
Chapter 258: Will not come back empty-handed


Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Your mother is very concerned, but I don't care. In fact, I really like a girl with a tough personality like Zhang Feng. Don't you think Xiao Miao has a weak personality, you just need someone like Zhang Feng. Can someone help him? Besides: Shunda Group is also a very powerful group. The marriage between our two families is just a strong alliance, which is also very good for our Tonghui Group. I have a lot of love for Xiaoting and Xiaomiao. Marriage has an open attitude, as long as they like it and are not a crooked person, I'm ok."

It can be seen that Zhao Kai is happy to see this result.

In the evening, Fu Hua and Zhao Ting left early, and Zhao Kai returned long ago. Zhao Ting’s mother looked a little overcast. It could be seen that she was not happy with her son’s choice, but her son was about to break away from her control and devote herself to In the arms of the girlfriend, the mother seems unable to be happy, not to mention the choice of the object is not what she likes.

After a while, Zhao Miao returned with Zhang Feng. Only the mother in the family didn't know Zhang Feng. Zhao Miao introduced them, and Zhang Feng asked her mother hello to her aunt a little nervously.

Maybe my mother was instructed by Zhao Kai, maybe because she didn't want to embarrass her son, she forced a smile and said, "Zhang Feng, hello, you are welcome to be a guest."

Zhang Feng greeted Zhao Kai again, and Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Zhang Feng, the relationship between people is really strange. I never thought that you would become Xiao Miao's girlfriend. Xiao Miao will leave it to you in the future. ."

Zhang Feng smiled, and said, "Zhao Dong, it is really wonderful between people. I didn't expect to see you like this one day."

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "Don't call Dong Zhao, call me uncle at home."

Zhang Feng heard that Zhao Kai meant to recognize her identity, and shouted with a smile, Uncle.

Zhao Kai smiled and agreed.

Zhang Feng walked up to Zhao Ting again and said with a smile: "Xiao Ting, I didn't expect things to turn out like this, are you angry with me?"

Zhao Ting took Zhang Feng's hand and said with a smile: "What am I angry with? You are my good friend. Xiao Miao has a vision for you. I am very happy."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Zhang Feng, don't be nervous, we all welcome you."

The atmosphere of this meal was fairly harmonious. Zhang Feng and Zhao Kai and Zhao Ting were acquaintances for a long time. They knew each other very well, and they knew how to speak. For her mother, Zhang Feng could also see that she was not too happy, and she showed some respect for her mother in her words. She was a person who had seen big scenes and dealt with it very appropriately. Mom also thinks that although the girl is older than her son, she also appears to be more mature than her son. She is a good help for her son. In the mother's mind, the son will take Zhao Kai's class in the future, and he may indeed need a wife like Zhang Feng who is out of the hall. In addition, Zhang Feng usually takes care of it. In order to come to this banquet, she dressed up again. The petite and exquisite girl sat next to her son, but she couldn't see the appearance of being older than his son, so her mother accepted Zhang Feng in her heart.

When Zhang Feng left, her mother sent her to the door and said, "Zhang Feng, now you also know the door of the house. Come and play when you have time."

Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, which represented her mother's approval, and quickly smiled and said, "Okay, auntie."

This result is quite perfect.

On the car home, Fu Hua was silent all the way. Zhao Miao used his method to conquer Zhang Feng. Now he is satisfied, but how is the other person who used this method now? Fu Hua suddenly felt that she shouldn’t be so extreme and would never go to Xiaofei’s salon anymore. Otherwise, she could ask Sunan to go to the salon to see Xiaofei. Even if she could not marry Xiaofei, she would still be her own. A confidante, it's always okay to take a look at her, right

Chinese people talk about it casually. Fu Hua just thought of Sunan in the evening, and Sunan appeared in his office in the Beijing Office the next morning.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Su Dong, have you come back from Haichuan?"

Sunan nodded, and said, "It's been a few days since I came back, and the group is busy, so I didn't come."

Fu Hua asked, "Are things going well?"

Sunan nodded and said with a smile: "It's better than I expected. Your mayor has already said that we will treat Zhendong Group fairly and fairly. I believe we have great hopes of winning the bid for the new airport."

Fu Hua saw that Sunan was a bit complacent, and it seemed that this visit to Haichuan must have done some necessary work for Xu Zheng, and Xu Zheng also gave him a relatively satisfactory answer.

However, Fu Hua now has a full understanding of Xu, and knows that this is a very cautious and capricious person. This kind of unmarginal reply can be said to imply some kind of commitment to Zhendong Group, or it can be said to be general. A kind of perfunctory. The project has not yet been established by the Development and Reform Commission, and there is still a period of time away from the bidding. Sunan should not be so confident.

Fu Hua smiled and said, “Su Dong, I don’t know what Xu Zheng promised you, but I can remind you that Xu Zheng is not so credible. The project is taken down."

Su Nan smiled and said, "Fu Hua, I understand what you are worried about. Don’t worry. I also found a leader in Donghai Province this time. This leader helped me call Xu Zheng. I don’t think so. It’s a big surprise. This time I will definitely be able to take down the project. Of course, the current work is only the preliminary preparation stage. I will have a series of measures to be used in the follow-up to ensure that the project will be taken down."

Fu Hua was not so optimistic in his heart, but he didn't want to sweep Sunan's interest, so he said, "Then I wish Su Dongma every success."

Sunan smiled and said, "I borrowed your good words. Hey, the Development and Reform Commission for the new airport project hasn't approved it yet?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Almost, now everything is ready, and we are just waiting for the official documents to be issued."

Sunan said: "That's good, this project will finally start to operate. Oh, yes, have you seen Xiao Fei recently?"

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment and said, "No wow, I came here for a meal a few days ago. After I left, I haven't heard from him for a long time. Has Su Dong not been to her salon these days?"

Sunan said: "I wanted to come yesterday and called Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei said that she stopped the salon and didn't want to do it anymore. She was looking for buyers to sell the factory."

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment and said, "What's going on? Didn't she do it well?"

Sunan shook his head and said, "I don't know what the reason is, so I asked her. She said that she was tired of the desertedness in the suburbs and didn't want to stay there anymore. This made me very strange. She wanted to get this salon at the beginning. At that time, I also advised her not to go into the mountains. The mountains are too far away from the city and it is inconvenient to do anything. At that time, she said that she just likes such remote places, deserted, and suitable for thinking about some problems. How? She doesn't like being deserted in a blink of an eye?"

Fu Hua didn't know why, but he guessed in his mind that it must be related to Xiaofei's strong kiss with him here that day. This was inconvenient for him to tell Sunan, so he smiled and said, "I don't know what's going on, maybe the woman is Fickle, right?"

Su Nan smiled and said, "Maybe, it's just that Xiaofei's salon suddenly closed, which made me lose a good place to relax, and feel a little melancholy."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Fei didn't say what she was going to do next?"

Sunan shook his head and said, "I didn't say, just that I haven't thought about it. Let me know when I think about it."

Fu Hua was a little confused. When Sunan came, he still wondered if he could find a way to let Sunan take him to Xiaofei’s salon to see Xiaofei. Now Xiaofei’s salon is closed. On the previous day, the possibility of Fu Hua going to see Xiaofei was cut off.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Su Dong doesn't need to be melancholy anymore. I believe that what Xiao Fei is going to do will definitely not be vulgar. Wait patiently, maybe she will give us a surprise."

Sunan laughed and said, "Maybe. I hope she can let us see this surprise as soon as possible, otherwise I won't have a place to relax for a long time."

Fu Huaxin said that I also hope that Xiao Fei can do something as soon as possible, otherwise I will not see her for a long time.

Time flew by, and soon another month passed, and the organization department finally officially announced the appointment of the long-awaited deputy secretary of the Qintun Municipal Party Committee. Qin Tun called Mr. Xu immediately and said excitedly: "Mr. Xu, great. I am now the deputy secretary of the Haichuan Municipal Party Committee."

Mr. Xu smiled and said, "Congratulations, Deputy Secretary Qin."

Qin Tun smiled and said, "Thank you, thank you, and please help me to thank his old man, and I hope his old man will pay more attention to my future progress."

Mr. Xu said: "You can rest assured, so and so originally said that, he will take care of your future development."

Qin Tun smiled and said, "Thank you so much. Mr. Xu, originally I told you that as long as I become the deputy secretary, I will definitely invite you to our Haichuan as a guest. When would you like to come?"

Mr. Xu hesitated for a while and said, "Well, I have a lot of things recently. I'm afraid I won't be able to spare time for a while."

Qin Tun said: "Mr. Xu, don't be like this. I know you are busy, but you agreed at the time. Come here. Although Haichuan is a small place, there are many interesting places. You will not be disappointed when you come. ."

Mr. Xu also appeared to be very busy on purpose. Seeing that Qin Tun was so enthusiastic about boxing, he smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I will let my assistant take a look and try to spare a little time to go to Haichuan."

The new airport project was officially approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, marking the successful completion of the preparatory work for the new airport project.

Fu Hua notified Sunan of this situation. After listening to it, Sunan smiled happily and said, "Wow, this project can be fully launched by our group."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then Su Dong, hurry up, I'm waiting for your good news."

Sunan said: "Don't worry, I won't come back empty-handed this time. There will be good news for you."