
Chapter 3284: Dreaming back at midnight


The next morning, Fu Hua called Sun Zhaohui. He wanted to ask Sun Zhaohui what his plan for the Haichuan City project was. After the call was made, the girl who answered the call: "Hello, I am Sun Dong's assistant. May I ask if you have anything to do with Sun Dong?"

Although they are all female voices, this girl makes Fu Hua a little stranger now. He couldn't help but wonder, Sun Zhaohui changed female assistant again? But then he remembered that this voice belonged to Wang Li. Before he called Sun Zhaohui, it was Wang Li. Later Wang Li went to Haichuan to manage the Haichuan project, and Sun Zhaohui changed to an assistant.

Fu Hua felt more and more that the Haichuan City project of the Zhaohui Group might be cold. If Wang Li only returns to report on her work for a short period of time, she will definitely not return to the position of Assistant Sun Zhaohui. And Wang Li returned to the position of assistant, which means that Sun Zhaohui is sure to abandon the Haichuan project.

Fu Hua smiled: "Wang Li, I'm Fu Hua, is Dong Sun here?"

"It's Dong Dong," Wang Li said with a smile, "Wait a moment, I will ask Dong Sun if I can answer your call."

After a few seconds, Sun Zhaohui's voice came over from the phone: "Eh, Dong Fu, what's wrong with me?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Dong Sun, are you planning to transfer Wang Li back from Haichuan?"

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said: "I just want to discuss this matter with you. The group now thinks that the recycling cycle of the Haichuan City project is a bit longer, and now the group’s capital chain is very tight, so I want to change this project. Transfer it out. I called Wang Li back, also wanting to ask her opinion."

Fu Hua knew that Sun Zhaohui trusted Wang Li, the female assistant, and asked with a smile, "What did Wang Li say?"

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said: "Wang Li said that the profit prospect of the project is not visible in the short term."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I don't need her to talk about this. The project was originally a long-term investment project. If you say this now, it means that you have already retired in your heart."

Sun Zhaohui sighed and said with a wry smile: "It is indeed like this. I was really prepared to make long-term investments at first, but you also know that this year's economic environment is so bad that I feel like walking on thin ice every day. In this state, the group will naturally give priority to compressing such slow-acting projects."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly. He also knew that what Sun Zhaohui said was the truth. It is now an economic downturn and the economic situation this year is worse than last year. It is reasonable for Sun Zhaohui to abandon the Haichuan project. But Shao Yiling would not be willing to accept this result.

However, if a company is willing to take over this project, Haichuan may have nothing unacceptable. Anyway, one cock dies and the other cock cries, the Haichuan project can continue. Fu Hua asked: "Dong Sun, things have developed to this point. Obviously, the possibility of you withdrawing from Haichuan City is very high. The key is that you have found someone who is willing to accept it?"

"There is such a company, but the other party keeps the price low, to a level that I don't want to accept, so this decision is not very good.

Even if the price is low, Haichuan City does not matter, because Sun Zhaohui has already paid Haichuan City for the land price. The price was too low, and the loss was borne by Sun Zhaohui's Zhaohui Group. What Shao Yiling is worried about may be that the project cannot be transferred. If the project cannot be transferred out, work may be suspended. This project has been tossing for a while on the only entertainment side. I'm afraid that Haichuan City's face will not be too good-looking. So what is the strength of the company to take on this project, and the probability of the next is very important.

Fu Hua tentatively said, "Dong Sun, can you tell me which company is willing to take over this project?"

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said: "Yes, anyway, you will soon know that it is Daktronics."

Fu Hua knows about Daktronics Group. This is not a top ten real estate company. It ranks about 13 or 4 in the industry, and it can be regarded as a relatively powerful company. However, there is still a big gap with Zhaohui Group. The timing is very delicate now, and Daktronics obviously has the idea of picking up bargains. Fu Hua doubted whether it had such a big appetite and could digest it well.

Sometimes picking up cheap will also pick up hot potato. And Daktronics did not do this kind of tourism real estate before. This is a former residential development company with a Hong Kong background. The development of the Haichuan project is not their strong point. Even Sun Zhaohui is a little unable to do a project, can he do it well

Fu Hua asked: "Dong Sun, did Daktronics say what the purpose of this project is? What is the future development direction of the project?"

"Daktronics told me that it is still tourism real estate, but they are mainly engaged in the hotel industry. The environment in Haichuan City is still very good, and they want to build the project into a resort."

Fu Hua is not very optimistic about this direction. The beautiful environment of Haichuan City has long been recognized. It has not developed into a resort for so many years. Why does Daktronics think they can succeed? But these can't interfere with Fu Hua's range of ability.

Fu Hua knew that Sun Zhaohui was now in front of him and made a painful tone that was slaughtered by the Daktronics Group, but since Sun Zhaohui told him all the relevant circumstances, it means that Sun Zhaohui has already made a resale project in his heart. Of determination. Because Sun Zhaohui always makes decisive decisions when he does everything.

What Fu Hua now thinks is whether to follow Sun Zhaohui's steps and sell Xihai's investment in Haichuan City to Daktronics. Now that Sun Zhaohui has abandoned the project, it doesn't make sense for him to keep it.

It's just that the timing is really bad. Sun Zhaohui accounts for the bulk of the project and can't sell the price, so his part may be even lower. Because he has no bargaining capital on his side. But let's lose a little bit if you lose it, not much anyway. Now that he has the idea of retreating to the next line of management in his mind, it is easier to deal with them.

Fu Hua asked Sun Zhaohui: "Dong Sun, since this is the case, you will help me ask Daktronics Group later, should they take the investment of Xihai Investment in the project together?"

Sun Zhaohui smiled: "Fu Dong, if you ask the price at this time, Daktronics will probably kill you."

Fu Hua smiled: "Whatever, there is not much money anyway, it will be fine if you deal with it together."

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said, "That's OK, I'll just ask you a question later."

As soon as Fu Hua hung up the phone, Shao Yiling called in and asked, "I couldn't make a call for so long just now. Have you already talked to Sun Zhaohui about the project."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "Yes, I think Sun Zhaohui means he wants to sell the project. Now I'm talking about Daktronics, and the other party keeps the price very low. Sun Zhaohui is a little bit painful. But what about you? There shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Daktronics will continue to take over the project."

Shao Yiling did not immediately express her opinion after listening. She is now a very mature leader, and of course she understands that things will not be as easy as Fu Hua said. There are many things that Haichuan City must be involved in. Only with actual participation can we try our best to ensure the smooth handover of Zhaohui Group and Daktronics Group.

In the future, this will definitely be a tedious task, and it is still impossible to judge where the whole thing will go. She is least fond of this state of uncertainty. Shao Yiling smiled bitterly and said: "Fu Hua, I really regret that I shouldn't be greedy for taking over this project. It's been a long time since the project is still so immortal."

Fu Hua also knew that Shao Yiling was embarrassed about this matter. The matter was already like this. He didn't want to say any cold words, so he persuaded him: "Don't worry too much, and solve any trouble if you encounter any trouble."

Shao Yiling said: "That's the way it is. Oh, yes, Sun Zhaohui has withdrawn. What about you? Don't you Xihai Investment still have some investment in the project?"

Fu Hua laughed and said: "You know, Sun Zhaohui had to pull me into the game, so Xihai Investment invested in it. Now that the owner has withdrawn, it doesn't make sense for me to stay. So I followed Sun Zhaohui said that when he asked him to negotiate with the Daktronics Group, he should take the lead to deal with the part of Xihai's investment."

"Fu Hua, do you have to treat me this way?" Shao Yiling said with a wry smile, "Are you too unfeeling? Even if you don't remember the love between us, Haichuan City is your hometown after all, you Can't you just leave some thoughts for your hometown?"

Fu Hua was shocked: "Is this still necessary? My investment is also insignificant."

Shao Yiling smiled bitterly and said, "But I still have a little bit of heart when you stay. I can discuss anything with you. You completely withdraw and go out, as if you are disconnected from me. You know, in times of difficulty. , You are my spiritual support. I also want to say that you still have projects here. You can come to Haichuan City to gather with me at some time."

"Do you want to play with fire?" Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "You have to know that you are stared at by a lot of eyes now. Once things are not secret, I am fine. You still don't want your position. ?"

"No one in Beijing pays attention to me," Shao Yiling said with a wry smile. "Maybe my job now brings too many things, even if I can't handle it even if I go back to Beijing. It's really not easy to go back to Beijing. Opening Leng Ziqiao’s eyes makes it even harder to see you. You know, I dreamed back many times at midnight, and I missed you very much."

Fu Huaxin said that you shouldn't think of me if you don't encounter difficulties. He smiled bitterly and said, "Shao Yiling, you have already made a choice."

At the beginning, Fu Hua asked her to make a choice between her career and him. If she chose him, the two would get married. As a result, Shao Yiling did not choose him when the crisis had passed.