
Chapter 3225: Deserted


Fu Hua took another look at the trend of Zhaohui Group since the opening of the market. Although it has fallen a bit, it is basically stable. Obviously, the firepower of the opponent is basically concentrated on the investment of Xihai. This situation can be considered in his expectation.

Then until the close at noon, the share prices of Xihai Investment and Zhaohui Group were in a state of sideways oscillation, which shows that there is a certain amount of funds to maintain the share price. Fu Hua thinks it should be the help of his and Sun Zhaohui friends. They did it.

In the first ten minutes of the opening in the afternoon, the share prices of Xihai Investment and Zhaohui Group were still calm. The share prices would be pulled back when they fell a little, and they would be beaten again when they rose. No big buyers or sellers entered the market. It fluctuates in the range. Fu Hua looked a little frustrated. But he still didn't let his heart down completely. Feng Kui told him beforehand that the big speculators on the stock market are bloodthirsty sharks. After finally catching this opportunity, they will not easily let go of Zhaohui Group and Xihai Investment.

Feng Kui believes that it is better to find a way to raise the stock price, so that speculators who want to short them will be unprofitable or even lose money. This is a safer approach. But the current situation is that neither he nor Sun Zhaohui have much mobile funds in their hands, and they can't come up with the money to raise the stock price. It is also a bit impractical to expect friends to put out a lot of money to help them raise the stock price to a safe area. It's not bad if someone can help you maintain it. But Fu Hua did not dare to relax his vigilance.

Just when Fu Hua was a little drowsy by the dullness of the market, Xihai Investment suddenly came up with a few large orders of tens of thousands of lots, instantly smashing the stock price by 3%, and then big selling orders followed. Gushing out, the stock price dived straight down. There were a few buy orders that seemed to try to stop the trend of Xihai Investment's stock price decline, but they were soon overwhelmed by the selling orders that came out from behind.

At this time, look at the situation of the Zhaohui Group. It is basically similar to the situation of Xihai Investment. It is also a succession of large selling orders, and the stock price plummets. Only because of the large size of Zhaohui Group, the rate of decline is relatively slow. Fu Huaxin is over. If this state continues, Xihai Investment and Zhaohui Group will suffer heavy losses.

But what can we do if we don’t look at it this way. If we want to stop the downward trend of stock prices, we must quickly put a large amount of capital into the stock market and raise the stock price. But he and Sun Zhaohui really couldn't put out any funds at this time.

Fu Hua was particularly frustrated at this time. He dialed Sun Zhaohui's phone and said with a wry smile: "Dong Sun, Zhaohui Group and Xihai Investment are affected."

Sun Zhaohui smiled softly on the phone and said, "Fu Dong, don't give up in such a hurry. My friends here haven't all shot yet. Be patient. Maybe we can hold it."

At this time, Fu Hua was truly convinced by Sun Zhaohui. No matter what the final outcome of the battle this time would be, he couldn't do this calmness of Sun Zhaohui. It is no wonder that he was able to achieve the current scale of the Chaohui Group of 100 billion yuan. He does have this metric.

At this time, both Xihai Investment and Zhaohui Group saw a large number of buy orders, and the stock prices were pushed up again. The two sides began to fight, and the stock prices of Zhaohui Group and Xihai Investment began to stop falling and rebound. Sell orders continue to pour out, and buyers continue to resist. The two sides continue to fight, and the stock price fluctuates continuously.

Looking at the up and down k-line on the computer screen, Fu Hua's heart also fluctuated up and down. Although the battle here is invisible to gunpowder and fighting, it is bloodier than the real battlefield. Because behind the rise and fall of stock prices are real money. No matter who wins the battle in the end, the loser will inevitably pay an extremely tragic price.

However, although it was slow, the stock price was still climbing, and the decline was recouped a little bit, and Fu Hua's heart gradually ignited hope. It seems that the friend who entrusted him is still more powerful than the friend he entrusted. It is also the size of the Zhaohui Group that is there, and naturally the friends Sun Zhaohui can mobilize are much stronger than him.

However, Fu Hua may be a little early happily. When the stock price recovered a little more than the usual decline, selling orders flooded out again, defeating the existing resistance forces of Xihai Investment and Zhaohui Group. The stock price turned down again, the lost ground that had been recovered was once again insecure, and there is a continuing downward trend.

When Fu Hua saw this place, he was a little desperate. All his and Sun Zhaohui's previous efforts will be wiped out, and what awaits them will be tragic losses. At this time, Fu Hua didn't even have the idea of calling Sun Zhaohui again. Obviously, the financial resources of the friends mobilized by Sun Zhaohui were also exhausted.

Fu Hua smiled bitterly in his heart, and he didn't know whether he was involved in Sun Zhaohui this time or Sun Zhaohui was involved in him. It is not that the Financial City project has a funding gap, and the opponent will not launch such a fierce attack on Sun Zhaohui, but on the other hand, it is not because of Sun Zhaohui, the opponent will not spend so much effort on him.

This is fate. You have to admit it if you are fate!

Fu Hua stretched out his hand to turn off the computer screen. He no longer wanted to watch the stock price continue to fall. The more he looked at it, the more powerless he felt. But at this time, the board on the screen suddenly changed drastically. Someone entered the market to sweep the goods. First, Zhaohui Group's large number of selling orders were eaten instantly, and then the stock price rose in a straight line. Almost at the same time, Xihai Investment also appeared in the same disk, and its stock price rose straight up like a rocket. Fu Hua didn't quite believe what he saw. He felt that it must be because the stock price had fallen too hard, which made him feel confused and had a serious hallucination.

Fu Hua closed his eyes vigorously, waited a few minutes before opening them again, and then looked at the computer screen. At this time, the computer screen Zhongxi Hai Investment's stock price recovered all the decline and continued to rise until the stock price was compared. When the market closed yesterday, it pulled up by eleven percent before it stopped. He calculated it to himself that if someone entered the bargain hunt at the lowest point of the decline, he would also earn at least fifty points.

Needless to say, this must be Sun Zhaohui's trick, which is equivalent to a beautiful battle of annihilation. Although Fu Hua was also happy to win this battle in his heart, he was not very comfortable in his heart. Because Sun Zhaohui didn't explain all the situation to him in advance, it made him feel worried.

But this dissatisfaction can only be buried in the bottom of my heart. When dealing with top-notch rich people like Sun Zhaohui, many things need to be cautious. Don't make everyone unhappy because of a minor problem.

Fu Hua called Sun Zhaohui and said with a wry smile: "Dong Sun, this game is really exciting today, and my heart is about to explode. Fortunately, we won in the end."

"I'm sorry, Dong Fu, I didn't want to scare you," Sun Zhaohui said with a faint smile, "I didn't expect the other party to deal with us so much. Later, I saw that the situation was a bit unmanageable. Only then did I use some friends I didn't want to use."

Although Sun Zhaohui spoke indifferently, he cleverly explained the reason for not telling Fu Hua in advance. It seems that this guy is also a person who pays attention to details, and his explanation is to take care of Fu Hua's emotions.

"Fortunately, after this battle, our opponents who went short should have suffered a lot," Sun Zhaohui continued, "I think in a short period of time, they will not dare to hit us again."

"That's true," Fu Hua still didn't quite believe Sun Zhaohui's explanation that he didn't want to do this in advance. He felt that Sun Zhaohui's real purpose was probably to teach his opponent a lot, but he didn't know why. Sun Zhaohui kept it so secretive to the outside world.

Fu Hua didn't want to figure this out either, so he just smiled and said, "Well, Sun Dong, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm really tired of being made by the other party."

Sun Zhaohui said goodbye, and then hung up Fu Hua's call. Then he sat there thinking for a while, reached out and picked up the phone and called Sun Linyu: "Lin Yu, come to my office."

After a few minutes, Sun Linyu appeared in Sun Zhaohui's office: "Dad, what are you looking for?"

Sun Zhaohui looked at his son, smiled and said, "Lin Yu, how is your relationship with Susan now?"

Sun Linyu glanced at Sun Zhaohui: "Dad, why are you asking about this? After telling you that you asked me to restrain her, Susan stayed in the hotel for the past two days and did not go out at all."

Sun Zhaohui smiled: "What are you doing so nervously? I don't want to blame you or something, I just want to ask how far you have developed?"

Sun Linyu still looked at Sun Zhaohui with suspicion, and said: "It's still pretty good."

"Since it's pretty good, why don't you take her to eat and eat frequently?" Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Bringing her back to eat often will also help me and your mother get acquainted with her earlier. I hope that the family will be popular. Some, otherwise it's just our two old guys guarding such a big house. How deserted?"

"Where are you two getting old?" Sun Linyu said with a smile, "If my mother hears this, she will definitely be upset."

"That's true. Women don't want others to say that she is old. Just treat this as if I haven't said that. But you still have to bring Susan home to get together with us. Our family does It needs to be more popular."

"I'm willing to take Susan home more to see you," Sun Linyu was obviously happy with his father's invitation, "but I have to ask Susan about this in advance."