
Chapter 33: showdown


Qu Wei was still a little worried, and said, "Can you do it? There are many things involved. Can you operate it?"

Fu Hua said: "I will proceed with caution."

Qu Wei said: "It seems that you have a good expectation for building a hotel."

Fu Hua smiled: "I have considered it comprehensively. Beijing is the economic and cultural center of the country. It is now in a stage of rapid expansion. Even if the hotel is built and there is no profit, the value of the land will also be a considerable number. . Believe me, this will definitely not lose money."

Qu Wei smiled: "As long as you are so confident, I won't stop you. I will report back to the city government for approval. At the China Merchants Bureau, I have already greeted Director Wang Yin, and he will investigate Jinghua in detail. Investment background, and take Zhao Jin’s inspection seriously, so he won’t fall for him."

Fu Hua said: "I see, if there is nothing wrong, I will return to the office tomorrow."

Qu Wei said: "What are you rushing back to do? You want to meet your little lover again? I warn you again, that Sun Ying must be broken for me. How many men are planted on a woman's waistband."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I will pay attention. I have read the Twenty-Four History and know how many heroes are planted in the hands of women. I will take it as a warning."

When Fu Hua said this, he took a special look at Qu Wei. He wanted to also remind Qu Wei not to get involved in his private life, but his painstaking efforts were in vain. Qu Wei did not think about himself. He said: "As long as you know."

Fu Hua returned to the Beijing Office the next day and began to look for a location for the hotel. Originally he could find Yang Jun. Yang Jun seemed to be very interested in this project, but because of Yang Jun and Sun Ying's affairs, Fu Hua felt very uncomfortable, and a person who betrayed his closest person is untrustworthy. , So Fu Hua did not go to Yang Jun.

The process of finding land was not smooth. Some friends recommended several places for Fu Hua, but the geographical location was not good or it was not suitable for building a hotel. After a few days, Fu Hua was disappointed one after another.

Lin Xi came back from Haichuan, and he tried to bring in Zhao Jin's Jinghua investment but failed. After a detailed background investigation by China Merchants, it was discovered that although Jinghua Investment Co., Ltd. boasted of its strength, there were no investment projects that could be offered. After checking with the tax bureau, Jinghua Investment had not paid taxes normally for several consecutive years. At this point, China Merchants has a clear picture of what kind of company Jinghua Investment is.

Originally, Zhao Jin’s board and lodging in Haichuan was paid by Haichuan City. After learning that it was a shell company, China Merchants notified Zhao Jin’s hotel and asked the guests to pay for the board and lodging. Zhao Jin is a very smart person. Seeing Haichuan City did this, he knew that his hole cards had been seen through by others. He knew the opportunity and immediately ignored Qin Tun and Lin Xi's retention and left.

Lin Xi originally thought that he had worked hard to bring Zhao Jin to Haichuan, and he would surely allow Zhao Jin to invest in Haichuan, and during the conversation, Zhao Jin also showed a strong desire to invest, so he thought he could earn a certain amount of political capital. It turned out that the dog bit the pig's urine bubble, and Kong was overjoyed. After being scolded by Qin Tun, he returned to the Beijing Office.

Looking at Lin Xi's sullen look, Fu Hua was amused to himself. This guy is really retarded, and he didn't want to think about it. If Zhao Jin was a sweet pastry, would he ignore it? Sometimes if this person gets confused by Li Lingzhi, his mind will be blinded by benefits, and I can't understand such a simple truth.

Besides being funny, Fu Hua felt that Lin Xi was pitiful. All he wanted was the small Beijing office that manages such a few people. The house was still rented. He has been fighting for this for several years, and he has just seen a little hope, and he has been obliterated by himself.

People in official careers are so pitiful. They have worked so hard for a lifetime. What they aspire to is an official and a half job. After several years of struggle, these people will not be able to do anything other than being an official. There is nothing in his life. Only for the slim hope of promotion can continue to struggle.

It's time to talk to Lin Xi. Fu Hua neither wants to send Lin Xi away, nor does he want to always prevent Lin Xi from doing his own little actions. He decides to talk to Lin Xi openly once. If Lin Xi still cannot persuade him, he will only Could you ask him to leave.

Right now Fu Hua is about to start a big move, and he can't put a person around him who needs to calculate himself, even if the harm of this person is controllable.

Lin Xi was called to Fu Hua’s office. Fu Hua smiled and said, “Old Lin, I’ve been in the office for more than three months, and I’ve always wanted to talk to you, but I was delayed because of my busy schedule with Ronghong Group. Come down. Now that the matter of Ronghong Group is settled, the two of us can sit down and have a good chat."

Lin Xi glanced at Fu Hua and asked what to talk about. Now that you guy has the capital, you can teach me a lesson, right

But Fu Hua is now in the limelight. Before Lin Xi challenged his courage, he smiled and said, "I would like to listen to Director Fu's advice."

Fu Hua smiled: "What are you suggesting? It's wrong to say that. We are chatting privately to get to know each other."

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I don't know what Director Fu wants to know?"

Fu Hua said, "Hey, Lao Lin, don't yell at Director Fu every bit. I have more points. I'm younger than you. Call me Xiaofu."

Lin Xi said, "I dare not accept this."

Fu Hua looked at Lin Xi and saw that Lin Xi was always looking away thousands of miles away, so he stopped insisting: "Okay, what do you call it. Hey, what does my sister-in-law do in Beijing?"

Lin Xi said, "I do accounting for people in a company."

Fu Hua said: "Is the income okay?"

Lin Xi said, "Reluctantly, I can't get hungry."

Fu Hua said: "Are all the children going to school in Beijing?"

Lin Xi said, "Yes, one is in high school and the other is in junior high school."

Fu Hua smiled: "Lao Lin, you are going to take root in Beijing."

Lin Xi glanced at Fu Hua: "Director Fu, what are you going to say?"

Fu Hua smiled: "In fact, it's nothing, I just want to tell you. Before I go to the Beijing Office, someone suggested that I remove Lao Lin from you, saying that you are not the director of the Beijing Office. The main reason for going down. I said at the time that Lao Lin would not do this anymore. His home is in Beijing, and he will do his job well in Beijing, and will never have any conflict with me."

Lin Xi's face twitched. Fu Hua's words hit him. His wife's income is not high. He still needs the income from the Beijing Office to make ends meet. If Fu Hua removes him from the Beijing Office, he has only two options, either to return to Haichuan to live a life of separation between the two places, or to resign and leave the Haichuan Municipal Government.

These two choices were not something Lin Xi was willing to bear.

Fu Hua looked at Lin Xi's expression and gave him time to digest what he said.

Lin Xi quickly figured out the stakes involved, and laughed, and said, "Of course I am willing to accept the leadership of Director Fu. I will do a good job in Beijing. Your friends are a little worried."

Fu Hua sneered and asked: "Really?"

Lin Xi's heart was fluttered by Fu Hua's smile. He dared not look at Fu Hua's eyes, lowered his head and said, "I'm telling the truth."

Fu Hua decided to have a showdown with Lin Xi. He didn't push Lin Xi to the root of the wall. Lin Xi wouldn't disarm, so he said, "That's weird. What I saw in Haichuan this time was not like this. Someone reported from Secretary Sun. I was dealing with some improper women, and some people said that I was perfunctory to my work. Some investors had made it clear that they wanted to invest in me but ignored me. As a result, Mayor Qu gave me a nasty mess, saying that I only knew in the Beijing Office. Spending time and drinking, not doing business properly. Is this who is staring at me? Why is my business card in my office gone for some reason? Lao Lin, do you know what's going on?"

Lin Xi blushed like a monkey buttocks, smiled and looked at Fu Hua and said, "Do you know all this?"

Fu Hua said: "You are all up to Secretary Sun, do you think I can't know? Lao Lin, are you in such a hurry to chase me away?"

Lin Xi lowered his head.

Fu Hua went on to say: "Sometimes you just don't think clearly. If you have the ability to be the director of the Beijing Office, wouldn't you let you do it early in the organization? Nor will the Beijing Office be vacant for half a year. Have you become the director? If you really have the ability, you won't be in charge of the Beijing Office for half a year. The Beijing Office will have no performance at all. What are you thinking about all the time? Do you want to get the director out of conspiracy? You also don’t want to think that every director is squeezed away by you, and you are so stupid in the organization that you do not doubt your role in it. Appoint you as the director? Do you know how you are viewed in the organization? The organization thinks that you are the resident Do you know the main reason for the instability of the Beijing Office in recent years?"

Lin Xi's head was lower.

Fu Hua said: "Old Lin, I asked myself how it would be for you after coming to the Beijing Office, but your approach makes me very chilling. Go back and think about it, and give me an attitude tomorrow. If you don't want to stay in Beijing again If you stay here, I will arrange the transfer for you; if you still want to stay in Beijing, think about what you should do next."

Lin Xi went out with a flushed face, and Fu Hua said, "You call Liu Fang here by the way."

Lin Xi went out, and Liu Fang came in for a while. When Fu Hua saw Liu Fang's expression a little uneasy, he knew that Lin Xi must have told her the conversation he had with Lin Xi when he called her. What he wants is this kind of result. He can’t have a direct showdown with Liu Fang like Lin Xi. Behind Liu Fang is the deputy mayor of Qintun, and Liu Fang has always been respectful to him. He didn’t catch him. What's wrong with Liu Fang. He could only let Lin Xi relay his attitude to Liu Fang, and indirectly made Liu Fang feel a little deterred.

Liu Fang asked cautiously: "Director Fu, is there anything you want to do with me?"

Fu Hua smiled: "Sister Liu, sit first, sit first."

Liu Fang originally thought that Fu Hua called her to criticize her like Lin Xi. Seeing Fu Hua's gentle wind and drizzle, he sat opposite Fu Hua, glanced at Fu Hua nervously, and asked, "Director Fu, I Did you do something wrong?"