
Chapter 289: Change shotgun


Li Tao laughed and said, "It turned out to be like this. Let me tell you Secretary Zhang, Mayor Xu Zheng attaches great importance to the bidding work this time, and he does a lot of the work himself. I just paid attention to this Kangsheng company. The necessary qualifications, their qualifications in all aspects meet our requirements, so it is no problem to participate in the bidding.

Zhang Lin said: "Then why did we choose this company in the end? "

Li Tao said with a smile: "Comrade Xu Zheng had a very good impression of this company. When evaluating the bid, he commented that this company is strong and suitable for the Haichuan New Airport project. After the review, the review experts also agreed that Kangsheng Group The plan was the best, so we finally chose Kangsheng Group."

The bid issuer commented that a certain company is most suitable for the bidding project. Isn’t this a strong hint that the bid issuer’s intention is to let this company win the bid? Experts who know how to do it will naturally not deliberately fight against the bid issuing party who invited them. This is their food and clothing parents, and they don't want to lose their jobs.

Zhang Lin became more and more suspicious that the bidding was problematic. It seemed that Xu Zheng deliberately wanted the Kangsheng Group to win the bid.

Zhang Lin looked at Li Tao and said, "Old Li, what did you think of it at that time?"

Li Tao smiled and said: "This is led by Comrade Xu Zheng, and I am naturally the only one watching."

Zhang Lin saw that Li Tao seemed to have different opinions, so he smiled and said: "Old Li, this is a private conversation with us. You don't need to talk to me in this way, right?"

Li Tao smiled and said: "In fact, I personally think that another Zhendong Group is more suitable, and their bidding plan is also more suitable. But this is just a personal opinion, and I still respect the conclusion of the expert review."

Zhang Lin had heard of Zhendong Group in the process of inquiring about Kangsheng Group. Those friends all asked Zhang Lin that Zhendong Group was more famous in airport construction, and asked Zhang Lin Haichuan why he chose Zhendong Group instead of Zhendong Group. Kangsheng Group, it seems that Zhendong Group is recognized as a powerful company.

When Zhang Lin heard this, he generally understood the strangeness of the matter, but although he understood that there was a problem in this matter, Xu Zheng concealed the problem very well. The operations on the table were all compliant and legal, and he couldn’t. Investigate this more deeply, and you can't even question anything publicly.

But Zhang Lin was not reconciled to let the Kangsheng Group ruin the construction of the new airport, so he looked at Li Tao and said, “Old Li, the new airport is a key project in our city’s economic construction in recent years. Okay, the people of Haichuan City will point to your and my backbone and scold your mother. You are the deputy commander of the new airport construction headquarters. In the construction of the project, you should pay more attention to the quality of the project and strengthen quality supervision, you know?"

Zhang Lin is inconvenient to say anything about winning the bid, so he can only remind Li Tao, as Fu Hua reminded him, to strengthen quality management. Now there are many supervision measures on project construction. Maybe the quality management has been strengthened. Kangsheng Group can not take advantage of it. , There will be no problems with the project.

Li Tao nodded and said, "This is my duty. I will strengthen supervision of the construction."

Zhang Lin said: "Also, Lao Li, we are just a private conversation today. I don't want the content of this conversation to let a third person besides you and me know it, okay?"

Li Tao said: "Okay, I will keep it secret."

Zhang Lin said: "This is actually just my worry about this project, and it is probably superfluous, so I don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings because of this, and affect the unity with comrades."

Li Tao said: "I understand that Secretary Zhang, you are also very painstaking, because you don't want any problems with our new airport project."

Zhang Lin sighed and said, "Old Li, it’s good for you to understand me. Many people think that I, the secretary of the municipal party committee, have done a very good job. In fact, the position of secretary of the municipal party committee is more of a responsibility for me. I have the responsibility to manage these large and small affairs in Haichuan City. What really went wrong, I was the first to bear the brunt. So I need to think more about many things than others, and try to prevent problems before they happen."

Zhang Lin cast his gaze out of the window, and now Fu Hua's reaction was basically confirmed, which made his mood heavier involuntarily.

In Beijing, after another week of rushing on the weekend, Luo Yu still found nothing. Luo Yu couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He really wanted to get in touch with a merchant to pick up the Auto City project in Pan Haichuan.

After becoming the deputy director of the Beijing Office, Luo Yu felt that he needed to quickly make some achievements to show everyone, to prove that he, the deputy director of the Beijing Office, was not a corpse person like Lin Xi. At the same time, because of several conflicts with Gao Yue, although the two were reconciled in the end, Luo Yu’s heart to Fu Hua has formed. He felt that the reason Gao Yue was awkward with him was entirely because of A Fu Hua was there. Fu Hua’s identity and talents were stronger than him, and he was so depressed that he had no demeanor in Gao Yue’s eyes. Therefore, he was eager to make some achievements to prove to Gao Yue that he was not inferior to him. Fu Hua's. It is best to replace Fu Hua with this, so as not to get angry under his hands.

However, as the days passed, what Luo Yu could do was just deal with some daily chores. This was not a situation he was willing to accept. He wanted to be like Fu Hua back then. Once he came to the Beijing Office, he captured Chen Che's Ronghong Group and achieved impressive results. This also established Fu Hua's position in the eyes of the leaders of the municipal party committee. Several career crises have allowed him to get through smoothly without any danger.

Luo Yu knows very well that it is not that the city does not want to replace Fu Hua, but cannot find a candidate who can replace Fu Hua. If he wants to stabilize his position, or even replace Fu Hua in the future, he must first follow Fu. Hua's same results come.

Therefore, Luo Yu regarded the investment promotion of the Auto City project as an opportunity. Now Xu Zheng and Zhang Lin are both having a headache with this Auto City project. If he finds a merchant who can solve this problem, then he is in the leadership of the two of them. The status in his mind will definitely become very important soon.

However, things are easy to think of, but very difficult to do. The key is that Luo Yu has mobilized all his contacts and can't find a merchant who can take over.

Seeing the opportunity in front of him, but unable to show his ability, Luo Yu was naturally very awkward. In the morning, Gao Yue said he would go shopping and asked Luo Yu to accompany her. Luo Yu was not in the mood, so he said that he was not feeling well and could not accompany her.

Gao Yue saw that Luo Yu's face was indeed dark, and knew that he was upset about work these days, so she didn't force it, so she said to let Luo Yu take a good rest, and she went out by herself.

Luo Yu was bored alone in the dormitory, so he looked at the phone book of his mobile phone to see if there was anyone who might be able to help but hadn't contacted him. He was lucky. In fact, he had read his phone book many times these days, but he had called anyone who might be able to help.

After looking through it, Luo Yu still didn't find New World, so he sighed and threw the phone aside. He couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. Why didn't he have the luck that Fu Hua encountered Chen Che when he came to Beijing

This is the phone rang, Luo Yu picked it up and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number. Who is this? He connected the phone with doubts in his heart and said, "Hello, who?"

A man on the phone laughed and said, "Luo Luo, you still haven't changed your cell phone, I'm Wang Hong."

Luo Yu exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Wang Hong, where did you come from?"

Wang Hong was originally the office director of the Beijing Office of Luoqing City in Xijiang Province, a neighboring province of Donghai Province. At that time, the houses rented by the Beijing Office of Luoqing City and the Beijing Office of Haichuan lived next to each other. The office directors are similar in business and are away from home, so they often get together to drink and chat, and soon become a good pair of friends.

Later, Wang Hong was transferred back to the city of Luoqing to take up a post, and he left Beijing, causing people to cut contact.

Unexpectedly, this guy appeared today.

Wang Hong smiled and said: "I came to Beijing to do business and lived in our Beijing Office. I wanted to play with you. I didn't expect that your Beijing Office is no longer in the original place, so I wanted to beat you. I didn’t expect it to get through."

Luo Yu smiled and said, "How many years have passed, our Beijing Office has now built our own building."

Wang Hong said, "That's right, the shotgun has been changed."

Luo Yu said: "It's okay, Brother Wang, we haven't been in contact for many years. Come here, and our brothers will have a chat. I will invite you to dinner at our Beijing Office at noon."

Wang Hong said: "Alright, I also want to see how you are now, my brother."

Luo Yu told Wang Hong about the location of the Haichuan Building, and after a while, Wang Hong called.

Luo Yu welcomed Wang Hong to the Beijing Office's own office. Wang Hong looked at the nameplate of the deputy director on the door and said with a smile: "Is my brother now the deputy director of the Beijing Office?"

Luo Yu smiled and said, "An official the size of a sesame mung bean, it's not worth mentioning. Brother Wang, you have been back to Luoqing City for so many years. You must be in a very high position now?"

Wang Hong smiled and said: "It's not much better than my brother. I am now the director of investment promotion in our city, and my job is almost the same as before. Your environment is good here. It seems that you now have a very capable director. ."

Because the two Beijing offices lived next to each other at the beginning, Wang Hong is naturally familiar with the situation of Haichuan Beijing office, so he would say so.

Luo Yu said: "Yes, this building was built by the current director of our Beijing Office, but it is not funded by our Beijing Office, but there are also two cooperative units."