
Chapter 269: Isn't this slap me in the face?


In Beijing, Luo Yu has been left out in the cold by Gao Yue for a few days, and his heart is getting more and more uncomfortable. He really wants to have a way to make Gao Yue forgive him, but Gao Yue always looks serious when he sees him. To say a few more words, even if he was apologizing, Gao Yue just turned his head and left, not giving him a chance at all. Luo Yu knew that going on like this was not a way, and the longer the time was, the greater the distance between him and Gao Yue would be. He loved Gao Yue and didn't want to lose her like this.

When he got off work in the evening, Luo Yu followed Gao Yue and watched Gao Yue return to the dormitory. He was about to close the door, so he rushed over to prevent Gao Yue from closing the door.

Gao Yue saw that Luo Yu was anxious, and shouted, "Luo Yu, what do you want to do?"

Luo Yu leaned against the door dejectedly, and said, "Gao Yue, even if you want to punish me, shouldn't you punish me enough these days?"

Gao Yue said: "Who punishes you? You go away, I'm going to close the door."

Luo Yu cried out in pain: "Gao Yue! How can you forgive me? You said, what do you want me to do?"

The past few days have not been well for Gao Yue, she still likes Luo Yu in her heart, but Luo Yu has always been so mad at her when she first came to the Beijing Office to get drunk, which made her unforgivable for her lover's cautious eye.

Gao Yue said: "Luo Yu, I don't need you to do anything, just leave it for me now."

Luo Yu said: "I know I was wrong, and I am willing to correct it, but why don't you forgive me?"

Seeing that Luo Yu did not intend to leave, Gao Yue had no choice but to go to the bedside and sit down. Luo Yu closed the door and walked over to be next to Gao Yue, saying: "Yue, you forgive me, I will next time Don't dare anymore."

Gao Yue smiled bitterly and said, "Luo Yu, it's not that I forgive or not forgive you. It's that you don't trust me at all. I think I have explained it to you. I and Director Fu are innocent. Yes, what you said is an insult to me. I can't think of how to get along with someone who doesn't believe in himself."

Luo Yu said: "I regretted that I was dying when that sentence was said. I was really wicked that day. I didn't know what to say. I'm sorry. Yue, you forgive me this time. I promise I won't dare again next time. , I swear, if I mention this again, I will be hit by a car if I go out."

Gao Yue was not completely moved by Luo Yu's swearing. She said: "Luo Yu, you don't have to swear by a swear. I think our relationship has progressed a bit too quickly. I found that you have changed a lot during this period of time. Like people, maybe we need to calm down for a while, give each other a space, and think about our relationship."

Luo Yu was anxious and said, "Yue, don't do this. I admit that my heart is a little gloomy, but the reason why I think so is because I love you, and I am nervous to make you like this. It's like I treat you wholeheartedly. Similarly, I hope you will treat me wholeheartedly. I know that I am wrong. I will never do this again."

Gao Yue said: "I treat you wholeheartedly, but you always suspect me, you always don't believe me."

Luo Yu said: "I already knew that I was wrong."

Speaking, Luo Yu stretched out his hand to take Gao Yue's shoulder, and wanted to take Gao Yue into his arms and kiss. Gao Yue didn't give in, but turned her head aside.

Luo Yu knew that if Gao Yue's heart could not be restored this time, the next time would be even more difficult. Seeing Gao Yue's appearance, he let go of Gao Yue, thumped and knelt down in front of Gao Yue, and said:" Yue, I kneel down for you, please forgive me."

Gao Yue was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Luo Yu to kneel down in front of her. She hurriedly reached out to La Luo Yu and said, "Luo Yu, get up."

Luo Yu said, "I won't get up unless you forgive me."

Gao Yue pulled hard, but Luo Yu just couldn't get up. She was a little helpless. After all, she still had Luo Yu in her heart. She sighed and said, "My friend, okay, I forgive you."

Luo Yu looked at Gao Yue and said, "Are you really willing to forgive me?"

Gao Yue said, "Well, I said I forgive you. Get up quickly and let others see what it looks like."

Luo Yu just stood up, sat next to Gao Yue, took Gao Yue into her arms again, bowed her head to kiss, Gao Yue was still a little awkward, turned her head and wanted to hide, Luo Yu was anxious, and said:" Yue, you still didn’t forgive me."

Gao Yue sighed, did not hide, let Luo Yu kiss. At the beginning, Gao Yue was still a little stiff, her eyes closed slightly, her expression blank, and there was no enthusiastic response. She was still undecided whether she really wanted to forgive Luo Yu.

Luo Yu knew that he still needed to work harder, and his kiss was even more provocative...

After the peak, Luo Yu suddenly felt a guilty conscience inexplicably. He felt that he was losing the initiative in this relationship. He had a feeling of being controlled by Gao Yue, although he still loved Gao Yue and didn’t want to give up. Gao Yue, but this feeling of being controlled is really not very good, and his heart is even more uncomfortable than before he reconciled with Gao Yue.

Gao Yue saw that Luo Yu hadn't spoken for a long time after he was done, and asked: "Yu, what are you thinking about."

Luo Yu concealed a smile and said: "Yue, I am thinking about the happiness you gave me, and I will cherish it even more in the future."

Gao Yue smiled and said, "Well, as long as you don't be suspicious in the future, it's fine."

Luo Yu said: "It will definitely not happen."

Gao Yue said, "Actually, you have misunderstood Director Fu. This time we were awkward. He said that I was here. He said that you are already the deputy director. I want to save you more face and don't slap you again. Rain, is it a painful hit then?"

Gao Yue originally wanted to bring up this matter to let Luo Yu know that Fu Hua was very upholding him, but she did not hesitate that Fu Hua was originally the main reason for their quarrel. The kind tone is another great stimulus for Luo Yu. Luo Yu secretly scolded Fu Hua for the lingering spirit, but as soon as he recovered Gao Yue, he naturally didn't dare to criticize Fu Hua for angering Gao Yue, so he smiled and said, "I should be beaten, and it should be a little bit painful. "

Gao Yue hugged Luo Yu tightly and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong to beat you."

Luo Yu also hugged Gao Yue tightly, and said, "Yue, it's still not good for me. I won't annoy you again in the future."

Gao Yue kissed Luo Yu and said with a smile: "Let's not say who is right and who is wrong, just take good care of each other in the future."

Luo Yu nodded and hugged Gao Yue more tightly. In his heart he was happy to save Gao Yue, but at the same time he believed that Fu Hua was the main cause of all this, and he became even more dissatisfied with Fu Hua in his heart.

Haitong Bus came to a halt due to the accident of Gaofeng and Xinjie, especially the Auto City project that Gaofeng vigorously developed. Because the prospects of Haitong Bus itself were not clear, the merchants stationed in them withdrew one after another, and the entire Auto City project came to an end. The automobile city was empty, and I saw it became an empty city, and some buildings were parked there before they were all completed, and scaffolding and construction materials were messed up everywhere.

Gaofeng's Baihe Group was brought in by Xu Zheng, and the Auto City was placed there like this, which is equivalent to putting Xu Zheng's mistakes there. People in Haichuan talked about the meeting when they saw the Auto City. They said that Mayor Qu Wei was cautious and reluctant to accept the cooperation with Baihe Group because he had doubts about Baihe Group. But now Mayor Xu is eager for quick success and quick profit, and he came up with Gao Feng. A cooperation agreement was reached, which resulted in such a mess.

Xu Zheng also heard some comments more or less, and couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart, annoyed that these people didn't see their own achievements, but only saw their own mistakes. I have made great achievements in introducing the second-phase investment of Ronghong Group and fighting for the new airport project, but people don’t say these things, and specifically go to expose their own scars.

However, Xu Zheng also had to admit that the unfinished Motor City had a bad impression on the public, and he was eager to figure out a way to get rid of this eye-catching mistake as soon as possible.

Zhang Lin, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, also felt that it is not a good idea to always put an unfinished Auto City there. Many enthusiastic citizens reported this situation to the Municipal Party Committee, saying that the Auto City is like a scar on the face of Haichuan City. This has affected the appearance of Haichuan City, and the city is required to deal with this scar as soon as possible.

Therefore, at the secretary meeting, Zhang Lin brought up the matter. He said to Xu Zheng: “Old Xu, it’s not okay for the Auto City project to be placed there like this. Many citizens have a problem with our city. Opinion."

Xu Zheng glanced at Zhang Lin, and asked Zhang Lin what did you want to do? Do you want to expose my scars? He felt awkward and said with a strong smile: "Secretary Zhang, I also know that this is not the way to go, but there is no good solution at the moment."

Qin Tun, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, said: “But I can’t help but deal with it. The Auto City is located in the conspicuous central area of Haichuan City. Every time I pass by, I see a mess. It is conceivable what the citizens who live around will think. If it is not allowed to continue like this, the opinions of the citizens will become bigger and bigger."

Zhang Lin said: "Yes, when I saw it, I was also very awkward. It was originally a golden area. It shouldn't be done like this. Old Xu, do you see if the city has mobilized the forces of all parties? Suggestions and suggestions to deal with this area as soon as possible?"

Xu Zheng felt even more awkward. He asked what you are going to do. Do you unite to deal with me? Wasn't I mobilizing the power of the whole city to inform the whole city of my mistakes? Isn't this hitting me in the face

However, Zhang Lin cooperated well with Xu Zheng’s work during this period. Many of Xu Zheng’s work was supported by Zhang Lin. Although Xu Zheng felt awkward, he still believed that Zhang Lin was out of work considerations. It wasn't against him, but Qin Tun was different. This guy obviously echoed Zhang Lin to target himself.