
Chapter 259: Snub


Xu Zheng received the official approval from the National Development and Reform Commission and was very excited. He has been waiting for the good news for a long time. He hopes to start the new airport project as soon as possible, so that he can change the secretary Guo Kui some time ago because he had trouble with the municipal party secretary Sun Yong. A bad impression left by contradictions.

To start this project as soon as possible, the next step is to start the bidding process. Xu Zheng thought of Sunan from Zhendong Group and Liu Kang from Kangsheng Group, who had already come to him to do work. These two people must be notified to realize it. , Otherwise they would have opinions on accepting gifts and not doing things.

Xu Zheng grabbed the phone and first dialed it to Liu Kang. He subconsciously felt that Liu Kang would be the higher bidder of the two. What's more, he still had an ulterior motive about Liu Kang in his heart. The idea was there, so without even thinking about it, he was the first to call Liu Kang.

Liu Kang answered the phone and said happily, "Hello, Mayor Xu, do you have any instructions for calling?"

Xu Zheng laughed and said, "How dare I instruct you? That's it. I want to ask Dong Liu about something."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "I can't afford to ask for these two words. Mayor Xu, if you have any questions, please ask. I know everything I can say."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "It must be asked. This is the situation. Our Haichuan is going to build a new airport. Now the project has been approved by the Development and Reform Commission. I am not familiar with the construction of this airport. There is an airport construction company under the Sheng Group. Maybe you are very experienced in this area, so I would like to ask you some questions."

Liu Kang smiled and said, "I really know a little bit about this. Just ask if you have any questions."

Xu Zheng asked a few general questions. Originally, he wanted to take this notice to give Liu Kang. You can do what you should do to fight for the new airport project. Therefore, what he asked was very superficial. Simply gave him the answer.

After hearing this, Xu Zheng thanked him again and again, saying: "I understand more when Dong Liu said this."

Liu Kang knew in his heart that Xu Zheng was telling himself that the new airport project could be officially launched. What do you want to do as soon as possible, he smiled and said: "Mayor Xu, since you mentioned this matter, I will ask. Can Kang Sheng Group participate in your new airport project?"

Xu Zheng smiled, knowingly asked, "Dong Liu is interested in our project?"

Liu Kang smiled and said: "Of course, didn't you just say that Kangsheng Group also has an airport construction company, and our airport construction company depends on building a new airport for food."

Xu Zheng said: "If your group wants to participate, that would be great. Our new airport project is about to start bidding. This time we are going to open tenders for the public. Welcome your group to join the competition. "

Liu Kang smiled and said, "That's great. Fortunately, Mayor Xu, you called me to ask me. You accidentally gave us the opportunity to join the competition for the Haichuan New Airport project. Thank you, Mayor Xu."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "Thank you, I can tell you Dong Liu, this time there must be a lot of big companies joining the competition, and your company may not necessarily win the bid."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "As far as the strength of our company is concerned, I am confident that I will win this project. When that time comes our group will show its strength and let your city choose us."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "It seems that Dong Liu is determined to win? Then I have to wait and see."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "As long as Mayor Xu informs us when he sends out the bidding announcement, don't you deliberately ignore us?"

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, the more companies in our city want to join the competition, the better, so that we can also get a reasonable quotation. I will personally notify Dong Liu when the time comes."

Liu Kang smiled and said, "Then thank you first."

After the call to Liu Kang, Xu Zheng dialed the call to Sunan. Sunan connected the phone and said with a smile: "Mayor Xu, I heard that the new airport project has been approved by the Development and Reform Commission?"

Xu Zheng felt awkward. He said that Sunan was so sensible. When you came up and said that you had heard of it, did you seem to be well-informed? If you are well informed, I will inform you. Doesn’t it seem superfluous

However, Xu Zheng has already received Sunan’s things, so it is not easy to reveal his dissatisfaction. He smiled and said, “It seems that Su Dong has received this good news from Fu Hua?”

This is another place where Xu Zheng is dissatisfied with Sunan. He has not forgotten that Sunan was introduced to him by Fu Hua. Fu Hua has repeatedly made him feel uncomfortable. Naturally, he does not have much favor with Fu Hua’s friends. .

Sunan didn’t understand what Xu Zheng was thinking. He smiled and said, “Yes, Fu Hua told me about this. I don’t know when your city is going to start issuing bidding announcements?”

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "Now that the Development and Reform Commission has approved it, all this will be fast. I think the tender announcement will be issued soon."

Sunan smiled and said, "Thank you Mayor Xu, please let us know when you come, so we can participate in time."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "No problem, we welcome powerful companies from all sides to join the competition. Zhendong Group is also very famous in the industry, and we welcome it even more."

Sunan said: "Then I would like to thank Mayor Xu in advance."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "Su Dong is polite, we are all friends, this little thing should be done."

Xu Zheng hung up the phone, and his heart became more dissatisfied with Sunan's style of controlling discourse initiative. He took the initiative to ask questions about everything. It seemed that Xu Zheng's call was unnecessary.

By this time, Xu Zheng found that he was becoming more and more disgusted with Sunan. This guy took a book of calligraphy that he didn’t know whether it was true or false. He wanted to be in full control of the situation. Is it too naive . What happened to Tao Wen's phone call? Tao Wen is also a character who is almost out of anger, do you think he is still Tao Wen in the period of Cheng Yuan

Xu Zheng didn’t actually take Tao Wen seriously in his heart. He had already imagined that if Sunan loses, how he can explain to Tao Wen, anyway, it will take expert review to determine which company won the bid. I told Tao Wen that the expert finally chose another company, and I couldn't tell if I wanted to come to Tao Wen.

Now the key is to see what Sunan will do. If he offers more tempting conditions than Liu Kang, then it does not matter if he wins the bid. After all, in the face of interests, the priority is always to choose the higher price. But if he continues to fool himself with things of inexplicable value, I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to get out of the game.

However, for the time being, the Sunan side still needs it. Only when a few more powerful companies join the ranks of the competition will it put pressure on the companies that are truly determined to win, and enable them to increase the weight of their bids.

Only when the snipe and the clam fight can the fisherman get greater benefits. Xu Zheng was funny in his heart, Sunan, Liu Kang, all of you are rich and rich, and it's time to give me Xu Zheng a little bit of money.

Mr. Xu came to Haichuan accompanied by businessman Tang Chang. This businessman Tang Chang is a middle-aged man in his fifties. It was Tang Chang who helped Qin Tun met Mr. Xu to get a relationship.

Although Tang Chang's business is not very big, he seems to be a person in Haichuan because of his relationship with Beijing. Speaking of it, he is a person doing business in Beijing. The local officials naturally take a high look. Qin Tun The same is true. He met Tang Chang on an occasion of political and business networking, and he regarded Tang Chang as a very useful friend. It was when Tang Chang and Qin Tun had a meal that he knew Mr. Xu and the leaders of the central government. So and so. It was originally just a boasting gossip at the banquet, and Tang Chang wanted to use this to show Qin Tun that he has extensive connections in Beijing. But the speaker has no intentions, but the listeners intentionally. Qin Tun heard it all at once, so he hurriedly asked Tang Chang to introduce him to this Mr. Xu. It made Tang Chang riding a tiger. He was bragging about it, and he didn’t know whether Mr. Xu knew Mr. Xu. He I have been in Beijing for a while, and I know that there are too many people in Beijing like Mr. Xu who say they know so and so. Most of them are just bragging, and it's hard to tell the truth from the false. Now the parent officer in my hometown said he wanted to get to know Mr. Xu, he was not offended, so he had to introduce them to each other. Fortunately, Mr. Xu's ostentation was unusually large. When Qin Tun saw it, he regarded it as a god, and he believed it very well. Tang Chang felt that he had made a difference.

This time, according to Qin Tun, he was helped by Mr. Xu as the deputy secretary of the Listing Committee. Although Qin Tun had agreed to invite Mr. Xu to Haichuan to play with Mr. Xu, he had been reluctant to make the trip, so he asked Tang Chang to be certain. To find a way to invite Mr. Xu to play in Haichuan, he has to thank Mr. Xu and Tang Chang.

Tang Chang was inadvertently inserting willows, but now Liu Yin has turned into Qintun, making him the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Naturally, he refused to let this opportunity to receive meritorious service go, so he found Mr. Xu, saying that Deputy Secretary Qin’s hospitality is difficult, and insisted Go to Haichuan with Mr. Xu.

The reason why Mr. Xu delayed and refused to go to Haichuan immediately was to show the importance of his identity and the busyness of his affairs. Now that Tang Chang was sent by Qin Tun to invite him, he fell down on the donkey with joy, and agreed.

At the airport, the Qintun sent a car to take Tang Chang and Mr. Xu to the Haichuan Hotel and stay at the Haichuan Hotel. Near dinner, Qin Tun was busy with the things on hand and hurried to the Haichuan Hotel and found Mr. Xu and Tang Chang.

As soon as they met, Qin Tun repeatedly said to Mr. Xu, "Neglect, nip, brother, I really can't walk away today. I'm really sorry that I didn't meet Mr. Xu and Mr. Tang at the airport."