
Chapter 3207: Pry the corner


13. "I'm going back," Liu Shengmei stood up as she said, then spread her arms at Fu Hua, "Hug me, Fu Hua, I really need someone to give me some strength now."

Fu Hua glanced at Liu Shengmei, and he suddenly understood why Liu Shengmei repeatedly cheated on him. He still did not respect Liu Shengmei's beauty. It had nothing to do with Liu Shengmei's beauty, but he saw his own shadow in Liu Shengmei. The one who is isolated and helpless in this world but has to rely on his own strength to deal with various forces and tenaciously strive for survival.

Living is the bottom line that one cannot give up, and the other things in life are meaningful. In order to survive, a person can bear any humiliation and despicable means. At this moment, Fu Hua understood that Li Susheng did not hesitate to betray her closest relatives in order to survive, and also understood that Liu Shengmei compromised with Li Susheng in order to survive.

Maybe their methods are not noble, but noble can only serve as the epitaph of the noble, but it cannot be a passport to self-salvation. When facing the life and death decision, there are a few people in this world who are willing to engrave these two words. On your own tombstone? At least Fu Hua felt that he couldn't do this.

It's better to die than to live. Noble is a last resort most of the time. In fact, everyone is of the same kind. Wasn't he still reluctant to risk his life to help Liu Shengmei

Therefore, Fu Hua did not twist at all, but opened his arms and hugged Liu Shengmei. Naturally, he still couldn't let go, so just a symbolic hug was like letting go of Liu Shengmei. Liu Shengmei hugged very hard, as if she was trying to squeeze her body into Fu Hua's body.

This is the kind of loneliness that adults will have when they are facing difficulties, because after looking around, there is really no power to rely on around them. If someone is willing to put his shoulders on you at this time, it would be as excited as someone who wants to drown to catch a life-saving sampan. It is estimated that Liu Shengmei is looking for him, but she does not really think that he must be able to save her from the fire. But because she basically has no other people to find.

"Okay, don't take advantage of me." Fu Hua didn't want to be held by Liu Shengmei all the time. He started to feel a little embarrassed and said jokingly.

"Fuck you," Liu Shengmei was amused by Fu Hua's words, and let go of her arms holding Fu Hua, "Okay, I'm leaving."

Fu Hua didn't say anything, just nodded, and then watched Liu Shengmei walk out of his office. He knew that it was meaningless to say anything. At this time, only Liu Shengmei could survive this test. Only oneself can try to save oneself. Both of them cannot be like Li Susheng, Hu Yufei, and Gao Hong. The native family cannot bring them too many resources. They must work hard to keep some of the things they get.

A few minutes after Liu Shengmei left, the door of Fu Hua's office was knocked. He smiled, knowing that Luo Shengtian must have come to ask about the situation after seeing Liu Shengmei gone. He shouted to come in, the door was pushed open, and Luo Shengtian walked in. After entering, Luo Shengtian sat opposite Fu Hua. Before speaking, he sniffed his nose, then glanced at Fu Hua and said: "How do I think you smell so good? This smell is the smell of Liu Shengmei's perfume, eh? Fu Dong, what did you do when you and Liu Shengmei closed the door for so long?"

Fu Hua knew that this was the result of Liu Shengmei's hug him just now. Luo Shengtian, a veteran of the show, is now pursuing Liu Shengmei and is sensitive to everything about Liu Shengmei, so he can smell the fragrance of Liu Shengmei's commonly used perfume which is not very obvious. This reminded Fu Hua that he must blow more hair before going home, or it would be bad for Leng Ziqiao to smell other women's perfume on his body.

"Are you too nervous Liu Shengmei? Of course she will leave the smell of perfume after being in my office for so long," Fu Hua said with a smile, "Speaking of this matter, you are still to blame. It should be given to others. Why did she not pay the project payment so long that she has been with me for so long, and kept asking me if you want to force her to do something by pressing the project payment not to pay?"

"No more, no more," Luo Shengtian suddenly became a little embarrassed, "How can Luo Shengtian chase women with that kind of tricks?"

"Then what's the matter with you?" Fu Hua looked at Luo Shengtian with some confusion, "I remember that at the beginning of the month, when you, me, and Wen Jun were working together on a funding plan, the company's funding this month should be barely enough. Can you meet the needs of the projects currently under construction?"

Because the Financial City project has huge funding needs, at the beginning of each month, Fu Hua, Luo Shengtian, and Zhou Wenjun will hold a capital meeting to discuss the company's funding scheduling issues. Fu Hua insisted on doing this because he felt that the company’s capital chain must be maintained. Especially in the recent year, the domestic and international economic conditions were very poor. Some of the leading domestic companies that were once prominent in the country were all because of this. The capital chain broke and collapsed overnight.

Fu Hua was worried that Xihai Investment would not be careful because similar problems would occur in the Financial City project, so he has been strictly paying attention to the capital status of Xihai Investment.

Luo Shengtian smiled awkwardly: "Originally there was nothing wrong with it, but a few days ago there was a small situation in Liu's enterprise. The funds promised to be allocated to us were not in place, so I couldn't pay Liu Shengmei's Shijie Yuncai. The company is now. But I have urged ten girls about this matter, and she told me that the funds will be available soon."

At the beginning, Liu's enterprise paid Luo Shengtian's funds to start the financial city in two forms, one part was directly paid, and the other part was granted a certain credit line by the financial company under Liu's enterprise. The line of credit is actually a kind of borrowing. Because the Financial City project needs to be gradually developed, the related credit will be gradually used, so it is not enough all at once.

Fu Hua knew about the influence of Ten Girls in Liu's enterprise, so he was not very worried about what Luo Shengtian said. He just smiled and said, "Then you are concerned about this matter, and the delay is too long. , Will make Liu Shengmei misunderstand you."

"I'm urging, but you have to help me explain it to her," Luo Shengtian said with a smile, "Also, don't you take the opportunity to pry at my corner, you know?"