
Chapter 3329: Not safe


Fu Huaxin said that this Franco came to Hong Kong for another purpose. He was using Jessica and Ma Li as cover: "Don’t panic, Jessica, first tell me what happened to Franco. Something?"

"I don't know the specific situation. I just received a call from him saying that he was arrested by the police. I hope I can find a way to bail him quickly. He told me that the suspected charge is murder."

"Murder?" Fu Hua couldn't help exclaiming. Although he suspected that Franco came to Hong Kong for something else, he never thought that Franco would kill people in Hong Kong. What is going on here? what

Fu Hua thought about it a little bit. Murder is a felony everywhere. The judge will not easily agree to bail. It is better to be released on bail by a well-known local person in Hong Kong. He A mainlander is definitely not suitable, thinking about these friends around, basically only Vivian is suitable to come forward.

Fu Hua said: "Don't worry, I will rush over right away. You can contact Vivienne and ask her to rush over. It is best to bring a lawyer over there. She is from Hong Kong. If bail is offered, the judge is more likely to accept it."

"Okay, I'll call Vivienne right away. Come here as soon as possible."

Fu Hua rushed to the police station where Franco was arrested, and he saw Jessica with a worried look, and Ma Li followed her. Naturally, this occasion was not suitable for Ma Li. Fu Hua asked the driver to send Ma Li to Qiao Yuzhen first, so that Ma Li would live with Fu Qiao tonight.

After sending off Ma Li, Fu Hua asked Jessica what was going on. Jessica just shook her head and said that until now, she had not seen Franco and only knew what Franco was suspected of. It was the murder of a Hong Kong man. The others are not clear.

Fu Hua looked at Jessica: "Jessica, at this time, I have to ask about some things. Do you know if Franco is coming to Hong Kong this time, besides accompany you and Ma Li, is it right? What else? Didn’t you go back to the hotel together at night? How could he be suspected of murder?"

"Franco didn't tell me that he had other things to deal with when he came to Hong Kong," Jessica said with a wry smile. "After returning to the hotel at night, he felt a little depressed and wanted to go for a walk. He left the hotel room."

It seemed that Jessica was kept in the dark, and Fu Hua was a little annoyed, because Franco's behavior showed that he had long known that this trip to Hong Kong was dangerous.

At this time, Vivian arrived with a lawyer and began negotiating the issue of bail. However, because the Hong Kong man was dead at the time of the case, the judge believed that this was a serious case of death and tended to rule that he did not agree to bail. The negotiation process did not go smoothly.

While waiting for the lawyer to negotiate, Jessica sat aside, anxiously waiting for the result. Vivienne asked Fu Hua in a low voice: "Did you know that Franco would have an accident? Otherwise, you wouldn't ask me if Franco has any part-time job, right?"

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "I'm not so magical anymore, but when Franco left Qiao Yuzhen's house that night, his expressions were full of vigilance, so I suspected that he had other things to deal with when he came to Hong Kong. And this thing is dangerous. How do I know this guy will kill him? How likely do you think the judge will agree to his bail?"

"The lawyer said that the possibility is not high," Vivian said with a wry smile. "This kind of homicide case will be taken seriously anywhere. I really regret it now. It shouldn't be for the entanglement with you. Fuck Jessica to Hong Kong."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "That's because you were too suspicious. I told you that Wang Di's things were not done by me."

Vivian looked at Fu Hua and said, "It's you instead, do you believe it?"

Fu Hua stopped speaking, the timing of the incident was indeed a little too coincidental. And the driver who caused the accident has not been found yet. Fu Hua suddenly felt a weird feeling in his heart. He felt that Franco's incident was probably related to the murder of Wang Di.

These two things seem to be unrelated at all, and Franco didn't seem to know Wang Di and his grandson before, but in his heart he felt that the two things must be related in some way.

At this time the lawyer came back and said to Vivienne: "Hurry up and raise money. The judge agreed to bail Franco with one million."

Jessica said excitedly: "Thank you, lawyer, thank you for winning Franco a chance to bail."

The lawyer smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome, I don't know if this incident is my credit. The original judge's attitude made me tend to think that the judge would not approve the bail application, but I went to the lounge in the middle to rest. After a while, he came back and agreed to the application. I don’t know what changed his attitude. Okay, hurry up and raise money."

Jessica started calling to transfer money. One million Hong Kong dollars is not a big problem for her. Fu Hua looked at the lawyer and asked: "Lawyer, I would like to ask you, what is the matter with Franco? It is clearly said that it was a homicide case?"

"The explanation given by Franco is that when he went out to breathe, he happened to meet the victim. They used to be colleagues in the same law firm and had a certain friendship. Later, the victim jumped to a certain bank in Hong Kong and did The senior vice president, when they meet, invites him to the residence to chat."

"Franco went there. The victim opened a bottle of whiskey and chatted with Franco. I don't know why Franco drank too much and fell asleep. When he woke up, Franco found out The victim fell on his side covered in blood, so scared that he hurried to flee, passers-by saw him look flustered and covered in blood, so they called the police."

This process sounds a bit weird, like what coincidence an old colleague was invited to chat, this coincidence is a bit too much. Fu Hua felt that it was more likely that this was a coincidence that had been arranged in advance. Franco and the victim must have made an appointment about what they were going to do, but I didn't expect other factors to intervene and something changed.

Who the hell is this Franco? What did he want to do with the victim? These things are also unclear for a while. Only one thing Fu Hua can be sure of is that it is definitely not safe for Jessica and Ma Li to stay with Franco.