
Chapter 286: Bad signs


Xu Zheng said that it is still very good in a certain community in the west of Haichuan City. The well-decorated house has a quiet and fresh environment and is very suitable for living.

Liu Kang immediately bought a house for Wu Wen in the community requested by Xu Zheng. The house was well-decorated. Simply tidy up, buy electrical furniture and so on, and Wu Wen moved in.

That night, Xu Zheng asked the driver to take him to the neighborhood of this community and get off the car, and sneaked into the community to meet Wu Wen. At the appointed time in the early morning, he was picked up by the driver near the community again. This has become a safe place for him and Wu Wen to have a tryst.

Next, Kangsheng Group signed a project contract with the new airport construction headquarters, and the construction of the new airport began vigorously.

Haisheng Real Estate and Kangsheng Group also signed a project subcontracting agreement, and some of the civil works of the new airport were handed over to Haisheng Real Estate for construction. Zheng Sheng is really convinced by Liu Kang now, and he has done everything he confessed to Liu Kang with all his heart and soul.

The people in some villages around the new airport originally thought that the project was settled next to their village, and the contractor was the Beijing Kangsheng Group. They were outsiders with no foundation in Haichuan. They had no choice but to get from the new airport and Kangsheng. The group took a few bites of meat to eat. Although this is a project in the city, it is believed that the city will turn a blind eye. So many people came to the door for one reason or another, hoping that the Kangsheng Group would give them some benefits.

For these people, Liu Kang received them with a smile. After asking the other party's requirements, he asked the other party to find Zheng Sheng of Haisheng Real Estate, saying that he believed that Zheng Sheng would be able to give them a satisfactory answer.

Of course, these local people know Zheng Sheng well. They know that Zheng Sheng is also involved in the new airport project. No one has the courage to fight Zheng Sheng’s autumn wind. They have to leave desperately, and no one will harass the project. It's going on.

The project is in full swing.

After Fu Hua learned from Wu Wen that Sunan’s bid was unsuccessful, he wanted to call Sunan to ask about the situation. He knew that Sunan attaches great importance to the new airport project. This failure must be a big deal to him. Blow. But after another thought, I felt inappropriate. Sunan was a very arrogant person. It seemed that he didn't have the qualifications to comfort him.

Fu Hua called Ding Yi, who is in Haichuan Tianhe Real Estate, and asked about the company that won the bid for the new airport project. Ding Yi didn’t know much about it. He just knew that the bidding company was from Beijing, and it was called Kangsheng Group. Director The long name is Liu Kang.

Speaking of this, Ding Yi said: "By the way, Brother Fu, you should be more familiar with Liu Kang than I am. There seems to be a deep relationship between Liu Kang and Wu Wen. The Kangsheng Group is now working in Xiling Hotel."

Fu Hua said: "I just know that Liu Kang is Wu Wen's godfather, and I don't know anything else."

Ding Yi said: "It turned out to be so, but it seems that the citizens of Haichuan have a good impression of this bidding. Everyone thinks that Xu Zheng's work has been done fairly and fairly, and has received a lot of praise."

Fu Hua smiled. People only saw what was on the surface. They didn't know what happened under the countertop. Looking at this matter for now, Fu Hua can be sure that Xu Zheng and Liu Kang are not the kind of authentic gentlemen. He is skeptical that Liu Kang can defeat Zhendong Group by virtue of his real strength, although he and Liu Kang I have never met, but based on the people of Liu Kang who Wu Wen met when he saved him, this Liu Kang is definitely not a law-abiding man, and he has been in Beijing for a long time. Never heard of the name of Kangsheng Group.

To say that a nameless company can defeat the well-known Zhendong Group, if there is no trick, he would not believe that it would be killed.

However, Fu Hua is not good at praising Xu Zheng in front of Ding Yi. After all, Xu is his immediate boss, and some words are inconvenient to tell these friends.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Okay, I'll understand the situation with you, I'm going to hang up."

Ding Yi said, "Eh, Brother Fu, don't hurry to hang up. You haven't been back to Haichuan for a long time. My father talked about you a few days ago. Don't forget about your hometown when you marry a daughter-in-law. ."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Don't talk nonsense, I just can't get away from work. You told your father that when I played golf with Director Jia Haojia a few days ago, Director Jia mentioned him and said that he I haven't been to Beijing for a long time, and I miss him a lot. Now he doesn't let you do everything? You tell him not to be bored at home. When will he come to Beijing for a walk."

Ding Yi smiled and said, "Although my father has handed over the job to me now, he still feels uneasy about me. He still wants to keep an eye on the company for a while. After all, this company was founded by him. It is difficult for a while. Can be put down."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then you can give him a message for me, so that all my friends in Beijing miss him."

Ding Yi smiled and said, "Okay, I will take the words to you."

On the weekend, Fu Hua and Zhao Ting returned to Zhao Kai's house for dinner. Zhao Miao and Zhang Feng went out on a date. Only Zhao Kai and his wife were at home.

After eating, Fu Hua followed Zhao Kai to the study. The nanny made tea for the two of them and walked out.

Fu Hua took a sip of tea, and then said, "Dad, do you still remember that I was deceived by Yang Jun?"

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Why don't I remember, you guys were so good at that time, and my 16 million cheque was placed in front of you, and you didn't even give me a good face."

Fu Hua laughed and said, "I am not honestly included by you now?"

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "Did you have been included by me? You know how to bring up this matter again, and is there something wrong? Shouldn't it, didn't the matter end neatly? "

Fu Hua said: "There is no tail left behind, but the person who helped me at the time has now surfaced."

Zhao Kai was taken aback for a moment and said, "You mean the godfather of the woman who helped you?"

Fu Hua nodded and said, "I was not good at telling you at the dinner table just now, I'm afraid Xiaoting will think too much about this woman."

Zhao Kai said, "That's true. It's better not to let her know about this kind of thing. Did that woman's godfather ask you to do something?"

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "It's not true, but now this person has appeared on the ground in Haichuan. His name is Liu Kang, who is the chairman of Kangsheng Group."

Zhao Kai was surprised and said: "Liu Kang, that woman's godfather is Liu Kang?"

Fu Hua said, "Yes, Dad, you know this person."

Zhao Kai said: "Yes, I know this person, but I know that he was not after you were deceived by Yang Jun. It was because this guy took a big deal from our Tonghui Group. Originally, we and each other I have already stated all the conditions and waited for the signing, but this guy suddenly jumped in and snatched the business away. I was a little uneasy at the time, saying that Liu Kang's nationality was unknown, and he even provoke us. Tonghui Group wanted to find a chance to fight this Liu Kang, but after a friend of mine knew about this, he talked to me specially. He knew Liu Kang and knew how Liu Kang got married. This is a Anyone who doesn’t follow the rules and walks all the way will be rewarded. Benefits come first. You can do anything for the benefit. Advise me not to provoke him. If I really want to fight him, I will be in trouble in the future. Up."

Fu Hua said: "It turns out that this person is like this."

Zhao Kai said: "Yes, I thought about it, and I think it's better for such a person to be less provoked. If this business is not done, I will do the next business, so I gave up the idea of revenge against him. You said he went to Haichuan. , What is he doing to Haichuan?"

Fu Hua said: "He defeated Sunan as soon as he shot and won the bid for our Haichuan new airport project."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "I'm not surprised. That person from Sunan is a gentleman, he is not Liu Kang's opponent."

Fu Hua said: "But I was very surprised. Originally, Sunan was sure to win in front of me."

Zhao Kai laughed and said, "I thought I was in a good position to win the business that Liu Kang snatched from me. Liu Kang has this ability, otherwise he would not have been able to help you."

Fu Hua said, "That's true."

Zhao Kai said: "If you ask what he is doing, I can tell you that this kind of person is too dangerous. Don't provoke him."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I didn't mean to provoke him. I just wondered why Kangsheng Group won the bid for the Haichuan New Airport project. Why have I never heard of them? I just want to know about their situation with you. ."

Zhao Kai said: "You don’t know. My friend told me that Liu Kang seems to know the way of keeping a low profile. He only focuses on reality and does not use fame. Therefore, not many people in Beijing know their strength, even Few people have even heard of the name of their company. This time it is estimated that Sunan didn't take him seriously, so he would have missed it."

Fu Hua said: "It turns out to be like this."

Zhao Kai said, "Fu Hua, do you know who selected Liu Kang in your city this time?"

Fu Hua said: "I am not very clear about the specific situation, but the current commander in chief of the airport construction headquarters is Xu Zheng."

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "That won't be bad, Xu Zheng must be bought by Liu Kang. But this time Xu Zheng may be dead, and he doesn't inquire about Liu Kang in detail. He dares to cooperate with anyone. what."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "What's wrong, is Liu Kang so scary?"

Zhao Kai said: "This Liu Kang is so terrible. According to my friends, he is a catastrophe. Many people who provoke him are unlucky afterwards. They say that he robbed me of my business. The boss who ran to work with him finally paid a mess. Later, he was audited for a lot of problems and went to jail. Liu Kang was scheming to protect himself and retired. This may be why he is doing this. One of the reasons for the low-key, he is so bad, if he is so high-key, maybe he would be unlucky long ago."