained a stack of brand-new green banknotes. He had seen this kind of banknotes, which were hundred-dollar bills.

Xu Zheng said: "Good fellow, the handwriting is very big."

This is Xu Zheng's wine that woke up a lot at once, and he quickly counted it. It was sixteen stacks, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

Yan Fang looked at Xu Zheng nervously, and asked, "Old Xu, what have you done for this person, how can he give you so much money?"

Xu Zheng said: "I helped him get a piece of land, but I was just out of friendship and didn't want to take money from him."

Yan Fang said, "Then what do you want to do with this money?"

Xu Zheng scratched his head and said, "You let me think about it."

Yan Fang looked at Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng was almost awake from the wine at this time, thinking about whether to take it or not to think about the stakes of the two.

Ordinarily, it is normal to help Haiwen Property to collect some return on this land. At that time, he refused the bank card sent by Wu Wen. It was his pity that Wu Wen was deceived when she first went to Haichuan to develop her career. He wanted to help this woman and also please this beautiful woman. Little meaning. Now it seems that Wu Wen, a beautiful woman, doesn't need to help her by herself. She has a godfather Liu Kang behind her. I'm afraid it doesn't matter if she loses more. Doing so on her own is nothing more than a passion.

Thinking of the relationship between Wu Wen and Liu Kang, Xu Zheng felt a pain in his heart, as if something that he had originally cherished had been taken away.

But, take it, I'm afraid things are not as simple as thanks. Xu Zheng understands that these businessmen are flies chasing the odor, and they rush wherever there is interest. Liu Kang is no exception. He will definitely not just come from Beijing to thank himself for a project that is about to be completed. He is willing to come from Beijing. The money is such a large sum of money. He must have a bigger purpose.

Needless to say, this purpose is also related to the upcoming new airport project, because Xu Zheng clearly remembers that when he was drinking at night, Liu Kang mentioned to his Kangsheng Group that there was an airport construction company under the group, although Liu Kang did not He didn't go deep into this topic, and directly suggested to himself that he wanted to participate in the new airport project, but Sima Zhao's heart had already been revealed. The problem is that the Zhendong Group in southern Jiangsu has found itself, and gave itself a copy of Wen Zhengming, as well as the care of Tao Wen, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. It seems that he should not set foot on the second boat of Liu Kang.

However, although Sunan’s gift is elegant, Wen Zhengming’s dubious calligraphy album seems to be hardly worth the value of the 160,000 U.S. dollar. If you choose Sunan and give up the 160,000 U.S. dollar, it seems that What a pity again.

Xu Zhenggeng thought that what Zhendong Group and Kangsheng Group gave to him may have been pre-made for the purpose of winning the project, and the real thanks should be yet to come. Liu Kang's move is so generous, will the follow-up thank you be more generous? Isn't it unwise to refuse as soon as he comes up? If Sunan always fools himself with some so-called antiques of unknown origin, wouldn't he be at a loss

In the face of the six hundred thousand dollars, Xu Zheng began to feel that the original-looking calligraphy album was too cheap. The reason why Sunan's side has not been out immediately is because Sunan still has Tao Wen's support behind. Xu Zheng feels that it is better not to offend the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee for the time being.

Can you not make a choice for the time being, and see if there is a way to get the best of both worlds

In the end, Xu Zheng felt that it would be better not to push down any one for the time being. He wanted to wait and see, waiting to see which of these two companies ultimately weighed in, and he would support whoever heavier.

After thinking about it, Xu Zheng said to Yan Fang: "Lao Yan, you put away this dollar first. No one is allowed to use it without me."

Xu Zheng refused to let Yan Fang use the money to prevent the Sunan side from being able to return the money to Liu Kang if the weight becomes heavy in the future. A very important principle of Xu Zheng as an official is that he never takes money that he considers unsafe, and he never takes the initiative to ask for bribes. Only those who seem to be safe and were given to him on their own initiative will be accepted if they can't refuse.

This is also a very important reason why Xu Zheng's official voice is good, and it is also a wonderful way for him to think that he can obtain benefits and preserve his rights.

Xu Zheng understands that his power is the root of all this. If he abandons the root for some petty gains, it is not worth it. Sun Yong just didn't understand this. If he couldn't get things done and returned the money to Wang Yan in time, then he wouldn't be where he is today.

Everyone loves money, but it is the money that really belongs to you if you can spend it safely.

Yan Fang looked at Xu Zheng, and said a little worried: "Old Xu, this is a lot of money, will there be any problems if you take it?"

Xu Zheng glared at Yan Fang and said, "The matter has been done a long time ago, and the house has been fixed. What will happen. Besides, I just let you put it away, not let you use it. At present, I have not finalized it. Decide whether to take it or not. Remember, don’t use it. Don’t two sons grunting with you, you just take them out and give them flowers, you know?"