
Chapter 292: In vain


Qian Bing didn't immediately understand Luo Yu's meaning. He looked out the window and said, "What is it?"

Luo Yu laughed and said, "Mr. Qian, you are really a fan of the authorities. This is the CBD area of Beijing. Seeing such a prosperous area, don't you think of anything?"

Qian Bing was stunned for a while, but he still didn't quite understand Luo Yu's meaning, so he asked: "Mr. Luo, what are you trying to say? Is it okay?"

Luo Yu gestured out the window with both hands and said, "This place you live now is the CBD of Beijing, one of the most prosperous business circles in Beijing. Think about the Haichuan Motor City project located in the city center of Haichuan. If it is built into the CBD of Haichuan, the most prosperous and largest commercial circle in Haichuan, what a brilliant prospect should it be."

Qian Bing's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Mr. Luo is still a young man who has a quick brain response. He thought of CBD all of a sudden. I am getting older and my brain is not very bright, so it took a long time to react. Yes, Your idea is very good, and the profit prospects of building your Auto City project into a prosperous CBD must be very impressive."

Luo Yu smiled and said, "So Mr. Qian is willing to invest in us?"

Qian Bing smiled and said: "I can't make a decision yet, but I would like to visit you on the spot. After the field visit, I will see if I want to invest. Do you think this is okay?"

Luo Yu nodded excitedly and said: "Of course, if you want to invest in such a large project, of course you need to take a field trip. You see when the trip can take place, so I can tell the city to get ready to welcome you.

Qian Bing said: "As for the itinerary, it's hard to say at the moment. I still need to go to Xijiang Province to deal with some things. Then, once I arrange the things in Xijiang Province, I will go to your Haichuan City immediately, okay? ?"

Luo Yu was stunned for a moment. Qian Bing's inability to make the trip right away made him a little worried. He was worried that there would be some repetitions after Qian Bing went to Xijiang Province. He said, "Mr. Qian, you have to hit the iron while the iron is hot. Now we have met by chance. , Why don’t you go directly to Haichuan City now, don’t worry, I have a direct contact with our mayor, and I can arrange to receive you right away."

Qian Bing laughed. He saw what Luo Yu was worried about, and said, "Mr. Luo, I have a little advantage as a person: I will keep my word. If I promise others, I will do it. Don’t worry, I promised you. If you go to Haichuan, you will definitely go. Come, this is my mobile phone number. You can contact me directly before I go."

Speaking, Qian Bing took out a business card and handed it to Luo Yu. The business card was very simple, it was just a phone number, and even Qian Bing's name was not left. Luo Yu took it with both hands, feeling a little bit in his heart. This Qian Bing is the confidence of a real big businessman. He does things concisely and neatly. Even the business card only writes the phone number, and there is no other word. In fact, a business card is just a contact method. If someone wants to contact you, one number is enough; if someone doesn't want to contact you, it's useless to write more titles.

Luo Yu put the business card away and said, "Then I will wait to hear Mr. Qian's arrangement?"

Qian Bing smiled and said, "I will make arrangements as soon as possible and will not let Mr. Luo wait for a long time. Hey, it's too early. Let's have some dinner together?"

Luo Yu said: "Don't bother Mr. Qian, or should I invite Mr. Qian to eat at our Haichuan Building?"

Qian Bing smiled and shook his head, and said, "I've been running for a day. I'm very tired. I don't want to move, so I won't go out to eat. If Mr. Luo doesn't dislike it, he will ask me for some room service here and eat whatever you want. Is that good?"

Luo Yu said: "It is my honor to have dinner with Mr. Qian, thank you."

Qian Bing stretched out his hand and patted Luo Yu's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Young man, don't be so polite. I want to thank you. You sent such a good project to me."

Qian Bing asked his assistant to help him and Luo Yu order food. After a while, the waiter delivered the food to the room, and Qian Bing and Luo Yu ate in the room.

During the meal, Qian Bing praised Luo Yu a lot. He said that young people who have ideas and enthusiasm, dare to think and dare to work, are a very rare talent. Luo Yu is dizzy and feels like a horse. Chollima, who has been buried in the Beijing Office, was fortunate enough to meet Bo Le today and was finally discovered.

The food was very simple, Qian Bing did not ask for a drink, and the two quickly finished eating. Although Luo Yu was dizzy and reluctant to leave, he knew that it was late, so he stood up and left.

Qian Bing said: "I am also very tired, so I won't keep you, goodbye."

Luo Yu said: "Then you rest, I'm leaving, I hope to see you in Haichuan soon."

Qian Bing smiled and said, "Okay, I will keep in touch as soon as possible."

Luo Yu left the hotel and returned to the Haichuan Building.

When he arrived at the dormitory, Luo Yu couldn't help but wanted to call Xu Zheng to see if it was too late. At this time, the call might affect the mayor's rest, so he forcibly resisted the idea of calling.

Early the next morning, Luo Yu hummed a small song and went to the office. Gao Yue saw him and asked, where did he go last night

Luo Yu said: "My friend is leaving Beijing in an urgent matter. I'll see him off."

Gao Yue smiled without taking it seriously, and said, "Your friend is in a hurry. He will go back as soon as he arrives."

Luo Yu had a guilty conscience, thinking that Gao Yue had seen something, and there was something in the words, so he quickly explained: "It was something urgent in his house. He called and asked him to rush back right away. It was a coincidence.

Gao Yue smiled and said, "You don't need to explain to me."

Luo Yu heard Gao Yue say this: "He felt even more flustered. Did Gao Yue discover something? He looked at Gao Yue, Gao Yue smiled, but it didn't look like it, so he smiled and said nothing."

After a while, Luo Yu estimated that Xu Zheng was already at work, so he went to the restaurant as an excuse and left the office. He was alone in the elevator and dialed Xu Zheng.

Xu Zheng connected, Luo Yu said: "Hello, Mayor Xu, I want to report to you a good news."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Hello, Ronaldinho, what good news?"

Luo Yu said: "After my hard work, I finally found a very powerful Hong Kong businessman. He is very interested in our Auto City project and would like to visit Haichuan in the near future."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Wow, this is good news, Ronaldinho, I did not misunderstand you. After you became the deputy director, you can attract merchants to Haichuan so soon. Yes, you are indeed a good one. Manufacturable material."

Hearing Xu Zheng complimenting himself so much, Luo Yu blushed with excitement, and said: "I am the cadre you trained, Mayor Xu, of course I have to work as hard as I can to live up to your trust in me."

Xu Zheng smiled. This is a pawn he used to put him next to Fu Hua. He didn't expect it to be effective so quickly, so he said, "I gave you the opportunity, but you have to work hard. Ronaldinho, you are a good piece of material, do it hard, and the organization will pay attention to your achievements."

Luo Yu was even more moved and said: "I will definitely not let down your expectations of me."

Xu Zheng hung up the phone, and the elevator reached the first floor. The elevator door opened. Fu Hua was standing outside the door. Luo Yu was taken aback. When he was excited by Xu Zheng’s praise, the last thing he wanted to see was Fu Hua. In order to be afraid that Fu Hua could see something, he tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart, pretending to be calm and said: "Director Fu is here."

Fu Hua noticed the fleeting excitement on Luo Yu's face and asked with a smile: "Xiao Luo, what makes you happy?"

Luo Yu panicked, he naturally couldn't tell Fu Hua what he had reported to Xu Zheng in secret, and hurriedly pretended to be calm and said: "No wow, I have nothing to be happy about."

Seeing Luo Yu's denial, Fu Hua couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He clearly saw Luo Yu's unbearable joy. It seemed that this guy was becoming more and more unfamiliar with him now, and he was unwilling to share anything.

The two went up and down, Luo Yu hurriedly walked out of the elevator, Fu Hua walked into the elevator, the elevator door was closed, and the two went in their own directions.

Fu Hua entered his office. He didn't think about why Luo Yu was so excited about Luo Yu. He is now struggling with the Auto City project. It is difficult to find a solution for a while, and he didn't even bother to think about Luo Yu privately. doing what. Now he asks people to look for merchants, but sometimes this is the case. The more eager you are to find, the harder it is to find.

Maybe it’s not going well this time. Since Fu Hua wanted to remind Zhang Lin but was trained, he went all the way and asked his friends again, but he didn’t get any new gains, even though he knew it was. You can meet and cannot ask for it, but Zhang Lin's reprimands are still in his ears, and he can't help but feel a little anxious in his heart. It seems that Lin Xi and Luo Yu each have their own business to be busy, and they have not provided any useful clues. Now the entire Beijing Office seems to be the only one who is in a hurry.

Fu Hua has become a troubled city. He wants to find someone to talk to, but it is difficult to find such a person. Zhao Ting has always been idle, and basically doesn’t care about this kind of thing. Even if she cares about Fu Hua for him, her personal connections are completely overlapped with Fu Hua, and Fu Hua can’t find it. She couldn't find any helper either.

On the other hand, Zhao Ting has been spoiled since she was a child, and is not a wife who is good at being gentle and caring about her husband. Although she loves Fu Hua very much, she is more coquettish and petty in front of Fu Hua. At this time, Fu Hua wants to be Zhao Ting's search for solace is not only futile, but also annoys Zhao Ting in vain.