
Chapter 3314: Drive away


When he returned home in the evening, Sun Zhaohui was still in a good mood. First, Zhaohui Group and Daktronics Group finally signed a formal transfer agreement, and the burden of the Haichuan project was removed. He has always been looking for someone to do things like this, knowing that he shouldn't give up completely for that, and he will definitely not sluggish.

On the other hand, it’s because Susan’s performance in the company today is really eye-catching. He didn’t instruct her to play a black face in the negotiation, but Susan stepped forward as soon as Zhang Sko wanted to bargain. Direct opposition to the continuation of the contract directly expressed the dissatisfaction of the subordinates of the Zhaohui Group, and eliminated the possibility of Zhang Ke continuing to bargain.

At that time, the first thought in Sun Zhaohui's mind was that although Lin Yu had limited abilities, he had a first-rate vision of picking a girlfriend, and Susan's performance was truly remarkable. If there is nothing unexpected, Sun Linyu is willing to enter into marriage with Susan, he will not object.

As a business operator who controls a company with a scale of 100 billion yuan, he does not love or love the marriage of his future sons and daughters, whether it is pure or innocent, and what is right. What he considers is whether the next generation can continue the Zhaohui Group after inheriting his career. And Susan's current performance can meet his needs in this regard.

His wife Yu Mingyang saw him go home: "Did Lin Yu come back with you?"

"No, we went our own way. He went to find Susan before he came back," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Hurry up and put out the food, eat, eat, I'm really hungry."

"This Lin Yu is true, too. Is Susan that good? Why does the family stick to her one day?"

"I'm going to help Lin Yu speak this time," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "Your son is really visionary to find Susan as his girlfriend this time. This girl is really good."

"What do you know, say that woman is excellent?" Yu Mingyang said very upset, "You don't know that woman at all."

At this time, Sun Zhaohui noticed that Yu Mingyang’s face had always been gloomy since he returned home. He looked at Yu Mingyang and said with a smile: "Hey, you mother wouldn’t be eating Su. Shan's jealous? I know that Lin Yu spends more time with Susan during this time, but you have to understand them as young people. Of course they want to spend more time with each other during their passion. Now, when I look back, I will talk about Lin Yu, don’t patronize your girlfriend, but also think about your mother."

"Go, I'm not so bored to eat that woman's jealousy," Yu Mingyang said irritably, "The point is that Lin Yu doesn't know what that woman is, no, you can call me ; Lin Yu, let him come back quickly, I want to talk to him about this Susan."

Sun Zhaohui realized that Yu Mingyang was so unhappy not because he was jealous, but because Yu Mingyang knew something bad about Susan. He knew that Susan was pregnant with Lin Yu when she approached Lin Yu. Entering the Zhaohui Group actually betrayed the original camp. Those guys actually came to deal with the Zhaohui Group. Naturally, it is impossible for Susan to do whatever he wants so easily.

He glanced at Yu Mingyang: "What do you know?"

Yu Mingyang smiled bitterly: "I didn't want to hide anything from you. I wanted to find out about the situation with Lin Yu before telling you about this matter."

Sun Zhaohui's tone became more and more serious: "What the hell is going on? Say it quickly."

Yu Mingyang took the unpacked courier and handed it to him: "I sent it this afternoon. Let's see what's going on. I guess Lin Yu doesn't know the situation, so don't get angry with him. "

Sun Zhaohui opened the courier, and all that caught his eye were some cool photos of Susan. Susan was wearing very little, and there was even nothing in the photos. There was a young man in the photo, who was also a blond foreigner. , There are some very intimate behaviors like kissing and hugging with Susan. Obviously, the relationship between this man and Susan used to be very close, maybe even a boyfriend, a lover, or something like that.

Now that technology is advanced, a mobile phone has more complete shooting functions than previous cameras, so selfies between couples are popular. These photos sent to Yu Mingyang should be the same. Sun Zhaohui felt a little regretful in his heart, not that he regretted accepting Susan, but regretted that Susan should not be allowed to deal with the group of people behind him.

If this matter is allowed to be handled by him, it will definitely not leave these troubles, even if it can't make the group of people afraid to provoke Susan, at least these influential things will be destroyed. But in order to test Susan's ability, he let it go and let Susan handle it by himself. Susan didn't have as many methods as he did, let alone his cruel heart, so it became the situation now.

Sun Zhaohui himself doesn't care if Susan has any intimate behavior with other men. In what time is it, it is normal for a woman to be intimacy with several boyfriends. But he doesn't care, doesn't mean Yu Mingyang doesn't care, nor does it mean Lin Yu doesn't care.

This is also the main reason why the guys sent the photos to Yu Mingyang. No mother is willing to let his son find a woman with a chaotic private life to marry. And if Susan cannot marry Sun Linyu, it basically destroys Susan's basis for joining the Zhaohui Group, and Susan's continued stay in the Zhaohui Group will be meaningless. This can be regarded as a precise blow by the guys against Susan.

Sun Zhaohui put the photo back in the express, and took a look at Yu Mingyang: "In fact, this thing is really normal in this era, and you don't need to take it too seriously."

"I can't control what other people are doing, but Lin Yu must not find this," Yu Mingyang said angrily. "I said at the beginning, it's best to find a girl of the same clan and the same clan, at least know the basics, just to avoid When this situation happened, you let him find Susan, and ended up with such a bad ending. I don’t care, you have to talk to Lin Yu and tell him not to continue to talk to Lin Yu. Susan is sticky together. No, just not being sticky together is not enough. You can find a way to drive Susan away. I don't want to see this woman again."

Seeing what Sun Zhaohui wanted to say, Yu Mingyang glared at him: "Don't tell me anything. I can't afford this person to Yu Mingyang, so you just put Susan on it. Just chase me away."