
Chapter 3132: Enough for this


Almost at the same time when Hu Yufei saw Li Susheng being taken away by relevant departments, Gao Hong of Yunfeng Group got relevant news. But he couldn't be as calm as Hu Yufei. This is not because Zhou Yunyun was introduced to him by Li Susheng. At their level, a woman’s problem is a minor problem. No matter how complicated the relationship this woman involves, I’m afraid no one will tell them about this woman. Yes.

What made Gao Hong nervous was other things he and Li Yisu had worked together. After all, they are a relationship of mutual use. You help me and I help you. They will provide each other with as much help as possible as far as the margin of each other's rights can affect each other, because this kind of help is also equivalent. Yu help yourself. This kind of mutual help can expand each other's margin of rights as much as possible, so that both can obtain greater benefits.

Li Susheng is a link in the power chain of their circle. Now that this link has a problem, Gao Hong can't guarantee that this problem will not spread to him. In particular, he can be regarded as the closest person to Li Susheng in this circle. In a long period of time, they have cooperated on many things, and they all benefited from the cooperation. Some things are even obviously beyond. Necessary boundaries.

Before Li Susheng was taken measures by the relevant authorities, Gao Hong did not feel that going beyond the necessary boundaries was a great thing for him and Li Susheng. With the influence of their two families, some small oversteps were not a problem at all. , And no one would take these to ask them questions. But Li Susheng's measures were taken, which sent a dangerous signal to Gao Hong.

This red flag is some behaviors of him and Li Susheng, especially some behaviors that have crossed the necessary boundaries, in fact, they are in the control of the relevant departments. If relevant departments want to make a fuss about these, they can be controlled at any time. Li Susheng is still the lowest-profile person in their circle, but he still hasn't escaped the control of relevant departments.

This situation naturally made Gao Hong very nervous. In comparison, he did things more high-profile and extraordinary than Li Susheng. He naturally wanted to know what direction Li Susheng would go in this matter, whether he would call people out and give them a lesson and then put it back, or check it to the end and never forgive him.

On the one hand, Gao Hong watched the official announcement of this incident. On the other hand, he found some close relationships with the Gao family and asked Li Susheng what was involved and what was beyond the tolerance of the relevant departments. He took decisive measures.

But the situation he inquired about and the official attitude towards this matter made him more uneasy. From the official news, it has been very calm about this matter. No one or any department has come forward to express their views and opinions on the control of Li Susheng. In private, he didn't learn more from his friends. Above and below the table, there seems to be a closed message state.

In this state, no news may mean bad news. Because Li Susheng and people like him are not the children of ordinary people, their movements and observations will affect the honor and disgrace of a group of people. Under normal circumstances, if actions are taken against people like them, they will definitely give a corresponding statement in a short period of time, so as to calm people's hearts.

Now the news is closed, and the official does not give a response. It can only explain one problem. The problem involved in Li Susheng is serious and complicated. The official cannot find it out for a while. It will only be cleared after it is checked. There are corresponding conclusions.

Things are completely chaotic now, and everything is ambiguous. And some overseas media reports on this issue are also divergent. There are various opinions. It is said that Li Susheng has used his father's influence over the years to embezzle a large amount of state-owned assets. He has become wealthy and has severely disrupted the legitimate domestic economic order. The senior management could not bear this, so he had to take drastic measures.

It is also said that Li Susheng is just a scapegoat and a white glove for more powerful people. Now he is involved in some serious matters, which may expose the people behind him. The people behind him are not allowed to protect themselves. Keep trying to survive, throwing him out as a lamb of sin...

Although these statements are not reliable, they are more of a speculation, but before Gao Hong fully understands what Li Susheng is involved, his heart cannot be settled, so he is most urgent now. The only thing is how to find a channel to contact Li Susheng and figure out Li Susheng's current state to ensure that Li Susheng will not involve him.

Gao Hong had this approach, but this was the arrangement made by Gao Yunfeng, his grandfather. This was a dark move to protect the Gao family. It was not urgent to a certain degree and could not be used. Because once used, this dark move is seen, the pawn will have to pay a heavy price for his own behavior, and even be sacrificed for it.

This dark move is equivalent to a dead man in ancient times. Gao Yunfeng is a person who is familiar with history and has a very smart strategy. Before he retired from his post, he realized that the Gao family had become the pinnacle of existence on this land. The best are easy to break, and it is difficult to say what kind of storms the Gao family will encounter in the future. For safety, he secretly deployed some people in some positions.

Normally, there is no obvious connection between these people and the Gao family. The Gao family's help to him is also done in secret. This is to prevent people from connecting them with these. If nothing happens to endanger the family, the dead man may not be used in his lifetime.

But at some critical moment, some things will endanger the survival of the family, and these people will play their due role to protect the Gao family through storms. When Gao Yunfeng explained this arrangement to him and his father, Gao Hong seemed to be listening to a story. He even thought that his grandfather’s arrangement was a bit ridiculous. How could there be such a stupid person, who has been so silly for decades. The next step is to wait for the call of the Gao family at a critical moment? Who has such an outdated view, who has believed in such feudal beliefs as loyal servants for decades

But just when he was about to forget this arrangement, there was a time when he might need to use this arrangement. Although the Gao family still has some lingering power in the political arena, it has already shown a tendency to gradually leave the core. The focus of the Gao family has gradually shifted to his Yunfeng Group. If nothing goes wrong with the Yunfeng Group, the Gao family can continue to thrive for a while.

However, if the Yunfeng Group has some major problems, such as being implicated by Li Susheng's incident, if the Yunfeng Group gave Li Susheng a funeral, then the Gao family will also be devastated. Sometimes the destiny of a family, especially the destiny of some influential large families, is often changing rapidly. At one moment, there is still nothing but the scenery, but the next moment it will be like an exhausted bird throwing into the forest, and it will be white. The vast land is really clean.

So Gao Hong felt that it was time to use the dead man, but he didn't know it now. He used the dead man, will the dead man have the kind of effect he wants? However, he seems to have no choice. If he doesn't use dead men, he can only wait for the situation to develop. As for whether Li Susheng's affairs will be involved in the Gao family, what will happen to the Gao family if it is involved. Such influences are not under his control, and he has no choice but to resign.

He has been used to controlling his own destiny over the years, so naturally he would not just do nothing like this, so he followed his grandfather's account, through some unknown channels, to explain what he wanted to do. Next, he will wait for the dead man to play his due role. He secretly hoped in his heart that the dark move his grandfather had tried so hard to make that year was still effective and could still play the role of this dark move.

Compared with Gao Hong, Li Susheng is in a much more relaxed mood at this moment. He is staying in a health resort in the suburbs. Apart from being unable to leave or contact with outsiders, there is nothing else. This situation was much better than he had expected. At least no one had a dark face to force him to explain the problem every day.

However, he did not feel that his problem was not serious because of this, let alone the idea that things would end soon. If things are really going to end soon, he will not be placed under house arrest in this health resort. No one came to force him to explain anything. It was just the respect of the relevant departments for his father. It is estimated that the relevant departments will take some time to thoroughly investigate the issues involved. When the problems are cleared, it is time to punish him accordingly. It's time.

It is estimated that he is in a catastrophe this time, so Li Susheng is still a little calm in his heart. He has enjoyed the glory and wealth that he can enjoy in the second half of his life. He has already had the most satisfactory woman, and the arrangements that should be made have been arranged. , His parents are no longer there, and his wife and children are behind him, and his life will not be affected... At this moment, he feels that he has no regrets in his life, so he doesn't care what kind of punishment he will be punished in the future.

He thought of a very arrogant Beijing uncle when he was on the execution ground. He has enough money in his life. Even if he loses his head at this moment, he will be a good man again after twenty years.