
Chapter 288: Startled in a cold sweat


Fu Hua knew that Lin Xi had no talents, so it was not surprising to say that to him. He turned his head and looked at Luo Yu and said, "Where are you, Ronaldo?"

Luo Yu also frowned and said, "Dr. Fu, this matter is really difficult to handle. I met some friends in Beijing and told them about our Auto City project, but almost no one was willing to take it. This mess."

Fu Hua said: "Then what should we do? The city still uses our Beijing office as a dish. We can't just sit and wait. We must find a solution as soon as possible. Two of you, you have to work harder and mobilize more friends. , We need to look for it from many sources. As long as there is a slight possibility, we must do our best to fight for it, just like we fought for Chen Che of Ronghong Group.

Lin Xi and Luo Yu both nodded and said, "Okay."

Fu Hua said: "Then we should all work hard. If we find any suitable merchants, don't worry about the other party's reluctance. Let us study together to see if there is any way to win the other party."

The two agreed, went out, and started to contact their friends to see if they knew anyone who might take over the Auto City project.

A few days later, Zhang Lin presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. After the meeting, Zhang Lin stopped Li Tao and said, "Old Li, come to my office. I have something to tell you. ."

Xu Zhengxu was packing things. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked at Zhang Lin. He couldn't help but put a question mark in his heart. What can Zhang Lin do with Li Tao

After Zhang Lin finished speaking, he turned and left the conference room, without seeing Xu Zheng's eyes looking at him.

Li Tao packed up his things and said with a smile to Xu Zheng: "Mayor Xu, I will go and see what Secretary Zhang is asking for me."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Go."

Li Tao followed Zhang Lin into the office, and the secretary came in, poured tea for the two of them, and walked out.

Zhang Lin looked at Li Tao and said, "Old Li, we have been working together for a long time."

Li Tao smiled and said, "Yes, when Comrade Qu Wei was the mayor, we were already colleagues, and it has been so many years."

Speaking of these, Li Tao inevitably felt a little emotional in his heart. Zhang Lin was still younger than himself, and unexpectedly came to the top and became his own leader.

At that time, Zhang Lin was the deputy secretary and Li Tao was the deputy mayor. Although the two were colleagues, they didn’t communicate much with each other. They were both deputy at that time, and there was a rift between their immediate bosses, so naturally they couldn’t leave. Get too close to avoid making your boss suspect that you have other ambitions.

Zhang Lin said: "Yeah, I really don't think, time flies so fast."

Li Tao looked at Zhang Lin. He couldn't figure out what medicine Zhang Lin was selling in the gourd, so he asked: "Secretary Zhang, you said you want to ask me something, what's the matter?"

Zhang Lin said, "Old Li, I didn't really want to ask about this matter, but it's a big deal. After thinking about it for a long time, I think it's better to get to know you in private."

Seeing that Zhang Lin was so serious, Li Tao sat upright and said, "Secretary Zhang, just ask if you have anything to do."

Zhang Lin said: "Old Li, you have participated in the whole process of bidding for the new airport project. I would like to ask, what is your impression of the winning Kangsheng Group?"

Although Zhang Lin severely criticized Fu Hua when Fu Hua pointed out that the Kangsheng Group might have problems, it does not mean that he did not accept Fu Hua’s reaction at all. In fact, he listened to Fu Hua's mention very seriously. Every word of Kangsheng Group.

Zhang Lin criticized Fu Hua because he didn't want to create an illusion for Fu Hua, thinking that he could use himself to attack Xu Zheng. In a city, the relationship between the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee is very delicate. A little carelessness can cause great conflict between the two. Zhang Lin believes in separation of powers and checks and balances. He believes that the responsibilities of the secretary of the municipal party committee are party and personnel affairs, while Xu Zheng’s responsibilities are economic construction. He does not intend to cross the border to claim power. He hopes that he and Xu Zheng Can each manage their own share, divide labor and cooperate, and do a good job in Haichuan City. Therefore, he didn't want to hear anything bad about Xu Zheng from his subordinates, especially since there were almost open conflicts between this subordinate and Xu Zheng.

Zhang Lin can help Fu Hua in some ways, because he felt that Xu Zheng did something wrong in the dispute between Xu Zheng and Fu Hua. This does not mean that he has opinions on Xu Zheng. No one is perfect, and the leader is also The same, so it is understandable that some things happened. As long as the mainstream is good.

On the premise of not openly conflicting with Xu Zheng, Zhang Lin can properly defend Fu Hua. But he couldn't accept Fu Hua's publicly critical fault of Xu Zheng in front of him. When he took over as secretary of the municipal party committee, he never criticized Xu Zheng in public or private. This is because fundamentally speaking, he wants to be a competent secretary of the municipal party committee, and a competent secretary of the municipal party committee should unite with the mayor.

So Zhang Lin severely criticized Fu Hua, and even hung up the phone when Fu Hua kept talking.

But on the other hand, Zhang Lin has a certain understanding of Fu Hua. He knew that Fu Hua would not doubt the winning Kangsheng Group for no reason. This is a comrade who is capable and responsible. With a question mark, why does Fu Hua feel that there is a problem with Kangsheng Group

However, we cannot rush to investigate the Kangsheng Company. Xu Zheng’s bidding for the Haichuan New Airport project was highly praised by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. He believed that this time the bidding was carried out in strict accordance with national laws and regulations. The whole process is fair, open and transparent, and it has set a good example for the bidding activities of Donghai Province, and it is worth learning from other engineering projects in Donghai Province. In this case, it is even more untimely to investigate the Kangsheng Group. This is another reason why Zhang Lin severely criticized Fu Hua. If you are unanimously optimistic about Xu Zheng, you will not only fail to harm Xu Zheng, but also fear that On the contrary, it will cause dissatisfaction from leaders at all levels. Zhang Lin's words are very heavy, just don't want Fu Hua to blend in any more. If he continues to participate, it will not help but endanger Fu Hua himself. Zhang Lin's criticism of Fu Hua is actually Zhang Lin's protection of Fu Hua in disguised form.

However, Zhang Lin dare not take it lightly when it comes to such a large project. If something goes wrong, the consequences are really disastrous. Most of it was the blood and sweat of Haichuan citizens, and Zhang Lin didn't want it to become a gluttonous feast for some criminals. He felt that it was necessary to touch the bottom of the Kangsheng Group in private to see how sacred this company was.

But it's okay if you don't know the bottom line. Zhang Lin's heart is even more bottomless. He found several friends in the Beijing business community and wanted to find out about the qualifications and credit status of the Kangsheng Group. The result was far beyond his expectations. Besides, none of my friends knew about the Kangsheng Group, let alone being able to clarify the specific situation of the Kangsheng Group. You must know that these friends of yours in Beijing's business world are also people who are calling for trouble. They don't know this company. It can be seen that this company is really inconspicuous.

Zhang Lin was shocked in a cold sweat. In his mind, the company that can win the bid for the new airport project should be famous. How can it be a general unknown? What is the reason for the Kangsheng Group to win? Zhang Lin became more confused and asked a friend to help him obtain the industrial and commercial registration information of the Kangsheng Group. The registration information seemed quite satisfactory, but he did not feel that it was a powerful company. The doubts in Zhang Lin's heart were not cleared, and after deliberation, he decided to ask the person who handled the bidding to ask clearly.

Zhang Lin didn't want to ask Xu Zheng directly. Xu was the commander-in-chief of this project. No matter from which point of view, he had a close relationship with the choice of Kangsheng Group. When asked, he could only hear some excuses. At the same time, asking Xu Zheng about the situation of the winning bidder will also make Xu Zheng feel suspicious of him. Xu Zheng seems to be a very small-minded person. This will cause contradictions between the two and will not help solve the problem.

After thinking about it, Zhang Lin's gaze fell on Li Tao. As far as he understands, Li Tao still has a principled and righteous comrade who should be able to trust him, so he stayed after the meeting and asked him about the Kangsheng Group.

Li Tao never expected Zhang Lin to ask himself about the Kangsheng Group. He asked what he wanted to do? In Li Tao’s impression, Zhang Lin is very different from Sun Yong. Since taking office, Secretary Zhang has been a clear-cut support for the work of the municipal government and the mayor Xu Zheng, and has never interfered in matters under the jurisdiction of the municipal government. Yes, how come you suddenly asked about the bid-winning company of the Haichuan New Airport Project led by the municipal government? Could it be that Zhang Lin's performance some time ago was pretending to be himself? Now that he has found a firm foothold, he wants to intervene in the power

Thinking of this, Li Tao felt a little disgusted. He felt that just now because of the close cooperation between the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the economic construction of Haichuan has improved. This is really annoying to repeat the drama of discord. He looked at Zhang Lin and said, "Secretary Zhang, why do you suddenly remember to ask this?"

Zhang Lin saw that Li Tao was suspicious of him, and said, “Old Li, I’m not saying that there is something wrong with the Kangsheng Group. It’s just that I chatted with a few friends in Beijing a few days ago, and I talked to them. It is said that Beijing Kangsheng Company won the bid for our new airport project. I think they are in Beijing and they must know the situation of Kangsheng Group. The result is surprisingly that no friend knows this company. I was very surprised in my heart. , Shouldn’t it be a well-known company that can win the bid for a large project like ours in Haichuan? So I want to ask you about the situation, just to find out, there is no other meaning."