
Chapter 264: not optimistic


Sunan took Fu Hua to the VIP room. Various long guns were displayed on the gun rack along the wall of the VIP room. Various pistols were visited in the glass cabinet. Fu Hua looked at these guns with interest and smiled and asked Su Nan: "Su Dong, do you like shooting very much?"

Sunan smiled and said: "I don't like it anymore, but because of my father, I have been in contact with guns since I was a child and practiced good marksmanship. I originally wanted to be a soldier, but I didn't expect it now. Become a merchant businessman."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "It seems that Su Dong is very dissatisfied with today's shooting results."

Sunan smiled and shook his head, and said: "Today's shooting results are so bad, I am embarrassed."

At this time, the waiter brought in a fruit plate and asked Sunan with a smile: "Is there anything Su Dong has to order?"

Sunan said, "Open me a bottle of Scotch."

The waiter went out, and Fu Hua said with a smile: "Although I played shooting for the first time, I can guess that to fight well, people must be calm and focused, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve good results. ."

Sunan laughed and said, "You can see again that I am a little impetuous today. I don't know what's wrong for some time recently. My heart can't settle down all the time. It's really inexplicable."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I know the reason."

Sunan looked at Fu Hua and said, "How do you know?"

Fu Hua said: "It will make Su Dong's heart impetuous. I think it will definitely not be a trivial matter. If I am not wrong, you are probably anxious for our Haichuan new airport project."

This is a bottle of Scotch and two glasses from the waiter. Sunan poured the wine, handed Fu Hua a glass, and said, "Although the whiskey here is not as good as Xiaofei's, it can still be imported."

Fu Hua took the wine glass and said, "Why is Xiao Fei missing recently? I don't know what I'm doing?"

Fu Hua still had a trace of concern for Xiao Fei in his heart. He really had no temper with this woman. After that vigorous kiss, the woman withdrew like a okay person. During this time, there was no news. I didn't even call again.

It seems that Xiao Fei's confession is just a vent of her own emotions, and it will be over after the vent, and it has nothing to do with Fu Hua.

Xiaofei did this, but Fu Hua couldn't let it go. Xiaofei had already caused ripples in his heart, and he couldn't stop this relationship like Xiaofei. But he didn't dare to call to ask about Xiaofei's current situation. Although he knew in his heart that the call would definitely be able to get through, he knew a little bit better in his heart that he was no longer qualified to provoke Xiaofei.

Sunan smiled and said: "I heard from my friends that her factory has already been sold, and she seems to be busy with something, but it seems that she doesn't want us friends to know before the busy schedule is completed."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Xiao Fei will definitely not be too tacky to play."

Su Nan took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "I sometimes envy Xiao Fei. She does what she wants to do. She is not bound by the world, and I can't do it. I always get trapped in the world. You must not get out."

This is the second time that Sunan has shown restlessness and impatience in front of him. It seems that with the official launch of the new airport project, he is increasingly feeling the crisis and cannot calm down.

Fu Hua looked at Sunan with a smile, and said, "Su Dong, don't you feel harsh when I say a word, how do I think you care too much about winning or losing the new airport project this time?"

Sunan smiled and said, "Do I have one?"

Fu Hua said: "Don't you? You are already in a state of trouble. If you are in this state, I'm afraid you will lose the battle if you haven't fought."

Sunan smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe, if I lose again this time, I will lose again and again. This is a big blow to me, so I must not lose this time."

Fu Hua laughed and said: "You have pushed yourself into an awkward situation. No big battle can be sure that your side has won before the war. You are forced to be yourself in this way."

Sunan said: "If you don't force it, it won't work. My coach has failed one after another. If this continues, the morale of our Zhendong Group will be greatly reduced."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Su Dong, you should understand where your group lost. This is a social problem, not a crime of war."

Sunan smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I understand where I failed, but you have to understand that the reason for my failure is the reason for my success in the first place."

Sunan knew very well that the reason why the Zhendong Group was able to achieve such a big success at the beginning was entirely under the cover of his father. At that time, Su Lao had a great influence, and many projects at that time did not require bidding. But now that his father has lost that kind of influence, and more influential figures have emerged one after another, the failure of Zhendong Group is hard to avoid. This time he intervened in the operation of the Haichuan New Airport project. He could no longer rely on his father’s influence to achieve success. He could only operate according to the prevailing methods. He wanted to obtain the project by blending with the principal. He also wanted to help Zhendong. The meaning of the group coming out on a new road.

Therefore, he can no longer fail this time. Failure means that Zhendong Group has no new way out and can no longer fight for large projects. It can only be declining in the course of maintenance. This is unacceptable for Sunan, who is arrogant.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Su Dong, have you ever thought about what if you succeed this time?"

Sunan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't think about this issue seriously. He just felt that if the exploration was successful this time, a new model would be formed, and he would just follow this new model in the future.

Sunan said: "If you succeed, just continue to do it, or what about it?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Actually, I can roughly guess your operation idea this time. You want to blend Xu Zheng to get this project through some private actions.

Sunan laughed and said, “I can’t do anything about it. Fu Hua, you don’t understand. The current bidding process looks fair on the surface, but in fact many of them are mere formalities. In order to win the bid, most companies are Just like me, unscrupulous, hackneyed, and do everything. The most important thing here is the principal. Everyone is trying to communicate with him. This is a common phenomenon in society, even those large state-owned enterprises. This is no exception. In order to win the bid these years, they have to adopt some ugly methods. Everyone is trying to survive, I think you should understand."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "This is probably the reason for your impetuous heart. You hate doing this in your heart, but you have to do it. In fact, your personality is not suitable for this."

What Sunan can’t conceal is the aura of a suave noble son, but for the sake of petty profits, he has to bend to seek the favor of those principals. If these people are changed to normal, he may not want to take a look. . So Fu Hua said he was not suitable for this.

Sunan smiled and said, "I don't want to, but for the survival of Zhendong Group, I have to do it."

Fu Hua said: "But it's not a way to go on like this, one day your character will make you unacceptable."

Sunan said: "If you can't accept it, you have to accept it. I can just quit, but a large crowd of people eat with me. If I leave, their situation may become very bad. These people were all in the first place. I joined Zhendong Group out of trust in me, and I have the responsibility to protect them. So Fu Hua, don’t look at me as the chairman of Zhendong Group. It seems awe-inspiring. In fact, this position means more responsibility. Not glory."

Fu Hua said: "But have you ever thought about finding a sustainable development method? I have dealt with Chen Che of Ronghong Group. I think he is following a path of sustainable development, and he also has competition. But that kind of competition relies on real strength, not on the energy of operation below the table."

Sunan said: "I have also studied Chen Che's Ronghong Group. The path he took is not easy to imitate. Although he does OEM for people, his own technology is very high. I want to change to his. It looks very difficult."

Fu Hua said: "I'm just taking Chen Che as an analogy. You can also think about other directions. I just don't think you can rely on the blending of relationships. I think taking advantage of the strength of your Zhendong Group China’s economic strength, hurry up and consider transformation."

Sunan sighed and said, "Transformation requires serious consideration, but the most important thing to consider right now is to win your new airport project. I remember the last time you told me that Xu Zheng is not credible. It seems that you are right. Am I still skeptical about winning this project?"

Fu Hua said: "You also know what happened to me some time ago. The development afterwards shows that Xu Zheng wanted to fix me. In fact, I have never figured out why Xu Zheng had such a big opinion on me. The director of the Beijing Office has done a very good job. In terms of investment promotion, I brought Ronghong Group to Haichuan. In terms of project approval, I dare not say that it would not be approved without my new airport project, but at least I dare to say that I did not have this project. I won’t approve it so quickly. But I just can’t satisfy Xu Zheng. Someone told me that Xu Zheng had an opinion on me because he wanted to meet Chen Che. I didn’t arrange it for him. The Governor’s Guo Kui’s criticism. This is the root of the disaster. From then on, he tried his best to attack me. But he needed me to do a lot of things. It made him chase me away, and he didn’t chase me away. No, I feel very upset anyway. You see, just a small thing that made Xu Zheng hold a grudge against me for so long, thinking about you, I think you should not be optimistic."