
Chapter 3171: Good friends


Initially, when he saw this short selling report, Fu Hua did not feel very nervous. Although Xihai Investment announced that it would cooperate with Zhaohui Group in depth, the short selling of Zhaohui Group would definitely have a certain impact on Xihai Investment’s stock price. of. However, Zhaohui Group is a strong blue-chip company that has been listed for a period of time. Sun Zhaohui definitely has the means to deal with this situation, and the short selling report does not mention too many substantive things. It should not be against Zhaohui Group. The stock price has too much influence. Correspondingly, if Xihai invests in a company like Zhaohui Group, the stock price will definitely be affected even lower.

The thing is indeed as Fu Hua guessed. Zhaohui Group reacted very quickly to the short selling. On the day the short selling report was released, it issued an announcement to clarify, saying that the company’s financial status is stable and the business is running. Stability has not been affected by the tightening of US dollar loans by relevant departments. The company has made corresponding arrangements for the repayment of the US dollar loan, and there is no problem with the company's fund recovery, so Zhaohui Group does not have any problem of not being able to pay off the US dollar loan in time.

As for the management of the group company by Chairman Sun Zhaohui, Zhaohui Group is a company management organization established in strict accordance with the modern management system. The company’s operations are strictly supervised by special departments. This is also recognized by international authoritative rating agencies. Therefore, the corresponding rating agency will give Chaohui Group a very high rating. The short-selling agency fabricated what Chaohui Group's internal management is chaotic, which is simply wanton slander. Chaohui Group and Mr. Sun Zhaohui reserve to resort to the law to pursue the legal responsibility of the short-seller. right.

Zhaohui Group’s response to the short-selling report is still in place, and this is also reflected in the stock market that day. After a brief drop in the opening of the day, Zhaohui Group’s share price resumed its upward trend, not only regaining lost ground, the stock price closed. The time also rose by one percent. Fu Hua didn't know whether this was really caused by the market's belief in the Zhaohui Group's clarification announcement, or by Sun Zhaohui secretly using funds to enter the market to rescue the market.

Along with the shock of Zhaohui Group’s stock price, the share price of Xihai Investment also fluctuates sharply. Compared with the size of the Chaohui Group’s Big Mac, the volume of Xihai Investment is more like a small sampan. On the board, the corresponding volatility of Xihai Investment's stock price was even more severe. On this day, Fu Hua was really surprised to see.

Fortunately, this day is finally over. After the market closed, Fu Hua called Sun Zhaohui and said with a smile: "Dong Sun, congratulations, I finally carried this short-selling storm over without danger."

Sun Zhaohui said lightly: "There is nothing to congratulate, this time the other party did not come up with anything with sufficient deterrence, and there is no way to cause great harm to the Zhaohui Group."

"Zhaohui Group is capable of resisting wind and waves," Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "Xihai Investment does not have such a good anti-strike ability. The stock price fluctuates up and down this day, which makes me really scared to see it."

"This is natural," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Since we have announced that the two companies have carried out in-depth cooperation, the negative news of Zhaohui Group will definitely suppress the share price of Xihai Investment. Fu Dong, since you are If you want to follow this game in the stock market, I am afraid it will greatly improve your psychological endurance. Let me tell you this, I have a feeling, this time may be just a preview of short selling, the real big storm has not yet Lift it up."

"What do you mean by that?" Fu Hua was somewhat astonished. "You mean what happened today may be just a prelude. The real storm hasn't arrived yet, hasn't it?"

"Yes, I have studied the operating methods of some short-selling institutions in the Hong Kong market. Their short-selling reports are definitely not produced in a day or two. Generally, they have experienced collecting relevant financial news in the market and then targeted them. Investigating and visiting the target company, analyzing the financial report of the target company, etc., it usually takes at least half a year to short-sell the target company," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Since they have spent so much effort, naturally You can’t just be blocked by a clarification report from the Zhaohui Group as it is today. They must still have a follow-up method that hasn’t been used. Hearing this, is Fu Dong scared in his heart?”

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said: "It's not enough to be afraid, but there is still a little nervousness in my heart. Dong Sun, if that's the case, we can't always be so passively beaten, right? Can we also take some measures? Fight back? Or think of other solutions?"

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said: "There are other solutions. Now the short-selling agency has asked someone to pass it to me, saying that as long as I am willing to pay them 30 million US dollars, they will stop. I will continue to report on what short selling issued by Zhaohui Group."

"Thirty million U.S. dollars, why don't these bastards grab it?" Fu Hua said angrily, "This is just extortion."

"What they did was extortion," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Do you think their short-selling reports are based on real evidence? No, if you don't say anything else, just say the one they released. Short-selling Zhaohui Group’s short-selling report, many things have not been verified at all, it is simply trying to catch the wind. Let me tell you that, they dare to do this because they have short-selling companies some time ago. There are inherent problems. Yes, so they caught a dead mouse by their blind cat, and they made a lot of money. They thought that this method would be all right."

"These guys are too bad," Fu Hua said. "Would you like to find someone in Hong Kong to teach them a lesson?"

"Tell you, you must not do this," Sun Zhaohui said solemnly, "The method you are thinking of is absolutely wrong. For one thing, these short-selling institutions have British or American backgrounds. If something vicious happens The Hong Kong government will be under a lot of pressure on the incident, and it will inevitably carry out severe investigations. The second point is that if a vicious incident does occur, this group of guys will definitely say that their short report point has hit the target company. That’s why they will be retaliated against. This will actually harm us."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "These bastards have become so hard to be beaten and scolded."

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said: "This is also the reason why they dare to be short in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has always advocated a free economy, and the tolerance for this aspect is higher than that of other places. You don't have to go with Fu Dong. If you’re too worried, you can solve what you encounter. Both of our companies have tangible performance as the basis. Even if the short-selling stock price plummets, the stock price will rise again after a period of time. Yes. We still don’t want to dance with it. By the way, maybe like mine, there will be a middleman who will hand you a message and ask you to pay for them. Remember, you must not agree to their request. This wind must never grow, otherwise there will be another one after the first time."

Fu Hua said: "I understand this truth."

Sun Zhaohui said, "Fu Dong, let's talk about it first. I have something to deal with. If anything happens, please let me know how to deal with it."

Sun Zhaohui hung up Fu Hua’s phone. Fu Hua turned around and went to Luo Shengtian’s office. The person who originally wanted to use Zhaohui Group to boost the share price of Xihai Investment was Luo Shengtian. Now this kind of thing has happened. Fu Hua thinks it should be. Reported the situation to Luo Shengtian.

After meeting Luo Shengtian, Fu Hua said: "Mr. Luo, you should have noticed the volatility of Xihai Investment and Zhaohui Group's share price today?"

Luo Shengtian nodded: "I have seen it all. Generally speaking, Sun Zhaohui is still very experienced, and he has dealt with it fairly well."

Fu Hua said: "I also think he handled it very well, but I just communicated with him, and his opinion is that the matter has not ended here, and that short-selling agency may still have a back hand that hasn't shown it. And this backhand may be more violent, so we need to be a little psychologically prepared.

Luo Shengtian is relatively calm. It may be that he was born in Hong Kong, and he is more accustomed to this kind of stock market fluctuations: "Since Sun Zhaohui said so, then we really need a little psychological preparation."

Looking at Luo Shengtian, Fu Hua suddenly realized that Ten Girls is a very influential role in Hong Kong's economic circle. That short-selling agency can't be offended by others. Doesn't it mean Ten Girls are also offensive? Some things are not good for that short-selling agency. You can change the angle to see if you can teach them a lesson through official positive methods.

Fu Hua said: "Mr. Luo, I think we are blindly waiting for our opponents to play cards. It's a bit like the feeling that I am a fish with a knife. I don't like this feeling very much. Can you tell the ten girls? Let her use her influence in Hong Kong to find a way to punish the bastards from official channels, because I feel that the other party's establishment of a lie to short a legitimate and legal company is not reasonable and legal, right?"

Now Xihai Investment is tied to the same warship as the Zhaohui Group. They are both prosperous and ruined. Luo Shengtian naturally does not want to stand on the sidelines, and after analyzing the ten girls, he also feels that he should follow as much as possible. Fu Hua and Sun Zhaohui, the leading figures in the Beijing business community, went to further friendship.