
Chapter 3241: Substantial


A fulfilling life, right? "

Toman immediately understood, and immediately changed the topic: "Eh, Brother Fu, before I came to see you, I roughly analyzed the current financial situation of Xihai Investment. I don’t know if I feel right or not. I think your funds are probably It is difficult to meet the development needs of the future financial city project."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "You feel right, and I also know this situation. Originally, I hoped to make up a part of the proceeds from the backdoor listing of Xihai Investment, and then make additional issuances in the future. The effect is satisfactory, and it can barely meet the capital needs of the Financial City."

"But people are not as good as the sky. The first shot of Xihai Investment's backdoor listing did not start because of Luo Shengtian's sexual assault, and the funds raised were not satisfactory. Then he was repeatedly attacked in the stock market, and now the Liu company There is also something wrong. The consequence of this series of events is that if Xihai Investment wants to issue additional funds at this time, no one will join in."

Tomman didn't say anything. The Xihai Investment Financial City project hasn't seen any profits yet, and the situation emerges one after another. It is obviously impossible to raise funds at this time. It's like bank loans are of a nature. The better your condition, the more willing people are to use the money for you. Conversely, the worse you are, the more you want to find someone to help you, the less people will use the money for you.

Fu Hua scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "I am also a little worried about this matter now. The funds of Liu's enterprise will not allow Xihai Investment to last too long. I still need to find a new source of funds. I don't have a clue about this, so I am particularly afraid of any troubles in Xihai Investment."

Tomman looked at Fu Hua and said, "Are you afraid of the last straw that will overwhelm the camel?"

Fu Hua nodded: "I have been messing around in the business world for so long. I deeply know that capital is the blood of an enterprise. Personnel, quality problems, etc., will not necessarily lead to bankruptcy of the enterprise, but capital If the chain is broken, the enterprise can be shut down immediately."

"This is indeed the case. At the beginning of last year, Sister Kwai and I were helping a domestic big boss to raise funds. Several companies originally agreed to give money, but they raised the asking price and regretted the original agreement. The big guy saw that the capital chain was immediately broken, sitting in trouble, and his hair turned white overnight. Only then did I know that Wu Zixu’s overnight loss of head is not a story, but a real possibility."

Leng Ziqiao’s attention at this time was completely drawn by the financial difficulties of Xihai Investment. She looked at Tang Man and said, “Sister Xiaoman, you are engaged in private equity, and you are so familiar with Fu Hua. Maybe you can Help Xihai Investment plan a stable funding plan."

Tang Man looked at Fu Hua with a little embarrassment. She really couldn't agree to Leng Ziqiao's request. First, there are strict regulations on how private equity companies use funds. Usually, the front-end personnel are responsible for raising funds, the mid-range personnel are responsible for evaluating and determining the direction of capital investment, and the end is responsible for cashing out profits and recovering investment. So even if Feng Kui wanted to help Xihai Investment for private purposes, she would not be able to get the approval of the team.

The second point is that Fu Hua's current state obviously does not want to be entangled with Feng Kui.

Fu Hua also knew Tang Man’s embarrassment, so he smiled and said, "Zi Qiao, you don’t understand. The use of private funds is subject to strict procedures, and Xiaoman and that sister Kui can’t decide on their own. Don’t worry. Now, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. If that day comes, I will figure out a way."

At this time, Fu Hua's cell phone rang, Xiaofei called, and said to Leng Ziqiao: "I will answer the phone first, Xiaofei will find me."

Fu Hua answered the phone: "What can I do, Xiao Fei."

"Fu Hua, do you have time tomorrow night? That person just called me and asked me to invite you to the premiere of Miss Pan Yun's new film."

Fu Hua was a little dazed. He really didn't expect that person would invite him to the premiere of Pan Yun's new film. Because Gao Ming wanted to investigate the affairs of Pan Yun and Chen Yunfeng, the relationship between the two parties was not very pleasant. Fu Hua did not intend to continue to communicate with Chen Yunfeng and Pan Yun or even that person, nor did he think that these people would pay back. Want to see him again.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Fei, please put this matter away. It's not embarrassing or embarrassing, it's quite boring."

"Don't, Fu Hua, this is the person who particularly asked me, saying that the last time was a bit wronged, you and Mr. Gao, I must ask you to go. If it wasn't because Mr. Gao was not in Beijing, he too Mr. Gao will definitely be asked. I know you are reluctant, but I can’t help but give that person’s face, so you must be there tomorrow night, or else we won’t even be able to do it with our friends."

"Eh, Xiaofei, why are you still enthusiastic? What if I really don't go?"

Xiaofei said solemnly, "That means you don't care about my friend at all."

When Xiao Fei became serious, Fu Hua really didn't dare not care. After all, he had been a friend for so many years. He had to say, "Okay, I'm afraid of you. I can go, right?"

"Okay, I'll ask someone to send the invitation to your office later."

After finishing the call with Xiao Fei, Toman on the side smiled and said, "Brother Fu, I find that you are pulling more than before. Even the big star Pan Yun is reluctant to give it face."

Fu Hua shook his head: "Xiaoman, you don't know the cause and effect of this, you eat first, and I need to call again."

Fu Hua turned around and called Gao Ming. He still thought that it was weird that the person invited him to the premiere. He was not a heavyweight and influential person. Even if he was there, he was a marginal person. Why invite him? What about him

Gao Ming answered the phone, and Fu Hua said: "Mr. Gao, I just received an invitation from that person to let me participate in the premiere of Pan Yun's new film. To be honest, I am a little confused about the situation. You know what's inside. Is it a special reason?"

Gao Ming laughed: "He didn't invite you, but me. He sent you an invitation to remind me not to forget the promise not to mess with them."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "You don't need to be so careful, right? Pan Yun, Chen Yunfeng and that person are already three golden signs. Isn't it enough to prevent the smooth release of Pan Yun's new film?"

Gao Ming laughed: "It is estimated that it is still almost. A friend of mine has participated in the media screening of the new film a few days ago. The result is not ideal, and it is not a little bit behind the big sales they expected."

"It's not that right, the people who operate this film are all the big names in the industry. That person is so active in escorting, maybe he also participated in some related work."

"They were indeed the big names in the industry, but their gold-letter signs have been sold for too long, and it's probably already faded." Gao Ming continued, "In the entertainment industry, feelings can't be eaten for a lifetime. Now the new new humans All of them belong to the Internet family, and their tastes change momentarily, and they will definitely not be able to sell gold-lettered signs."

"That's true. When I think about it, these three gold signature signs haven't seen a hit for a long time. Even this new movie seems to be cooking cold rice."

"Do you remember what I told you when I was in Beijing? What I said was that if I didn't need to expose them, they would be exposed by themselves," Gao Ming said with a wry smile. "Now the abscess is about to break, the next situation It is about to develop in an uncontrollable direction."

"Then am I going to attend the premiere tomorrow?"

"Go, they will not sleep if you don't go. Give them peace of mind and eat."

Although Gao Ming's sentence sounds a bit like a joke, it is actually the fact that things have developed to this day, and the result is irreversible. Gao Ming is not a person who has malicious intent towards the world. His investigation of those things is actually trying to prevent things from developing in the worst direction.

But the reality he faces is that those who manipulate capital have broken free from the shackles of conscience and become more and more greedy, using shameless lies to grab assets endlessly. Coupled with the endless consumer desire of mankind, the inferior nature of deceiving the same kind, and the subsequent flood of money, will inevitably lead to the collapse of the entire system. Eventually suffer the consequences.

All these made Fu Hua a little bit dumbfounded. Most people in this game now think that they are the smartest person in the game, and they all feel that they can escape smoothly before the arrival of the disaster, Soros said. Famous sayings also tell everyone that the history of the world economy is a series based on falsehoods and lies. To gain wealth, the method is to recognize the illusion, invest in it, and then quit the game before the illusion is recognized by the public.

This is not false at all, but how about a few who can stay a little sober when they are obsessed with money and quit the game before the illusion is seen through? Even the deity of Soros is estimated to be difficult, because when the risk comes, it is an instant thing. When you can react, the situation is often out of control.

When Fu Hua returned to the table, he smiled and said to Tomman: "Since you think Pan Yun is a big star, do you want to join me and Zi Qiao to join in the fun tomorrow?"

"I don't have that free time," Tomman said with a smile, "In the evening, I have to have a video conference with me while I am still in the United States. The company's preparatory phase is complicated and has to be busy for a while. It."

Leng Ziqiao looked at Tomman with admiring eyes: "Sister Xiaoman, I really admire you all for being so smart and capable. Living like you is the only one