
Chapter 3330: Unexpected


After completing the bail procedures, Franco was released. Although it had only been a few hours, Franco seemed to be a different person, haggard, panicked, and his eyes always seemed to be watching if anyone around him wanted to murder him.

Jessica went up and hugged him tightly, and then the group came out of the police station. Fu Hua looked at Vivienne and Franco. Although he doubted Franco in his heart, he could not separate Jessica from Franco before seeking Jessica’s advice. Said: "Vivienne, you first send Franco back to the hotel, I will take Jessica to pick up Mary."

Fu Hua did this in order to persuade Jessica not to go back to the hotel with Franco on the road. Unexpectedly, Franco took Jessica's hand at this moment, and said with horror: "Jessica, I'm very scared, you must never separate from me."

Fu Hua couldn't help feeling a little dumbfounded. This Franco really didn't have any responsibility at all. Others don’t know, he himself should know that his actions are responsible for these dangers. Instead of trying to protect Jessica and Mary, he wants Jessica to stay with him to protect him. It’s too bad. Up.

But Jessica hugged Franco again, soothed and said: "It's okay, it's okay, we don't separate, let's go and pick up Mary back together."

When this happened, Fu Hua couldn't arrange for Jessica and Ma Li to live in Qiao Yuzhen. Naturally, he didn't want to bring danger to Qiao Yuzhen and Fu Qiao, so he looked at Vivian and said, "Since this is the case, Vivienne, I brought Jessica and Franco to pick up Mary. You are familiar with Hong Kong, so quickly help find a security company and hire a few bodyguards to settle in the hotel where they live, so as to ensure their personal safety ."

Vivienne nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Vivian left to find the bodyguard, Fu Hua took Jessica and Franco into the car and drove to Qiao Yuzhen's house to pick up Mary. Along the way, Franco grabbed Jessica's hand tightly and looked out of the car window with an uneasy expression, worried about the car being attacked.

When he arrived at Qiao Yuzhen’s house, Frank was about to get off with Jessica but picked up Mary, but Fu Hua stopped him at this moment: "Franko, you let Jessica pick up Mary first, I have I want to ask you a few words."

Jessica glanced at Fu Hua and asked him what was going on with her eyes. Fu Hua smiled and said: "It's okay, Jessica, I just have a brief chat with Franco, you go in first. "

Jessica got out of the car to pick up Ma Li, Fu Hua's face sank, looking at Franco's eyes and asking: "Franko, you and I are here now, tell me To be honest, what is going on with this incident tonight? Why are you going to see the dead guy?"

Franco smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "Fu Hua, why don't you believe me? I explained to the judge all night. I just met him. The old colleague hadn’t seen each other for many years. He invited me to the room to talk. Just chat."

Fu Hua smiled: "Franko, you should be my three-year-old child. Let me tell you that, Jessica and Mary are my guests, and I don’t allow anyone else to use them as their identities. The cover of this threatened their personal safety. I don’t care about your identity and origin. If necessary, maybe I will arrange for someone to do you off."

Fu Hua felt that in this matter, the murderer who killed the deceased could completely kill Franco. But the murderer didn't do this. It wasn't because the murderer was kind, but because it was possible that Franco had something to make the other side scrupulous. Killing him will bring some uncontrollable troubles.

Franco denied it to the end: "I really don't understand what you are talking about. Believe me, it was a coincidence that I met that person, and I don't know how this happened."

Fu Hua looked at Franco’s innocent face, smiled and shook his head: "You guys really know how to pretend. Forget it, I don’t want to ask questions about you, Jessie for a while. Ka and Ma Li come out, I want you to tell them that Hong Kong is very unsafe right now, and ask them to book the earliest flight back to New York. Do you object to this?"

Franco nodded: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen here in Hong Kong. I would suggest that Jessica leave Hong Kong as soon as possible."

Fu Hua glanced at Franco: "You still look like a man. What the hell do you guys do? Isn't it a person from your special department?"

Franco returned to that innocent look again: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

At this time, Qiao Yuzhen and Jessica came out of the house together. Jessica said, "Fu Hua, it's already very late, and Ma Li slept very well. I want to leave her here to sleep well tonight. Come and pick her up tomorrow."

Fu Hua said, "Okay, I'll take the driver to take you back to the hotel."

Fu Hua got out of the car and asked the driver to drive Jessica and Franco back to the hotel. He went back to the house with Qiao Yuzhen. Qiao Yuzhen looked at him and asked, "What is going on? Well, why did Franco cause a murder case?"

Fu Hua said: "I don't know right now. Anyway, this Frank has a problem. I suspect that he used Jessica and Ma Li as cover to do some ulterior things in Hong Kong. It's too late now. If you ask Mr. Lu tomorrow, what is the origin of the deceased tonight, it is estimated that you will know what Franco wants to do."

Early the next morning, Fu Hua called Lu Xin and asked him to check the origin of the deceased last night. Soon news came back, saying that the deceased was the senior vice president of a certain bank in charge of international business, and that this bank also had certain business dealings with Shenghao International.

This person and Franco are indeed old colleagues. As for why this person would meet Franco privately, there is no exact statement, but Lu Xin’s news channel said a possible reason, that is, this senior deputy. The president may be preparing to provide Franco with some information related to Shenghao's international business, and as a result, this accident happened.

This incident may really have something to do with the deaths of Wang Di and his grandson. This reminds Fu Hua of the dark figure that appeared on his bedside late at night. Although Wang Di and grandson are dead, they are not. It means that the shadow will disappear. He didn't even figure out that the shadow must have been sent by Shenghao International.