
Chapter 3119: Life is hard


Fu Hua couldn't help feeling a little relaxed in his heart, Hu Yifu was dead, at least it made him feel a lot less pressure, he finally didn't have to worry about what the hell Hu Yifu would do to him behind his back. But at the same time, there was also a touch of sadness in his heart, because he felt the fragility of human life from Hu Yifu's death. Hu Yifu, a once awe-inspiring business leader, who was once a tough person who was so stressed by him, died like this. This is an incredible thing, incredible enough to make him feel the world around him. It's a bit illusory and unreal.

Life is really a chaotic, unpredictable movement, I really don't know what will happen to you in the next moment. This is what makes Fu Hua feel deeply afraid, because you simply cannot guarantee that you will not encounter a fate similar to Hu Yifu. This is also a kind of sorrow of being born. Because people have a clear consciousness, have the ability to think, and always want to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but there is no way to ensure that some injuries can be avoided...

This is an extremely scary question, and it is estimated that no one has been troubled by this problem throughout the ages. When I was young, because my heart was full of longing for future life, I seldom thought of and seldom feared such a situation. But as you grow older, as there are often relatives and friends around you who leave this world because of accidents, you will fear that moments like this will come to you.

This kind of emotion lingered in Fu Hua's heart. It was really a bit like the poem written by Li Qingzhao. There was no way to get rid of this emotion, so he lowered his mind and raised his brows. Although Li Qingzhao wrote about lovesickness, he was full of fear at the moment, but the emotion that lingered in his heart was the same.

At this time, Leng Ziqiao, who had returned to work in the unit in the morning, came back to see him. Fu Hua still did not get out of that sadness. He looked at Leng Ziqiao and said: "Ziqiao, if I die one day, you Is it sad?"

"Pooh," Leng Ziqiao said several times, "Are you guys nervous, saying such unlucky things in the hospital, what's wrong, don't you feel that your injury is recovering pretty well? Suddenly become so sad?"

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said: "A person I am familiar with suddenly passed away. He should be regarded as one of the most powerful people I know. He is so easily separated from us forever. I have a kind of life. I feel particularly fragile, especially since I'm still a lot older than you. In the future, there is a high probability that I will walk ahead of you. I am worried that if I leave first, how can you survive the years behind you?"

"You really think too much," Leng Ziqiao said with a smile, "but this is also normal. You have just been shot, and now your friend has such an unexpected event, your emotions will inevitably be affected. Okay. , Don’t think about these useless things."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "This is something that will inevitably happen in the future."

"Then you will work hard to live for a few more years so that we can grow old together."

"But this is not something that depends on human will."

"Why are you still entangled in this matter and can't get out?" Leng Ziqiao smiled and said, "Aren't you always a very open-minded person? Don't worry about yourself, just let the flow go. If you really encounter it, you can only accept it."

Fu Hua thinks about it, too, this kind of thing may be impossible for humans to solve from the beginning, and blindly entangled in it can only be troubled, or think about how to make oneself live better. Thinking of this, Fu Hua felt better.

At a little more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Vivian called over and asked Fu Hua: "What do I think about the financial news in Hong Kong that Hu Yifu died in a car accident? It's incredible. Why did he die in a car accident? Will it be yours?"

In Fu Hua's mind, after Ma Yong helped him analyze the shooting incident, he was very suspicious of Vivian. He suspected that Vivian deliberately created the shooting in order to intensify the conflict between him and Hu Yifu. Regarding the incident, if Hu Yifu died in a car accident this time, if it was really man-made, he also suspected that Vivian was behind it.

But these words cannot be said casually. Although Hu Yifu is dead, it does not mean that the matter is over. The project that the consortium bid for will not stop there, and he has no way to guarantee that the United States will do so. Because of Hu Yifu's death, there is no longer any retaliatory action against him. Many factors are still unknown.

Although Fu Hua felt a lot easier because of Hu Yifu's death, the stone in his heart did not completely let go. He was relaxed only because there would be a short period of time before someone continued with Hu Yifu's things, and this period of time would allow him to take a short breath.

"I don't have the ability to kill Hu Yifu," Fu Hua said. "If Hu Yifu is really killed this time, I think you should be the first person to be suspected?"

"Hello," Vivian could clearly feel the hostility of Fu Hua when she was speaking, "Why do I feel that your tone of voice is a bit wrong? Are you suspecting that I am doing something between you and Hu Yifu?"

"I didn't say that." Fu Hua knew clearly that it was meaningless to argue with this woman, because Vivian decided to be able to lie in front of him without blinking his eyes. "You came first. Speaking of me, but in fact, I think this incident may really be an accident. The driver who caused the accident had an illness at the time and the vehicle was out of control. This would cause the accident."

"That means that Hu Yifu suffered retribution?"

"You can also say the same." Fu Hua thought about what Hu Yifu had done to him before. He really felt that this was Hu Yifu's retribution. It seemed God's will in the dark, but because of this project, one after another, some people lost their lives. It seems to indicate that this project is very unlucky. Fu Hua wants to avoid this project as much as possible. "It seems to congratulate you. Hu Yifu suddenly had an accident. You are missing one very much. A strong competitor, winning this project is just around the corner."

Although Hong Kong is very Westernized in many ways because of being colonized by the British, Hong Kong people are admired at the same time for some metaphysics such as Feng Shui and numerology. This is because Hong Kong's wealthy families are mostly Chinese, and the Chinese have become rich to them. I haven't been able to figure it out very clearly, but they have the wealth of a wealthy country, and the rich Chinese have more or less followed some feng shui and numerology when earning the first pot of gold.

So it is logical that these Feng Shui and numerology things were considered by them as the factors that led to their success when they summarized it. But these things cannot be falsified, so many Hong Kong people believe in Feng Shui and numerology.

Fu Hua is dubious about these, but when many people around him believe this, this kind of thing that cannot be falsified will give people a psychological hint. Since many people think so, you You should think so. Fu Hua was also affected by this kind of public psychology. According to the popular feng shui numerology theory in Hong Kong, the deaths in one project after another have fully demonstrated that the project is Extremely unlucky.

Initially, Zhang Tiancheng was killed because of this project, and then Vivian's brother wanted to enter the game and bought the shares of Orange Fruit Games, but Hu Yifu teamed up with Vivian's half-brother to do it. This is the second person who died because of this project. Now Hu Yifu's deity also lost his life. If you don't think about these things in conjunction, of course you won't feel anything, but if you think about them in conjunction, even people like Fu Hua feel that their backs are chilly.

There are indeed many things in Hong Kong that are somewhat evil. For example, a gossip reporter in Hong Kong concluded that the female celebrity’s fate is too hard, and the male celebrity who will co-operate with a certain female celebrity, the reporter gave a very obvious example. The female celebrity just When she debuted, she collaborated with two superstars in a movie. As a result, after a few years, one of the two superstars had an accident with alcohol and medicine, and the other committed suicide by jumping off the building. Only she was alive and well. These are difficult to explain clearly with logic.

When he congratulated Vivienne, he did not regard himself and Vivienne as a camp. Perhaps his troubles were not over, but he could find a way to solve his troubles by himself, instead of having to tie himself to this project. Went together. Not only did this project make him feel very unlucky, even Vivian's fate also gave him a very bad feeling.

Although he said that Vivienne had moles in the palace with towering cheekbones, he was the look of Koff. This was a bit slanderous, but it also showed that Vivienne's face gave people a very bad feeling. This is also true. Another point that Fu Hua didn't want to get together with Vivian.

Vivienne is also a smart person, and she knows Yayi by hearing the song. She smiled and said, "Okay, you don't have to turn around in front of me, don't you just want to cooperate with me? I don't force you to do it."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Actually, Hu Yifu is dead, so I don’t have to continue to get involved in this matter. I don’t have the equity in this project anymore. One more person will compete with you. beneficial… "

Vivian smiled: "You don't have to explain so much to me, I just accept your decision."

Vivienne hung up the phone. This matter seemed to have nothing to do with him for the time being. Fu Hua hoped in his heart that this matter would never involve him again.