
Chapter 3308: Identity


"Dong Sun, I personally have a suggestion about negotiation." Susan is not the kind of person who waits for things to be resolved. She likes to take the initiative. She took the initiative to find Sun Zhaohui. "We can no longer follow the Daktronics Group. Negotiating at a better pace, we will become more and more passive in that way."

Sun Zhaohui glanced at the beautiful foreign girl in front of him, but in his heart he liked Susan's relatively positive energy. Sun Linyu entered the project earlier than her, but so far, he has not taken the initiative to ask him for any suggestions. He smiled and said, "Let's listen."

"I want to temporarily suspend this project negotiation, or directly propose to end this negotiation."

Sun Zhaohui smiled. This foreign girl is quite courageous. I have been tossing about this project for some time. He, the chairman of the board, has not yet proposed to end the negotiation, but she came up and said that he would suspend or end the negotiation. Do you know that apart from Daktronics Group, other companies have no interest in this project? If he could suspend or end this negotiation, he would have done it a long time ago.

"Then you tell me the reason you want to do this?"

"The reason is very simple, it is to disrupt the rhythm of the Daktronics Group," Susan said with a confident smile, "According to my observation, Daktronics still wants this project, but it may be that our group performed very well in the beginning. Anxiously wanting to get rid of the project, this gave them a heart to pick up the big bargain, so they tried their best to lower the price."

"If we tell them at this time that they can't find the cheap price, I think they will have a regret that they missed it. Maybe they will ask us to return to the negotiating table. This way, they will reach an agreement faster."

Sun Zhaohui pondered for a few seconds, and had to admit that what Susan said was impossible. But it is also possible that the negotiations will really break down. At this time, if you don't know how to handle it properly, you will fall into a greater passivity. He smiled and said: "Your proposal is bold and it may succeed, but what if the other party does not follow your ideas? Do you have any plans in your mind to deal with this aspect?"

Sun Zhaohui's question is actually a test for Susan. Some strategies in business negotiations, success and failure are both possible. Of course success is great, but what about failure? A capable planner must be able to come up with a solution after the plan fails at this time.

"I have thought about this too," Susan said with a smile, "If the other party is not as I expected, what to do next depends on your ideas. If you still want to take the project, then Simply further reduce the price. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to continue to consume time on a project that has been decided to abandon."

"Or if you just don't want to sell at such a low price, then you can put it aside. Maybe there are other ways to put it. Or package it in an asset package and sell it together. Maybe it's higher than the current selling price? "

Sun Zhaohui pondered for a few more seconds. What Susan said was not the best solution, but it was considered a solution. Besides, the business aspect does need to be foreseeable, but it is sometimes inappropriate to respond to some foreseeable situations too early.

In fact, he took investment in the only entertainment as an alternative to the development of the real estate industry, and this matter was done a little earlier. Fortunately, the real estate industry can still bring huge profits to the Zhaohui Group, otherwise the Zhaohui Group will be dragged into the mud by the giant pit of the only entertainment at this time.

Thinking about it this way, Sun Zhaohui felt that Haichuan’s project was not in such a hurry to let go. He smiled and said, “I think you can try this suggestion. I’ll talk to Wang Li later and let her inform. The Daktronics Group said that we need to review the decision to transfer the Haichuan project. In the meantime, negotiations are temporarily suspended."

A temporary suspension shows that Sun Zhaohui still wants to get rid of the Haichuan project as soon as possible, so he left the room to return to the negotiating table.

After saying this, Sun Zhaohui looked at Susan and smiled and said, "That's right, Susan, I didn't expect you to enter the state so quickly."

"I also want to help you share some work as much as possible," Susan smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I still can't come up with a solution that can really solve this problem."

"Your performance is already very good," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Let Lin Yu take you back for dinner in the evening, Lin Yu and my mother guarded such a big house for dinner, and it was very cold. "

Sun Zhaohui’s true intention is to want Sun Linyu and Susan to get married earlier. Getting married earlier can also hold Susan’s heart, and let them hug their grandson as soon as possible, but do it now. Parents are actually very humble, and there is no way to force their children to do anything. Whether to get married or not depends on whether Sun Linyu and Susan have this intention.

But at present, these two guys do not have this tendency. Therefore, Sun Zhaohui is not too obvious, so he can only hint at it from the side.

Although Susan was attracted by the strong strength of Zhaohui Group, she did not want to enter the marriage too early. Moreover, Sun Linyu did not show an eager desire to enter the marriage. At this time, she was very anxious but not good. Maybe it will provoke Sun Linyu.

Besides, this negotiation of Daktronics Group has fully demonstrated one thing, that is, the party who is too anxious will be at a relative disadvantage and lose a lot of bargaining chips.

"I'm really embarrassed about this," Susan smiled and said, "Lin Yu finally got two tickets for Broadway to come to Beijing to perform the musical "Cat" tonight, so..."

"Forget it," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "you young people have your young people's show, you go and play yours."

Susan smiled brilliantly and said, "Thank you, uncle."

Susan didn’t say that she would go to Sun Zhaohui’s house for dinner another day because she didn’t want to act eagerly to please Sun Zhaohui. She was already confident that she could control Sun Linyu. This was the fundamental. Going too much to please Sun Zhaohui would instead make Sun Zhaohui. Doubt her intentions.

On the other hand, she didn't want to be too mature, keeping some of the cuteness of her age, but would make Sun Linyu and Sun Zhaohui more willing to accept her.

After finishing the conversation with Susan, Sun Zhaohui notified Wang Li to suspend negotiations with Daktronics. It remains to be seen what response from Daktronics Group will be. After learning the news from Wang Li, Yiling Yi was a little bit unable to sit still, so she called Fu Hua: "You know that Sun Zhaohui wants to do this. What? Didn’t you say that you want to transfer this Haichuan project? What happened to the suspension of negotiations?"

When I received the call, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Fu Hua was talking to Zhou Wenjun in the office. He smiled and said, "Hey, my mayor, are you a little quiet? It can't solve the problem."

"I was in a hurry, what's wrong?" Yi Ling said very upset, "I don't care, you participated in the whole process of this project, and the plan was also planned by you, so now you can see it is going to be unfinished, you can't hide While watching my jokes, you are responsible to me."

Fu Hua understood that Yiling's almost rascal tone was not because she really wanted to rely on him, but a private act of coquetry between intimate men and women. He smiled: "How do you want me to be responsible? If you want me to support you, then you mayor don't do it, just stay with me. Anyway, just eat with one more mouth."

"Go away," Yi Ling said with a smile, "Then if you are responsible, you will still be out of your turn. There are more men who want to raise me. Some are richer than you, and some are more powerful than you, if it's not up to you. There is still a crooked idea, so grandma won't give you a chance to get close."

"Wow, you are so bullish," Fu Hua said with a smile, "Can I hang up the phone?"

"Dare you, if you dare to hang up on my phone, I will ignore you for the rest of my life." At this point Yiling Yi's tone softened, "Fu Hua, don't you treat me like this? You didn't do it like this before. Is there a way? Just use your little brain and give me a marine economic development strategy like the one proposed by Jinda at the time. Is it good or not? I really can’t stand it. It’s a situation like this kind of project that has been repeatedly unfinished. Up."

All these were actually asked by Yiling. He had reminded her not to take on the sole entertainment project, but Yiling had begged him so that he couldn't just look at it. During this period of time, he was idle, and he was also thinking about how to get Yiling out of the mud of the only entertainment. But to be honest, this stall is too big to be rescued by Zhaohui Group, let alone other companies.

Unless you jump out of the circle of this project. Now there is a new idea for the development of the city at the high-level, that is, to create a regional urban complex. The coastal area of Donghai Province is still in a very good state of urban development. The economy is relatively developed, and the coastal scenery is very beautiful. However, there are no hot cities in the tourism and vacation direction. Perhaps it may be a good solution to unite the cities along the coast to create a regional consortium.

Taking a step back, even if this plan is not very successful, it is not impossible to help Yiling's future development, because this shows that Yiling's vision is relatively broad, and she is an enterprising person. On the other hand, this is consistent with the current development thinking of the senior management.

The only problem is that Haichuan City is only a node in the coastal zone. Yiling Yiling, as the mayor of Haichuan City, is not enough to put forward such a big development idea, so she needs to persuade Feng Yuqing to accept her plan.