
Chapter 3317: prestige


Sun Zhaohui smiled and said: "Dong Liu said and laughed. I really can't afford the two words of support. Since you took over Shijie’s fortune, Beijing’s business community has had a beautiful landscape. It’s also the wind and water, and now I have taken over and become one of the chairman of Xihai Investment. It really makes me feel like the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves forward."

Fu Hua smiled on the side and said, "Dong Sun is really too polite. You are a benchmark figure in the real estate industry. We can't catch up with those of us who have just caught up."

Sun Zhaohui smiled and shook Fu Hua's hand: "Fu Dong is making fun of me, right? To tell you the truth, I really envy you in my heart now. I think about retiring at such a young age, and it makes me feel like I am. It’s really meaningless to stay in the fly camp every day."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I just know that I can no longer carry on with Xihai Investment. Since this is the case, why not give way to someone with this ability?"

"You are really free and easy," Sun Zhaohui said with a smile, "There is also a smart eye to know people. I believe that Liu Dong will definitely develop Xihai's investment and development better. By the way, Fu Dong, Zhang Ke has contacted you over there. Is it? Zhaohui Group has reached a project transfer agreement with Daktronics Group."

Fu Hua shook his head: "No, maybe he hasn't come over yet."

Fu Hua has learned from some financial reports that Zhaohui Group and Daktronics have reached a transfer agreement for the Haichuan project, and he is not very happy about it in his heart. The Daktronics Group and the Zhaohui Group are incomparable in all aspects. Not to mention the size difference, the financial situation of Daktronics Group is not as healthy as Zhaohui Group.

Let's put it this way, Sun Zhaohui transferred the project, which is tantamount to getting rid of a big burden. The Daktronics Group took over this project, but it may drag down the entire group because of its greed for petty gains. The problem is that Daktronics' capital chain is not so generous, and after paying the project transfer fee, it will become more tight.

However, it will take a long process for the Haichuan project to be realized. Not to mention that a huge amount of capital investment was needed before realizing it. Sun Zhaohui was aware of this problem and discarded the project at any cost. Therefore, Fu Hua is not optimistic that Daktronics will take over this project. On this project, he felt that Yiling Yiling might have to face a worse situation. After all, Zhang Ke's financial skills are worse than Sun Zhaohui's more than one or two grades.

However, although he was not very satisfied, Fu Hua could not express his dissatisfaction in front of Sun Zhaohui. The businessman's profit-making was fundamental, and he could not ask Sun Zhaohui to make contributions for Haichuan City.

The two parties then talked about some project matters. In this meeting, it was actually only Fu Hua who officially introduced Liu Shengmei to Zhaohui Group as the representative of Xihai Investment. In the future, some matters of the Financial City project will be Liu Shengmei and Sun. Zhaohui contacted. There was nothing else that needed special discussion, so the meeting was very brief and ended very quickly.

After leaving the office building of Zhaohui Group, the two of them returned to Xihai Investment by car together. At this time, Fu Hua's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. Fu Hua called, "Who?"

A male voice said with a smile: "Hello Fu Dong, I am Zhang Skok from Daktronics. The Haichuan project of Zhaohui Group has been transferred to Daktronics. I want to meet you. When is it convenient for you?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Oh, it turned out to be Dong Zhang. I just came out of the Zhaohui Group. Dong Sun has already told me that Daktronics has accepted the Haichuan project. You are welcome to join this project."

"Thank you," Zhang Ke said with a smile, "We will work together in the future, and I hope Dong Fu will take care of it."

"I really dare not take care of it," Fu Hua said with a smile. "Xihai Investment has a very low stake in the entire project. It is the role of accompany the prince to study. It is the Daktronics Group that takes care of Xihai Investment."

"You are polite, no matter how many shares are held, the two sides need to cooperate sincerely in the future," Zhang Ske said with a smile, "When do you have time, I really want to meet you."

Zhang Ke's eager request to meet made Fu Hua feel a bit unusual, because Xihai Investment did not have any sense of existence in this project, and he did not even insist on his participation. He would not join this project. And Sun Zhaohui did this because he wanted him to play the role of a coordinator. Zhang Skok took on such a large project, naturally, he would not fail to understand the situation of the relevant shareholders.

Now Zhang Skok has not contacted the relevant departments of Haichuan City, the second largest shareholder of the project, and will meet with him when he comes up. There will be no reason for it. The reason is probably nothing more than to play his role as a coordinator.

Fu Hua felt a little disdainful, because he didn't need to guess what Zhang Ke wanted him to do. Obviously he wanted to make a fuss about Haichuan City, lowering land prices or reducing taxes and fees. Some entrepreneurs have always felt that if they can pay a little less public money, they can pay a little less. However, Fu Hua knew that the room for Yiling Yiling to operate on it was almost zero at this moment. This project has already caused Yiling Yiling to be criticized. How can she still reduce related fees

Fu Hua wanted to dismiss this meeting, and this meeting was unnecessary. He smiled and said: "Dong Zhang, everyone is very busy, so there is no need to meet, right? You can discuss with Haichuan City about the project. If you need Xihai Investment to know, just let us know."

"Fu Dong, you are a bit too far away," Zhang Ke said with a smile, "It is also necessary for everyone to be shareholders to meet and chat. If you say where you are now, I will go to you right away. . Give face, right?"

Fu Hua was amused secretly. This guy is still clinging to him, and he thinks a little bit. He thinks it's okay to meet. At least you can know in advance what idea this guy is fighting, and let Yiling prepare for it. He smiled and said: "Well, let's meet every time I meet, I will return to Xihai to invest in a while, and we will meet in Haichuan Building."

"That's it, I'll go to the Haichuan Building and wait for you. I'll see you or leave."

After putting down the phone, Fu Hua looked at Liu Shengmei who was sitting next to him, and said with a smile: "Daktronics Zhang Ke asked to meet, do you want to be together?"

Liu Shengmei shook her head and said with a smile: "This guy is here for you, Haichuan City, and has nothing to do with me. Why do I see him? Don't push me everything."

Fu Hua smiled: "I want you, the new chairman of the board, to be majestic and majestic in front of him."