
Chapter 3262: burden


Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said, "I really didn't expect that he would jump out at this time. There is nothing you and Qiao Yuzhen can do to make him bow?"

Yu Zhiqing smiled and said, "Since we joined hands with him last time, he really hates us. He finally caught this opportunity, so how could he let it go easily? This guy suddenly became smarter. , Know how to seize the moment."

Fu Hua sneered: "He is not so smart. I think it was the Liu family who shook him up behind his back."

"If that's the case, then we will be miserable," Yu Zhiqing said with a wry smile, "Now in Huili Group, Qiao Yuzhen and Yu Siqiang are in a mutually restrictive relationship. Since Yu Siqiang has planned to acquire Xihai Investment, he will definitely watch me and Qiao Yuzhen, and will not let us use Huili Group's funds to participate in this battle for control. And my Xinlin Development currently has very limited funds available. It is not the peak season for real estate sales, and it is difficult for Xinlin Development to withdraw a large amount of funds in a short period of time."

"Eh, aren't you? You were crying and shouting to enter the game at the beginning," Fu Hua cried, "Now it will be handed over soon. Tell me if you can't get the money, do you want to die? me?"

"Although I really want to fix you in my heart," Yu Zhiqing said with a smile, "but I didn't have much preparation for this time. I still want to wait for you and the Liu family father and son to get into a fierce conflict, I can fish in troubled waters. What about making a fortune? Who knows that you haven't started the war yet, and your lair was stolen first. By the way, what are you going to do with this situation now?"

"What else can I do?" Fu Hua said angrily, "Of course the soldiers came to block, the water came and the soil was covered, and I still had some reserve funds in my hand, so I took it out and started a fight with Yu Siqiang. "

"It's really that simple?" Yu Zhiqing said unconvincedly, "You don't have much leeway right now, and your shares are close to the 30% red line, but will Yu Siqiang say goodbye? It’s hard to say what kind of shareholders will become a concerted person. Maybe he will avoid the red line and find someone to control Xihai Investment with him."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said: "Then what should I do? You would never suggest that I do nothing, so let Yu Siqiang take away Xihai's investment? I can only say that I have tried my best now. You know me Who is the person I admire the most now? It is the Ten Girls. When they were dying, the Ten Girls reminded me of the issue of Xihai Investment. Unfortunately, I was patronizing at the time to figure out how to calculate the Lius and his sons, and I didn’t understand the meaning of the Ten Girls ."

Yu Zhiqing snorted and laughed: "I finally understand what it means to be too smart, but what it means to forget Qingqing's life."

"Okay, don't be so gloating, stop talking to you, I have to quickly find someone to raise money to deal with it, so be it."

"That's not right, Fu Hua, although you praised it, as if Taishan's top Xihai Investment was about to change hands, but in my tone, I didn't feel the slightest tension or fear of you. You are sitting on the Diaoyutai like this, right? What tips did the ten girls leave for you when they were alive? If you have some, give me a bottom line. Maybe I can raise some money to play with you?"

"Ten girls definitely don't have the kits. If they are, wouldn't they become Zhuge Liang?" Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "I didn't panic, because panic is useless, right?"

"That's also true. Fear can't help you. Since you said that, I won't play with you in this round. Are you still looking for someone to raise money? Go ahead and hang up."

Yu Zhiqing hung up the phone there. Although she told Fu Hua to stay out of the matter, it seemed that this matter had nothing to do with her, but the look on her face was not relaxed at all, but after she hung up the phone, The financial director of Xinlin Development was immediately brought over and asked in detail about the company's current capital status.

Just as she told Fu Hua, Xinlin Development’s current capital chain is also very tight. This situation is not a secret in the Hong Kong business community. She is actually worried that Liu and his son will take advantage of the chaos to confront Xin. Lin Development started. Father and son Liu are the protagonists of this battle. They are all very cunning guys, and no one can think of whom they will attack next.

She is actually in the same camp as Fu Hua. The Liu family and his sons will definitely not fail to guard against her. If they find that Xinlin's development status is not very good during the defense, it is difficult to say that they will not want to bite. Xinlin developed a bite, just like this time Yu Siqiang took the cold to attack Fu Hua first, making Fu Hua very embarrassed, if Xinlin Development was caught off guard, the situation would be very passive.

She has always been a selfish person. Of course, she must first think of a way to protect herself before she can stand by others. If you want her to sacrifice and help Fu Hua at all, then she definitely won't do it. So she chose to sit on the sidelines because she felt the danger was approaching. She is harsh on people, and she is more defensive accordingly, and she is more sensitive to the imminent crisis.

It has to be said that Liu's father and son squeezed Yu Siqiang really played a good game. As soon as this came out, Liu's father and son immediately revitalized the situation, which not only made up for the weakness of their own vitality, but also left. Yu Li can watch other chess players on the sidelines and move forward and backward freely. The other players on the high board dare not act rashly. This father and son are really too old and cunning.

After Fu Hua finished the call with Yu Zhiqing, he didn't want to go everywhere to raise money as he said to Yu Zhiqing. Although Yu Siqiang attacked him first, it didn't seem to be what he expected, but the whole situation did not deteriorate to the point where he could not bear it. He vaguely felt that the variable he was waiting for had appeared.

If the whole situation is always in a stable state, it is basically impossible to stir the whole situation with his strength. The stability of the situation is actually the most unfavorable and the weakest. Only when the water is muddled, the weak can get huge benefits from fishing in troubled waters. If the situation is stable, he and Luo Shengtian estimate that they can only hold the 3% of the ten girls' shares, and they won't be able to get any benefits from hiding.

Fortunately, Liu's father and son couldn't control their temperament, so Yu Siqiang attacked him first, the water was disturbed, and the situation began to become complicated. On the surface, it seems that the Liu family and his son have the upper hand, but in fact they blurred the focus and placed the weakest Xihai investment on the board at the center of attention of all forces. And Liu's enterprise seems to be safe, and it can even take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit.

But is it really so? Fu Hua felt that it was not necessarily. On the contrary, he felt that the Liu enterprise was the most vulnerable to attack at this moment. When you put all your attention on attacking others, your defense is also the weakest.

However, Fu Hua felt that at present, who is not messy enough, and the situation is not chaotic enough, he has little chance of wanting to defeat the strong by weak. But the development of the situation is going in the direction he wants, so compared to when the ten girls were still alive, his heart is more settled, and a big opportunity is coming. He only needs to guide properly and manage it. Father and son Liu couldn't cry. So he felt that there was no need to raise money at all. It should be for Si Qiang.

If Yu Siqiang wanted Xihai's investment so much, just give it to him. Instead, he could get more money and use it where he needed it more. The current Xihai Investment has long been trapped by the Financial City project. The huge investment capital gap is like the Damox sword hanging over his head. Xihai Investment can’t breathe for a long time. Within time, this problem will not be resolved.

He needs to constantly raise funds to fill this huge black hole. He feels that sooner or later he will eat himself like the snake that devours his tail. This problem is really about to be solved. Ten girls probably saw this before reminding him to find a way to dispose of some of the assets of Xihai Investment, right

Anyway, Ten Girls meant this or not, because of her reminder, Fu Hua had already recovered part of the funds in advance, which allowed him to deal with the current situation more flexibly. He even has an idea, simply taking the opportunity to raise the share price of Xihai Investment, so that the shares he holds can be sold for more money.

The Financial City belongs to Luo Shengtian. It is not his complex. For him, the Financial City project is a business, no matter how big it is, it is nothing more than a big business. Since it is just a business, then let go of profit and loss or not let go. They are all acceptable things, and he has no idea of living and dying together and advancing and retreating together.

Not only he didn't, but Luo Shengtian's big gambling coffee probably didn't exist either. Luo Shengtian wanted a decent business in the final analysis, so that he could realize his dream of being proud in front of the Liu family and his sons. This kind of dream was originally there or not, but it was too stupid to help him take it seriously. Xihai's investment was considered to be his complex, but he had already received enough compensation, and even in the future he might get benefits that he could not think of before, so he gave up the pain and let him go.

However, Fu Hua doesn’t mean that he can easily let go of Xihai Investment. In doing business, he pays attention to consideration. The Liu family and Yu Siqiang have not paid enough consideration until now. They want Xihai Investment. Naturally it won't work anymore.

Therefore, Fu Hua felt that the current situation was not chaotic enough, and a fierce bidding situation had not yet formed. Only when there is a bidding situation between the two sides, the higher the price, the big burden of Xihai investment can be sold at the price that makes his heart.

What he is currently thinking about is how to push the situation to continue to develop in the direction he wants, and this requires a good plan. From the current point of view, the parties involved in the game are not pushing the situation. What Fu Hua needs is to bring in new participants.