
Chapter 3319: Pick up girls


Feng Kui turned off the computer. Now that this project has ended, there is no point in continuing to watch the order until the end of the transaction. She stood up and looked at the streets of Beijing outside the window. In the wee hours of the morning, everything was extraordinarily quiet, which made her extraordinarily at ease. This is where she grew up and her home. Although she encountered some difficulties temporarily when she returned to China this time, she still felt that it was right to come back.

In fact, she can find friends casually, and the funding problem that plagues her team at the moment will no longer be a problem. The key is that she doesn't want to use the original relationships in China. This is somewhat contrary to her idea of establishing a private equity fund. What she wants is to bring in foreign funds and use advanced foreign capital operation methods to improve the operation of domestic enterprises to make money, instead of using the original family relationship to make money.

This is actually because she is competing with herself. What kind of person is Feng Kui? She is the boss of the team. It is impossible for her to shrink back into the original comfort circle due to a small difficulty. She is actually not short of money, what she wants is the kind of challenge, and only that kind of challenge can arouse her keen interest.

This is where she is now more contradictory. This place in Beijing does give her a warm feeling at home, but it also makes her vigilant. The fast-paced life in New York allows her to maintain a high degree of sensitivity to the capital market. She is always on a horse at any time, and she must be thrown into the tense state of the battlefield.

The rhythm in Beijing is slower than that in New York. In the top capital market, every second counts. If she is slow, then she may no longer be a hunter, but a prey hunted by others. So she must not let herself be brought into the rhythm of Beijing.

Fortunately, the success of the happy fruit tea project proved that her acumen was always there, and it also allowed her to return to that kind of intense and efficient rhythm. She stretched out a big lazy waist comfortably, she is really tired now, her eyes are a bit unable to open, but she is tired and happy, she is going to go to bed without taking a shower, anyway, she is single now. , Even if she smells a little bit on her body, no one will dislike her.

This is her cell phone ringing, and the caller ID is Tomman's number. She closed her eyes and connected: "I am very tired now. You better find me if you have important things."

Tomman smiled and said: "There is a commercial chain in the United States that is looking for new investment opportunities for their employee annuities. Is this news important?"

"Which commercial chain company? What is the scale of the annuity?" Feng Kui asked with closed eyes. This is related to her private equity fund raising funds, which is naturally interested, but she thinks the scale of funds will definitely not be too large. Big, so it didn't show special attention to it.

"Crent commercial department store chain group," Tomman said with a smile, "their employee annuity scale of one billion U.S. dollars was originally given to a private equity firm in the United States, but last year the annualized income of that private equity firm was very low. The person in charge of the annuity investment that he took over wants to replace the private equity company that the annuity investment is invested in."

Krent is a fairly established commercial department store in the United States. The company has been established for nearly a hundred years, and its business performance is quite good. It is currently one of the top three department stores in the United States, and its strength is very strong. But being too strong is not a good thing for Feng Kui now. Because a company that is too strong can hardly be regarded as a private equity fund like her that has just been established.

"All right, I know," Feng Kui smiled perfunctorily, "I'm so sleepy, can I talk about it when I wake up tomorrow?"

"Hey, boss, don't hang up for now, I haven't finished speaking yet," Tomman yelled, "I think we still have a good chance to get this fund because the new one they changed is responsible for. Maybe people know Brother Fu."

"Just talk about it. Fu Hua's business is basically in China. When can you meet people from Krent department store?" Feng Kui closed his eyes, "Stop talking about nonsense. I slept."

"Hey, boss, don't sleep," Tomman cried out, "I didn't lie to you. Didn't Brother Fu fought a lawsuit in the United States some time ago? He lived in the Krent department annuity at the time. In a human’s home. The person in charge is called Jessica, the daughter of the chairman of Krent Department Store. I have been to her house."

Feng Kui's eyes lit up all of a sudden. Originally, she thought that even if Fu Hua knew the person in charge, the relationship between them was just general, and she couldn't help her. But it seems that things are not that simple now. Fu Hua not only knew each other, but also lived in the other's house.

New York City is a city with relatively indifferent interpersonal relationships, and the intense and high-speed rhythm keeps them at a certain distance from each other.

A standard New Yorker is always alert to others. Because the crime rate in this city is extremely high. A woman can invite a Chinese man like Fu Hua to live at home, which in itself means that the relationship between the two is very close. It may even reach the level of intimacy

Feng Kui was amused secretly in his heart, but he didn't think that Fu Hua, a bastard, could be considered capable, and he had already gone abroad to pick up girls. This is indeed good news, not to say that the relationship between Fu Hua and Jessica can be used to win this business. Americans are not so humane. Favors are favors, and interests are interests. If you are not able to help them make money, people will still not use you.

But the relationship between Fu Hua and Jessica is a very good stepping stone. At least it shows that Jessica is not so repulsive to Chinese people. If you are learning about Jessica’s personal preferences with Fu Hua, do something targeted. Sexual preparation, coupled with the good investment performance of his team in the past, has greatly increased the chances of winning this project. This makes Feng Kui feel that this project is worth fighting for.

Her sleepiness disappeared without a trace. She smiled and said: "Xiaoman, your information is very valuable to our team. In this way, you immediately go to collect relevant information about the Krent department annuity, especially It’s the situation of the private equity fund they originally invested in, as well as this Jessica’s personal information. Give me a PPT. Tomorrow I will find time to chat with Fu Hua and ask how he hooked up with that Jie Sika’s. Don’t say that Brother Fu really has two brushes for picking up girls."

"Hehe, of course Brother Fu has two brushes for picking up girls. Haven't you already learned this boss?"