
Chapter 3313: Sign it


As he got off work in the evening, Sun Zhaohui, who was in a meeting with his subordinates in the office, rang on his cell phone. He checked the number displayed. It was the chairman of Daktronics Zhang Ke, with a smile on his face. Xin said that the negotiations had been suspended for a few days, and this guy finally couldn't keep his breath.

"Eh, Zhang Dong, call me something?"

"There is nothing else," Zhang Ke said with a smile, "Isn't it time for dinner? Just want to say we brothers get together for dinner?"

Negotiations in shopping malls are often at a disadvantage if they bid first, because basically he can only discount down on the basis of the bid, so the general business veterans are not willing to show their cards first. Zhang Ske obviously wanted to continue discussing the Haichuan project with Sun Zhaohui, but he first asked him to have a meal together. Sun Zhaohui smiled and said that Susan's strategy of suspending trading seemed very useful.

"Sorry, Dong Zhang," Sun Zhaohui knows that the other party is still reluctant to give up the project, so he is not eager to continue the negotiation with the other party. He wants to amuse the other party, but also for his own side because of the constant price reduction these days. Mouth, "I'm in a meeting here. Let's eat another day."

Sun Zhaohui hung up the phone after finishing speaking. Zhang Ke on the other side of the phone couldn't help but froze for a long time. He didn't expect that he gave Sun Zhaohui down the steps. Not only did Sun Zhaohui not get off, he also hung up his phone directly. This guy has suspended the negotiation of the project transfer, has he found another buyer

Zhang Ske felt a little lost in his heart. Some time ago, he kept bargaining with Zhaohui Group because he had not made up his mind to win the project. Sun Zhaohui is a well-known man with a sharp vision in the real estate industry. Is there any problem with the project he didn't want to do

And although the price given by Sun Zhaohui is already very cheap, Zhang Ke always feels that there is still room for lowering the price based on the bad environment. Based on these two points, his side kept repeating in the negotiation, because the Zhaohui Group's price still did not reach the level that he could not refuse.

But suddenly Sun Zhaohui informed him that he had suspended the negotiations, which naturally surprised him a bit. However, he felt that this was probably a negotiating trick Sun Zhaohui played with him, to retreat as an advance instead of agreeing to the existing negotiation terms. At this time, the psychological endurance of both parties will be tested. Whoever can't bear the pressure will spit out first, and the water will accept worse conditions.

Zhang Ke is convinced that under the current situation, Zhaohui Group cannot find a strong buyer like him. After stretching him for a period of time, Sun Zhaohui will definitely return to the negotiating table. At that time, as long as Sun Zhaohui lowered the price slightly, he would agree to sign the transfer agreement. Because he felt that his price reduction had reached the limit of Sun Zhaohui's tolerance, and if he continued to lower the price, he would really force Sun Zhaohui to find another buyer.

But what he didn't expect was that Sun Zhaohui could be more calm than him. It had been a few days, and he still had no intention of returning to the negotiating table. He was a little bit unconfident. In his heart, he actually felt that there was a lot of profitability for this project, so it was a pity that he gave up like this.

That's why today's call is made. The original intention was to give Sun Zhaohui a step down. In the end, Sun Zhaohui sent him to the army instead and hung up the phone. Now he became passive instead. Give up, be reluctant, don't give up, go back to ask Sun Zhaohui, he feels shameless again. This feeling of not being up and down is really a bit uncomfortable.

But after thinking about it, face is nothing compared to making money. After hesitating for a few seconds, he called again.

Seeing that the number showed Zhang Ke again, the smile on Sun Zhaohui's face increased. He took a long breath and stabilized his emotions. Then he was connected again, and asked a little surprised: "Dong Zhang, and Anything else?"

This time Zhang Ske couldn’t talk about the distressed food. He asked straightforwardly: “I just want to ask Dong Sun, what is the purpose of suspending the Haichuan City project? Does it not want to continue to transfer to the Daktronics Group? Any other ideas? Don't play dumb riddles, break the skylight and talk brightly."

"Speak brightly, right?" Sun Zhaohui said, "Let's tell you this. I am a person who always does things simply and neatly. I really can't stand your repeated repetitions. Well, I will tell you one last time. If you follow me If the parties negotiate the last second bid and sign the agreement, the two parties can formally finalize the agreement tomorrow. If you still cannot accept it, you should not call again."

"Is this?" Zhang Ske still hesitated, "Such a large amount is settled in one sentence. Isn't it a little tricky?"

Sun Zhaohui said that this guy still wants to toss, the key is that I am not so in the mood to toss with you: "You have two choices, yes or no, give you one minute to think about it, and I won't talk about it over time."

Zhang Ke didn't hesitate anymore, but he still had some reluctance in his tone: "Let's do it."

"Since you have said yes, we will finalize the time for signing the contract." Sun Zhaohui really doesn't want to waste time on this matter anymore, and he also knows that he can't give Zhang Ke too much time, or else again. There will be repeated, "Then at 10:30 tomorrow morning, I will wait for you to sign the contract in the company conference room. It's out of date. I'm still in a meeting here. Hang up first."

Zhang Ske wanted to say something, but the blind tone was already coming through the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Zhaohui looked at Wang Li who was in the meeting with him: "After the meeting, you print out the second plan negotiated by the Daktronics Group with us, and Zhang Skok will come to sign the contract tomorrow."

Wang Li glanced at Sun Zhaohui: "Will he come?"

Sun Zhaohui was also not sure whether Zhang Ske would come tomorrow. He smiled and said, "Whether he comes or not, you have to prepare first. By the way, you can ask Susan to come over at 10:30 tomorrow. If the signing is successful once, she will also have the credit. Let her be there to witness it."

Wang Li nodded: "Susan did really well this time. I'll let her know."

At 10:30 in the morning the next day, Sun Zhaohui, Sun Linyu, Wang Li, and Susan gathered in the conference room of Zhaohui Group. They were preparing to sign a formal agreement on project transfer with Daktronics Zhang Ke. Everything is ready, only Zhang Ke is owed.

It was half past ten in a short time, but Zhang Ke didn't even have a personal image. Sun Linyu, Wang Li and Susan all looked at Sun Zhaohui and asked Sun Zhaohui what to do with their eyes.

Sun Zhaohui was a little annoyed, and it seemed that Zhang Ke might have repented again. But he is also clear in his heart that under this situation, only the Daktronics Group can eat the Xiahaichuan project. Otherwise, this project might fall into your hands. So although he was very annoyed in his heart, he did not say that he would not wait for Zhang Sko.

He didn't speak, and some others couldn't say anything. They waited for another 20 minutes. Sun Zhaohui estimated that even the traffic jam factor was included in it, and Zhang Ke shouldn't come. He stood up and said, "Well, let's not wait for him. Let's do our own thing."

But at this moment, Zhang Ske opened the door of the conference room and walked in, glanced at the people present, and felt a little proud. These people did not disperse because of his lateness, indicating that Zhaohui Group still signed the contract. With great expectations, this gave him the possibility of final bargaining.

"I'm sorry, Dong Sun, I was late because of a traffic jam on the road," Zhang Ske said with a triumphant smile, "I thought about it last night, and I think we still follow our last time..."

"Dong Sun, I suggest you don't sign this contract," Susan interrupted Zhang Ke with a black face. "Not only did Zhang Dong deliberately be late and disrespect us, but he also said that he wanted to overturn the finalized plan. I really don’t know how this kind of person became such a big boss. Is it because he keeps saying that it doesn’t count, forget it? I don’t think I can trust this kind of person."

This scene was different from what Zhang Sko had imagined. He was a bit dazed, and then argued for himself: "Dong Sun, as you know, the traffic in Beijing is at the peak of work at around ten o'clock, and everyone is stuck in traffic. I have no choice but to be able to come over at this time, it is already very good."

Sun Zhaohui nodded: "Yes, yes, Dong Zhang is right. Susan, you don’t know the traffic situation in Beijing. The traffic jam is really bad. It is true that Dong Zhang is not to be blamed for being late. On his head."

"What? He is obviously disrespectful to us," Susan is still reluctant. "Since he understands the traffic conditions in Beijing, why not leave early?"

Sun Zhaohui smiled and rounded off: "Susan, don't do this. The time of the traffic jam is uncertain. How do you know that Zhang Dong didn't leave early?"

"But..." Susan wanted to say something, but Sun Zhaohui didn't want her to continue. "Susan, don't talk, can you just listen to me and Zhang Wei? Zhang Dong, you can see it, too. My subordinates are very angry that you didn’t come on time. So, I don’t want to continue wasting time on this matter. The text of the contract has been prepared. If you are willing to sign the agreement, even if the two parties have officially reached an agreement, if you don’t sign, You can leave now."

At this time, Zhang Skok couldn't say a word if he wanted to continue bargaining. He spread his hand and said, "What else can I say, sign it."

Sun Zhaohui and Zhang Ke affixed their official seals to their respective texts, signed their names, exchanged texts, and shook hands. So far, the two parties have reached a formal agreement on the transfer of the Haichuan project.