
Chapter 293: Can be faked


Originally, Sunan was a good friend to chat together, but Sunan hasn’t appeared since Haichuan’s bid failed. Fu Hua didn’t know what mood he was in now, did he hide and heal his injuries? But Fu Hua knew that it was not appropriate to harass Sunan at this time. Compared with Sunan's need to support the entire Zhendong Group, this matter of him is really trivial. He can't take this little trouble to annoy a more troublesome person.

As for Xiaofei, she has been silent all this time. Fu Hua really wants to talk to her. This is a smart woman. She must understand what she thinks, even if she can’t come up with any specific solutions, at least Can cheer yourself up and relieve yourself. But although Xiao Fei’s phone number was as clear as it was engraved in Fu Hua’s mind, he did not dare to dial these eleven simplest Arabic numerals. Xiao Fei was like a volcano to him, and he did not dare to dial. , I am afraid that once the volcano is alive, the magma spewing out at that time may destroy the two together.

Fu Hua couldn't figure out what was going on between himself and Xiao Fei. He loved Zhao Ting deeply and was unwilling to inflict any harm on Zhao Ting, but sometimes he dreamed back at midnight, and he couldn't help but miss Xiao. Fei, what's in her mind is the image of the deep kiss between the two.

Don’t those old philosophers all say that love is single-minded? Doesn't it all require love to be loyal to the person you love? Why is it difficult to restrain Xiao Fei while I love Zhao Ting.

This made Fu Hua feel a deep sense of guilt, which was inconsistent with the moral principles formed by the education he received, and it was difficult for him to accept. He thought deeply and thought this was the evil part of his human nature. , Is the part he needs to overcome.

Therefore, Fu Hua would rather bury the volcano than trigger it, so he couldn't take the initiative to contact Xiaofei.

Luo Yu went down to the first floor, and the flavor of Haichuan on the first floor turned around. He said something to the waiter who had nothing to do. He was in a happy mood at the moment, and he saw a bright future.

After returning to the office, he received a call from Wang Hong. Wang Hong said that he had visited Qian Bing of Hongtu Group, but Qian Bing was not interested in inviting him to invest in Luoqing City. The trip to Beijing was considered useless. Back, he is going back.

Luo Yuxin said, in fact, you can't say that you have returned without success this time. You gave me a godsend opportunity to come over. I should thank you. Although maybe without my participation, Qian Bing might be interested in going to Luoqing City. .

Luo Yu said: "Then come here and I will practice it for you."

Wang Hong sighed and said, "I have booked all tickets. Time is running out. Let's wait for the next time."

Luo Yu could hear Wang Hong's frustration, and knowing he was not in the mood to come over, he said, "Okay, next time."

Wang Hong said goodbye to Luo Yu and hung up.

Luo Yu suddenly felt a little stunned. He felt that he had caused Wang Hong's failure. What happened to him? In the past, I was not like this. In the past, when others had difficulties, I felt the same, and would try their best to help solve them. But now, not only did I not help, I even secretly prying the corner. This is still on that campus. Romantic poet Luo Yu? How did you become so disrespectful

But after another thought, isn't this woman's benevolence? Even if he didn't go to Qian Bing, Qian Bing would not necessarily accept Wang Hong's invitation to invest in Luoqing City. I just seized the opportunity in time. How can this be regarded as a denial of the six relatives

After thinking about it, Luo Yu was relieved. He no longer bothered himself about Wang Hong’s affairs. He thought more about the success that was within reach. What he thought was what Qian Bing could receive after investing in Haichuan City. Recognized by the leaders of the municipal party committee and government.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu became more motivated. Didn't Qian Bing leave a personal phone number for himself? Well, I will urge him every day until the day that Qian Bing is ready to go.

Luo Yu believed that as long as he had a thicker skin and entangled more at this time, Qian Bing would surely succeed.

So Luo Yu called Qian Bing one day a day, asking about his progress in Xijiang Province. Luo Yu spoke carefully on the phone, for fear that his entanglement would annoy Qian Bing. Fortunately, Qian Bing seems to have a good impression of Luo Yu. As soon as Luo Yu’s phone call is over, he will be connected soon. After the call is made, he will immediately explain to him what he has done this day, and then pay him back. I will chat with Luo Yu for a while. Qian Bing was so enthusiastic that Luo Yu was not embarrassed. He said that Qian Bing was worthy of the big boss, and he was very self-cultivating without boasting. He bothered him so much, and he could still chat with him so enthusiastically.

Although he knew that he was bothering Qian Bing, Luo Yu did not dare to stop the daily call. He was afraid to stop, and Qian Bing slipped away from him.

But after chatting, Luo Yu slowly felt something wrong. It seemed that Qian Bing didn’t understand many basic things in business. Needless to say, let’s just talk about CBD. Although Qian Bing’s mouth is now CBD, But it seems that he doesn't know what CBD is. Even Luo Yu casually spoke about the English name of CBD CentralBusiness District in order to show his English level. Qian Bing didn't even react at the time, and asked Luo Yu what he said. meaning.

This made Luo Yu wonder, is this Qian Bing really the big boss of Hong Kong? Why can't he even understand a basic English business term? You must know that in Hong Kong, English is also one of the official languages. Hong Kong has been colonized by the British for so long. Many Hong Kong people may not speak Mandarin fluently, or even speak Mandarin, but they are very proficient in English. Why are the bosses of such a large group company? Can't even understand English

There is something wrong with this Qian Bing.

After talking, Luo Yu became more and more suspicious. Qian Bing kept saying that he would build a Hongtu International CBD in Haichuan and build a landmark building in Haichuan, claiming that the group was going to invest 4.8 billion yuan for this. , But he can’t say exactly what the CBD should include.

Luo Yu's heart is cold. He is a highly educated person and knows that he needs to invest 4.8 billion yuan. This is not a matter of any one of the six major families in Hong Kong that can be decided with a touch of his head. A feasibility report must be formed after a detailed feasibility study by the professional team within the group, and then submitted to the board of directors for approval before a decision can be made. Qian Bing came as soon as his head became feverish and opened his mouth. Anyone who really understands immediately understands that this is not something a big boss might do, not to mention that he doesn't even know what CBD should include. Moreover, the real big bosses are very reserved. Even if they really want to invest, they will deliberately embarrass the other party so as to raise the bargaining price. How can this be like this Qian Bing who just went to Haichuan before he went to investigate in Haichuan? Close to myself.

Luo Yu can basically determine that this Qian Bing must be a liar.

After thinking about this, Luo Yu's sweat came down, but he had privately reported to Xu Zheng about Qian Bing's going to Haichuan. What would Xu Zheng think of him if he was too late to lead people over? He certainly wouldn't be admiring what he is a manufacturable. Furthermore, even if you took Qian Bing and passed, it was discovered that Qian Bing was a big liar. Where did he put his face

Luo Yu secretly scolded himself for being reckless. He even wanted to lick his own mouth. He shouldn't have reported the situation to Xu Zheng so quickly. This made it difficult to ride a tiger. Luo Yu is very clear about Xu Zheng's personality, and often a small action will trigger his suspicion. What happened to Fu Hua is a good example.

what should I do? He doesn't have the solid foundation of Fu Hua. Xu Zheng can't move Fu Hua, but it's easy to move himself. If he can't come up with an explanation that satisfies Xu Zheng, then his career will be completely finished. Luo Yu began to curse Wang Hong for not being authentic. He highly suspected that Wang Hong's trip to Beijing had come to deceive himself. I also secretly thanked him for giving him such a good opportunity, but I didn't know it was a trap at all.

No, I still have a lot of lofty ambitions, how can I be ruined like this? There must be a way to solve this problem.

To solve this problem, the most basic point is to not give up the line of money soldiers.

Luo Yu thought for a while, then called a friend of himself in the provincial capital of Xijiang province, and asked this friend to find a way as soon as possible to find out if there is a Hongtu Group in Hong Kong investing there, and what is the investment situation? Who is the boss? In short, he wants to know everything about the Hongtu Group. He has to make the next judgment based on what he has learned.

The message from a friend made Luo Yu even more confused. This Hongtu Group actually has investment in Xijiang Province, and according to friends, it is still very strong. What is Hongtu Mall called, the investment amount is several billion yuan, and it is obtained. A project highly supported by the city government is now being vigorously engaged in investment promotion activities.

Is your analysis wrong? This Qian Bing is really the big boss? Luo Yu became a little unconfident. He asked his friend about the situation of the boss of Hongtu Group.

My friend lived up to Luo Yu’s trust and asked about the situation of the Hongtu Group in detail. He told Luo Yu that the owner of the Hongtu Group was Qian Bing. He had won a lot of honors in Xijiang Province. What a patriotic entrepreneur, what? Outstanding Contribution Award. Hongtu Group is a leading construction enterprise in Xijiang Province and an industry credit three-A enterprise...

It seems that he wronged Wang Hong. Everything he told himself about Hongtu Group and Qian Bing was true, but Luo Yu did not rule out his doubts about Qian Bing. It was not that he doubted his friends. Reliability, but Qian Bing's information from friends are all superficial things, and these things can be fake.