
Chapter 3316: First class


Early the next morning, as soon as Sun Zhaohui arrived at the office, he told Wang Li that you asked Susan to come to my office, and I had something to tell her. Since Sun Linyu is going to break up with Susan, he must arrange for Susan as soon as possible. He also thought that he had to deal with this kind of thing himself, and Sun Linyu didn't have this ability.

Susan appeared in front of Sun Zhaohui with a very sunny smile on her face. Obviously, she thought she was doing well in the project transfer negotiations. Sun Zhaohui came to her to praise her. Sun Zhaohui felt a little regretful in his heart. In his heart, he admired Susan, but now he had to tell her that Sun Linyu was about to break up with her, and his heart would inevitably be a little bitter. It's also a bit hard to tell.

Sun Zhaohui smiled bitterly and handed the courier he had brought to Susan. Susan felt a little strange. It seemed that Sun Zhaohui glanced at it, then opened the express and pulled out the photos inside. The smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

However, although the smile on her face disappeared, Susan did not appear flustered, nor did she rush to explain anything, but it was this calmness that Sun Zhaohui had a thumbs up in her heart. This is an individual talent, and with a little cultivation, it can shine. It's just that he didn't have this opportunity. Because of Sun Linyu, he had to drive Susan away.

After putting down the photo, Susan glanced at Sun Zhaohui: "What does Lin Yu mean now?"

This woman is really to his spleen and stomach too much, thinking almost synchronized with him, simply swiftly, straight to the core, there is no extra words. Sun Zhaohui smiled bitterly: "He doesn't want to see you anymore, and proposes to break up with you."

Susan smiled bitterly: "I have nothing to say, just break up. Don't worry, I will leave Zhaohui Group immediately."

"You wait a moment," Sun Zhaohui stopped Susan who got up from her seat and was about to leave, "I still need to talk to you about some things."

Susan glanced at Sun Zhaohui and sat down again. Sun Zhaohui said: "I admire you very much, but when you dealt with Adam and those people, you were so soft that you let these photos be sent to my house, and Lin Yu felt that you lied to him once. At this point in the application, I can't help you with anything."

Susan forced a smile: "I know this. I didn't handle the matter well, I don't blame anyone."

"But I can't make mistakes similar to yours," Sun Zhaohui spread his hands and said with a smile, "Prevent trouble before it happens. I need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. You must guarantee that you will be responsible for what happened during your relationship with Lin Yu. Everything about this is kept secret, don’t you have any comments on this?"

Susan shook her head: "I have no problem with this."

"That way, I will arrange for a lawyer to contact you later." After Sun Zhaohui had arranged his most concern, he asked again, "What are your plans for the future?"

Susan smiled: "I haven't thought about this, everything happened a little bit too quickly, it was like a dream."

Sun Zhaohui said: "Do you have any ideas to continue studying? The group has some cooperation with some business schools in the United Kingdom and the United States. If you have this willingness, I will contact you for help. The group will bear the cost. It can be considered as such. Some compensation from the group."

"Can you?" Susan looked at Sun Zhaohui and said with a smile.

Sun Zhaohui smiled and shook his head: "Of course, you are a very good girl. Lin Yu did not insist on choosing you as his loss. Your future is unlimited. I am optimistic about you."

Susan smiled and said: "Then I will choose to go to America."

Sun Zhaohui smiled and said, "That's it, the company will make arrangements later, goodbye."

"Thank you Dong Sun," Susan shook hands with Sun Zhaohui, then turned and left.

Sun Zhaohui felt a little stunned. He knew that Sun Linyu wanted to find a girlfriend like Susan that he could admire. It was really unlikely. In his heart, he was really disappointed with Sun Linyu's vision, and it would really not be reassuring to give Zhaohui Group to him in the future. Because some things require a little bit of spirituality, they can't be taught by the teaching of ear and face.

At this time, Wang Li knocked on the door and walked in: "Fu Dong and Liu Dong from Xihai Investment are here."

This is a pre-arranged itinerary. Xihai Investment has recently adjusted its management structure and adopted the setting of the co-chairman. Liu Shengmei of Shijie Yuncai joined the Xihai Investment Company. Fu Huayin meant to retreat. This guy would really enjoy it. If he was a lot younger than himself, he would retreat now. What should I do if he is like this

This meeting was actually part of the handover between Fu Hua and Liu Shengmei after the adjustment of their jurisdiction and business. Fu Hua wants to transfer the cooperation project with Zhaohui Group that he previously managed to Liu Shengmei. Correspondingly, Liu Shengmei needs to come over and meet him.

Sun Zhaohui asked Wang Li to invite the two in, and he got up from his seat and greeted them and shook hands with the two. Although it was a handover, he and Liu Shengmei had known each other a long time ago. It just didn't deal with anything.

After shaking hands and greeting, Liu Shengmei smiled and said, "Dong Sun, we will have a lot of dealings in the future. You are a senior, please help me this junior."

Sun Zhaohui looked at Liu Shengmei. The woman in front of him was really beautiful, but being beautiful did not mean that she was just a beautiful vase. This woman is definitely one of the figures that cannot be underestimated in Beijing's business community. There are many rumors about this woman under the table, and some even say that this woman was Li Susheng's lover.

For Li Susheng, the former Fourth Master, Sun Zhaohui always had some fear in his heart. Even though Li Susheng had been dead for a long time, Sun Zhaohui still felt a little uncomfortable thinking of him. This also made him have to be more careful with Liu Shengmei, a woman who had some ties with Li Susheng.

Fu Hua hired such a woman to be the chairman of Xihai Investment. He didn't know what abacus he was playing, but no matter what abacus Fu Hua was playing, it was a very courageous thing. After all, Li Su was involved in some illegal things before his life and death. Moreover, this woman is also a very shrewd character, with first-class skills and methods. Doesn't he worry about drawing wolves into the room

On the other hand, Fu Hua’s Xihai Investment has made a lot of gains in the stock market in the recent period. Sun Zhaohui has some doubts that these are related to the huge wealth left by Li Susheng’s rumors. This is probably Fu Hua's calculation for asking Liu Shengmei to settle in Xihai Investment. Of course these are just fine, it has nothing to do with him.