
Chapter 297: Not very satisfied


Fu Hua smiled and said: "Mr. Qian said this too politely. You are interested in our Auto City project and you are so busy at work. I should come to visit."

Luo Yu smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Qian is too polite. If you want to invest in our Haichuan, you are our most distinguished guest."

Qian Bing smiled and said: "The two are really polite, what kind of distinguished guests. In fact, Qian is just a businessman. In business, I went to invest and saw that your so-called Auto City project can bring me a generous economy. It's just benefits."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I don't think Mr. Qian is so real."

Qian Bing said: "The words are so beautiful that they are useless if they are not implemented. There is no considerable benefit. I don't think anyone would be so stupid to take money to make trouble."

Fu Hua said: "Mr. Qian is really right. Now that I'm talking about this, I would like to ask Mr. Qian, if you take over this project, how do you plan to develop it?"

Qian Bing smiled and said: "The technical team of our group has studied more aspects of your project and feels that it is very suitable for development into a CBD in the region."

Fu Hua is a student of economics. Of course, he knows what CBD means. CBD is a business card of an international metropolis, with super strong trans-regional and even transnational economic radiation, such as New York Manhattan, London City, Paris La Defense, Tokyo Shinjuku, Hong Kong Central, etc. The key now is whether Haichuan has such a large economic radiation and whether it is able to support the so-called CBD.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Mr. Qian, since you want to build a CBD, I would like to know how you positioned it. I know that some famous international CBDs are built in some metropolitan areas. In the core area of the country, do you think Haichuan also has such a large economic radiation power as a metropolitan area?"

Qian Bing laughed and said, "Mr. Fu, it seems that you understand economics very well. Yes, some successful CBDs in the world are built in the core area of the country, like Paris in France, New York in the United States, Haichuan City certainly Without such great economic influence to them, it is obviously impractical to build a CBD like theirs. I agree with this very much, so I have already told you at the beginning that what I want to build is in the region CBD. What does this area refer to? You see Haichuan City is located on the coastal economic belt of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. The economy can radiately affect Japan and South Korea. Haichuan City has such a unique geographical location, and the future is bound to be the core of this region, so I want to plan ahead and build the CBD in the area. Of course, the scale of this CBD will be much smaller. The economic strength of Hongtu Group is also limited, and it is impossible to build a CBD of the same scale as Manhattan in New York.

Watching Qian Bing talk and talk, and Fu Hua listened with gusto. Luo Yu, who was on the side, was amused secretly. He said that Qian Bing had a good memory. He remembered every word he had said to him, and turned his head to sell it to him. Fu Hua heard that Fu Hua was dumbfounded, which is really interesting. It seems that my scheming was not in vain.

Fu Hua was really moved by Qian Bing's rhetoric. He said, "Mr. Qian, you still have a unique vision. Your idea is very strategic and forward-looking."

Qian Bing smiled and said: "This is mainly due to the work of my team. They told me that this Haichuan Auto City has several major factors that can be successfully built into CBD, and the success factors of CBD. First of all, the first point is the government's establishment of CBD. This is the inevitable development of CBD as a city’s function. Without strong support from the government, it is impossible. I have seen this in your Haichuan Municipal Government’s investment promotion commitments. I believe that if I invest, I will definitely get your city. The government’s strong support. The second point is strong local economic support. According to my work team’s research, the Yellow and Bohai Economic Belt in which Haichuan City is located is now a new high-speed economic development zone after the Pearl River Delta. , I think there should be no problem in supporting the CBD in a region. The third point is the efficient land and water transportation network in Haichuan City. The transportation network is the foundation of CBD development. The level of traffic directly restricts and affects the effectiveness of CBD in a highly concentrated state. Work. Therefore, large-scale CBD development, especially the development and construction of new CBD areas, often needs to be guided by the construction of large-scale transportation systems..."

Qian Bing talked eloquently. Like a few Jiazhen, Fu Hua didn't know that Luo Yu had done his homework beforehand. He admired him even more. This Mr. Qian is indeed the chairman of the board of directors of a large group company, and he is so proficient in the economy. . It seems a worthwhile trip.

The guests and hosts of this meal were very happy. The host talked with great interest and the guests listened with gusto. At the end of the meal, Fu Hua had reached an agreement with Qian Bing. He would accompany Qian Bing on a field trip to Haichuan to determine whether to take over Haichuan. Automobile city project.

Luo Yu secretly rejoiced in his heart. If Qian Bing didn't even see any problems with Fu Hua, then the officials in the city would not see any problems. It seemed that his wishful thinking had started.

Fu Hua reported the situation to the executive vice mayor Li Tao, saying that Qian Bing, chairman of the board of directors of Hongtu Hongtu Group, wanted to visit Haichuan to see if he would take over the Haichuan Motor City project.

After listening to Li Tao, he was very happy and said: "This is good news. Our city is now very overwhelmed by this project. If there are merchants who are willing to take over, it will really solve our urgent need. Fu Hua, you stand again. Great work. I will report to Mayor Xu immediately. I believe he will be very happy."

Li Tao knew that Fu Hua and Xu Zheng had a very unpleasant quarrel some time ago. He knew that it was not Fu Hua’s fault, but from his standpoint, he could not help Fu Hua, so he felt a little guilty for Fu Hua. Both Hua and him are Qu Wei's old subordinates, and he should defend Fu Hua. Now that Fu Hua has made a new contribution, he wants to tell Xu Zheng about this matter quickly, so that Xu Zheng is now embarrassed by the Auto City project, and Xu Zheng can get out of the predicament, and it can also ease the conflict between him and Fu Hua .

Fu Hua didn't want to be greedy for his own merits. He smiled and said, "I didn't make this credit. It was Luo Yu, the deputy director of our Beijing Office. He contacted the merchants."

Li Tao said, "Oh, it's Ronaldinho, not bad, this young man is quite capable."

Hearing that it was Luo Yu, Li Tao felt cold. The leaders in the city knew that the deputy director of Luo Yu was promoted by Xu Zheng. If Luo Yu’s credit was given, it would only prove that Xu Zheng had vision and was able to identify talents. , It has nothing to do with Fu Hua. Not only does it matter, it may even jeopardize the stability of Fu Hua's position, because Xu deliberately replaced Fu Hua long ago, but suffers from the lack of suitable talents to replace Fu Hua. If Luo Yu has the ability to meet Fu Hua's shortcomings, I believe Xu Zheng will definitely find a way to transfer Fu Hua from the Beijing Office, and let Luo Yu replace him.

This is a crisis for Fu Hua, not a good thing.

Luo Yu introduced Qian Bing to the Beijing Office this time, which changed Fu Hua’s view of him. This comrade is still credible, and there is still the Beijing Office in his heart, at least not like Lin Xi did. He took the merchant back to Haichuan without permission and said, "Yes, Ronaldinho is still very good. Deputy Mayor Li, I will report the situation to you now. Please prepare in the city. I will accompany you soon. Mr. Qian Bing went to Haichuan to investigate the automobile city project."

Li Tao said: "Okay, the city will be ready, so you can arrange for Qian Bing to come."

Li Tao gave a report to Xu Zheng. After listening to Xu Zheng, Xu Zheng laughed and said, "Well, not bad. Comrade Luo Yu is really capable and didn't let me down."

Li Tao hadn't mentioned that Luo Yu contacted the merchant, but Xu Zheng came up and said that the credit was Luo Yu. Knowing that Luo Yu must have reported to Xu Zheng in private, he became more worried for Fu Hua. Luo Yu's leapfrog report must have established a direct connection with Xu Zheng. With such a subordinate who can reach the sky, Fu Hua, the director, is afraid it will be even more difficult to do.

Li Tao smiled and said: "It seems that Comrade Luo Yu has reported to you. Yes, Fu Hua said that this merchant was contacted by Luo Yu."

Xu Zheng sneered, and said, "Forgetting his interest, he didn't take credit for him. Okay, let's be ready to welcome customers. This automobile city project has made our municipal government disgraced. It's better to be as early as possible. One point is transferred out. This time, under appropriate circumstances, we can relax the conditions a bit, and we can give the merchants a certain amount of preferential treatment."

Li Tao said: "Okay, I will let the relevant departments study how to provide more concessions to the merchant. Oh, yes, when the merchant comes, do you want to pick him up at the airport?"

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Forget it, I'm tired of this Auto City project. You can pick him up and try to make him satisfied. In short, let our city get rid of this burden as soon as possible."

Li Tao said: "Okay, I will pick him up."

Two days later, Fu Hua and Luo Yu accompanied Qian Bing and his assistants to Haichuan. Li Tao greeted him at the airport, and Qian Bing and his assistants arranged to stay at the Haichuan Hotel. That night, Li Tao acted as the host to clean up Qian Bing. Fu Hua saw that only Li Tao came forward, and felt that Qian Bing seemed to be neglecting Qian Bing in the city, but Qian Bing didn’t seem to care about this, and he had a very harmonious conversation with Li Tao, which made Fu Hua a little bit more fond of him. This guy is worthy. It is very rare for billions of dollars to not show up with local officials at all.

In the morning of the next day, Li Tao accompanied Qian Bing with relevant personnel to inspect the Auto City. Qian Bing took it very seriously and circled the unfinished Auto City several times.

After reading it, Qian Bing seemed a little dissatisfied, frowning, and said nothing.

Li Tao felt that the situation seemed not so good, so he asked, "Mr. Qian, are you still satisfied with this plot?"

Qian Bing shook his head and said, "To be honest, I am not very satisfied."

Luo Yu said in his heart that you are dissatisfied. I have now led you to Haichuan, and I can explain it to Xu Zheng. If you leave without investing, you can only say that the city government has not made arrangements. , I don’t have any responsibility if I can’t reach the satisfaction of the customers.