
Chapter 279: Make you so cool


For Liu Kang and Wu Wen, it is time for them to fulfill what they promised Xu Zheng.

Liu Kang looked at Wu Wen and said, "Xiao Wen, Xu is the guest of honor tonight, and he will definitely ask you to fulfill your promise."

Wu Wen smiled bitterly and said, "I know, godfather, don't worry, I won't escape."

Liu Kang was a little bit reluctant, and said: "Xiaowen, now we have won the bid anyway, even if you regret it, Xu Zheng can't do anything to us. At most, I can compensate him a little bit more in terms of money. Or I can turn back. Just tell Xu Zheng that you don’t want to, and let this matter go."

Wu Wen shook her head and said, "Godfather, although I am a daughter, I am the one who speaks the word, not worse than a man. Besides, Xu Zheng is the commander-in-chief of the construction of the new airport. If he wants to embarrass us, he will definitely do it. There are many ways and opportunities. I don’t think you would be willing to win the project but can’t carry out the construction smoothly, right?"

Liu Kang has done a lot of projects, and he understands that the project owner has many ways to make it difficult for the construction party. This is why Xu Zheng dared to delay them until the project won the bid and fulfill their promises.

Liu Kang said: "But I feel as uncomfortable as if I had eaten a fly. I knew this was the case. It's better to let that guy from Sunan win the bid."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "Godfather, I know you are reluctant to bear me, but it's really no big deal."

Liu Kang sighed and said, "I asked you to wash your hands in the golden basin, just because I didn’t want you to do that kind of thing again. To this day, I let you do this kind of unwilling thing. It's really the first time to do this kind of self-slap in the face."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Okay, godfather, this is my volition, and you are not forcing me to do so. Okay. At this time, you should think more about the happy things. Anyway, we still take the project. It's down."

Liu Kang said, "Okay, let's do it now. But I am not so good at calculations. Just let Xu Zheng wait. I will let him know who I am Liu. You are going to prepare the dinner party. , I'm going back to the room first."

Liu Kang left, Wu Wen sat there, not moving for a long time. Although Wu Wen said in front of Liu Kang that she could accept Xu Zheng, she pretended to not make Liu Kang uneasy. After all, Liu Kang was kind to her. She was a person who knew how to be grateful. She repayed Liu Kang.

Wu Wen was also panicked in her heart. She didn't dislike Xu Zheng's appearance. Xu Zheng's appearance was ordinary, neither ugly nor handsome. When she was an oiran, she met more than ten times more guests than Xu Zhengchou. What she disliked was the method Xu Zheng used. She was forced to go to Xu Zheng's bed, which made her feel forced. In fact, it can't be regarded as compulsion. Wu Wen smiled bitterly in her heart, and she agreed with it. If she really wants to talk about it, she can only be regarded as a succumb.

Wu Wen suddenly wanted to find someone to talk to, but who to talk to? She thought for a long time, but she couldn't find anyone to talk to, and she couldn't help but feel even more lonely.

In fact, it's not that there are no people. Wu Wen still thinks of a person, this person will definitely listen to her, but this person is the last person she wants to tell him about this matter.

Wu Wen gave a wry smile, this god can really make fun of people.

After sitting for a long time, Wu Wen still dialed Fu Hua's phone, maybe she will be Xu Zheng's bedman tonight. She wanted to listen to Fu Hua's voice at this time, so that she would feel better, and then she would have the courage to be Feng Fu again.

Fu Hua answered the phone and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, it's been a long time since I received your call. How are you doing recently?"

This guy's laughter was still so hearty, and Wu Wen felt sore in her heart. It would be great if everyone in this world was as sunny as Fu Hua, but the people she met repeatedly were people with gloomy psychology.

Seeing that Wu Wen hadn't spoken for a long time, Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment and said, "What's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

Wu Wen realized her gaffe, forced a smile, and said: "It's nothing, I'm not bad, how are you in Beijing?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I'm fine. I often hear friends from Haichuan in Beijing say that your business is getting better and better, and it's prosperous, so happy for you."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Does Director Fu care about me?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Of course, you are my friend."

Wu Wen was touched again. This is a true friend. Even if there is not much direct contact between each other, she always cares about each other in private.

Seeing that Wu Wen stopped talking, Fu Hua smiled and asked, "Mr. Wu, what happened to you today? Why are you a little weird? Did something happen?"

This Fu Hua is really sensitive. He guessed that something happened to him. Wu Wen didn’t want Fu Hua to know why she called him. She hurriedly smiled and said, “No, how could I be weird, it’s just that we haven’t I contacted, but I couldn't find anything to tell you."

Fu Hua laughed and said, "Yes, we haven't contacted for a long time. Is there anything you want to do with me this time?"

Yes, what do you want to say when you call Fu Hua? Wu Wen couldn't find a reason for a while.

Seeing Wu Wen pause again, Fu Hua smiled and said, "It seems that I really want to talk to you on the phone from time to time, otherwise what our friend is doing is really strange."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "You only know that, that's it. I called you to tell you the good news. My godfather's company won the bid for our Haichuan New Airport project."

Wu Wen couldn't find what she wanted to say for a while, so she told the most immediate thing.

This was the first time Wu Wen mentioned her godfather's company in front of Fu Hua. She used to be mysterious and refused to reveal more about her godfather.

Another thing that surprised Fu Hua was that when Godfather Wu Wen’s company showed up, it turned out to have won the bid for the Haichuan New Airport project. The strength of this company was so great that it defeated Sunan’s Zhendong Group.

Although Wu Wen has not mentioned the name of her godfather company, Fu Hua is sure that Wu Wen's godfather will never be Sunan. For one thing, Sunan has never been contaminated with Fengyue place, and secondly, the background of Sunan is also acceptable. Don't let him play the grey set of godfather Wu Wen.

Unexpectedly, Sunan tried so hard to lose the election. Fu Hua couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "That's really congratulations. I didn't expect your godfather's company to be so powerful, it can beat the Zhendong Group in the south of Jiangsu."

Wu Wen was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Do you know Sunan?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Yes, I introduced Sunan to Mayor Xu."

Thinking that Sunan got acquainted with Xu Zheng and yet failed, this Wu Wen's godfather is really extraordinary, and Fu Hua couldn't help being more curious about the origins of Wu Wen's godfather.

He then asked: "Hey, Mr. Wu, what is your godfather, why are you so powerful?"

Wu Wen smiled bitterly in her heart, and said to her heart: If you know how he can defeat Sunan, I'm afraid he won't think how powerful he is.

Wu Wen didn't want to tell the truth, she said vaguely: "It's nothing. He was selected by Haichuan City to win the bid. I don't know the specific situation too much."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Your godfather went to Haichuan, then Mr. Wu will be even more powerful. It seems that you are going to have a great future."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Fu Hua, do I value career so much in your eyes?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I don't know what to say, anyway, you are a strong woman with a strong opinion in my eyes."

Wu Wenxin said, I would rather be a little woman cared by a man, especially by you, but is this possible? I knew a long time ago that I was on a path of no return, but now I just bite the bullet and hold it to the end.

Wu Wen smiled and said: "I can't expect you to think of me like this."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's not that I saw you, but that you are such a woman who refuses to admit defeat."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "Okay, let me talk about what I have become. Okay, I will tell you about this. If I have time, I will come back to Haichuan. Don’t marry a wife in Beijing, just forget Haichuan’s talent. It's your hometown."

Fu Hua said: "Okay, congratulations to you and your godfather."

Wu Wen hung up the phone. Although she didn't talk about any substantive content in this conversation with Fu Hua, the tough side of Wu Wen returned, and she felt that she could face everything.

Xu Zheng, I haven't seen any scenes before, don't you want me? Okay, I'll give it to you. Not only will I give it to you, but I will also take care of you with all my abilities, so that you can be refreshed and let you know that my name as an oiran is not for nothing.

But after that, you won't be able to escape from my palm, depending on how I want to manipulate you. Thinking of this, Wu Wen flashed a cold light in her eyes. You know, it is terrible for a woman to hate someone.

In the evening, the banquet hall of Xiling Hotel was brightly lit. The men were dressed in suits and ties; the ladies were dressed in gorgeous evening gowns with jewels. Celebrities from both the municipal and commercial circles of Haichuan gather here. The successful bidder of the Haichuan New Airport Project, Kangsheng Group, held a celebration reception here to entertain the relevant leaders of the Haichuan Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government and celebrities from the Haichuan Municipal Government.

The dinner is a self-help format, where guests gather in twos and threes and talk to each other. The waiter moved back and forth among the crowd holding a cup of wine.

Wu Wen in a black evening dress was glamorous, and Liu Kang, who was accompanied by a suit and leather shoes, stood at the door of the banquet hall with a smile to welcome guests.

Qin Tun, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, arrived. He saw Wu Wen, who was so gorgeous, his eyes were a little straight, and he swallowed secretly. He said he didn't know what kind of man would be blessed to enjoy this stunner.

Qin Tun came to Xiling Hotel for dinner, so Wu Wen met him with a smile and said, "Welcome to you, Deputy Secretary Qin."