
Chapter 3337: Can't solve it


Both of them did not speak for a long time. After a while, Hu Yufei broke the silence first, and then sighed and said, "Maybe I should learn from Zhixin, and when I retired, I will practice calligraphy at home and write memoirs. Yes. It’s a good trip, I think it’s pretty good."

The Zhixin mentioned by Hu Yufei refers to Yang Zhixin, who has entered the high-level circle. She has reached age and retired a few days ago, and then she cultivated her mind at home and rarely appeared in the public eye. But although Hu Yufei often stays at home on weekdays and makes tea for self-entertainment, his temperament is not as stable as Yang Zhixin. There is actually a restlessness factor in his bones.

That's why he appears so irritable and unwilling when he can really retire. After all, his self-cultivation and self-entertainment of tea making is actually pretending to be seen by others. In that way, it would appear that he is very indifferent to fame and fortune, quite like a world-class expert.

In this case, it seems that we should find a way to do something for Hu Yufei. Moreover, the things found out have to make Hu Yufei feel good, and he will definitely not do things that are not worthy of his status.

Fu Hua thought of Feng Kui asking him to do angel investment. Maybe Hu Yufei could be brought in to do it together. It's certainly not a problem for the Hu family to invest some money. And being an angel investor looks pretty good.

He smiled and said, "Uncle Hu, this person, in fact, can't be too idle. Too idle will make you feel uncomfortable. I'm planning something recently and want to put out some funds. Doing angel investment, why don't you also follow up with some money to join in the fun?"

Hu Yufei glanced at him: "Can I do it?"

Fu Hua smiled: "You are too capable, as long as you can write a check. Angel investment is actually an investment. As long as you feel that the business operator is more capable and can do business, you can write a check. Buy a certain share of the company and cash it out when he does it. You have been in the business world for so many years, and you always look at people's eyes, right?"

This is equivalent to what Fu Hua is learning and selling now. He turned around and poured what Feng Kui had told him to Hu Yufei. Anyway, being an angel investor should be a relatively leisurely one, and Hu Yufei can also be a companion to play together.

Hu Yufei smiled: "You guys don't want to take the opportunity to defraud Tiance Group's money, right?"

Seeing Hu Yufei finally showing a smile on his face, Fu Hua knew that he was a little interested in it, so he smiled and said, "It's really a bit of a meaning. In fact, this is of the same nature as you supported Hu Yifu. The method will be more effective, which is to spread a small amount of money everywhere. Investing in ten companies, as long as one is done, it will be able to save money.

"Okay, you don't need to explain so much to me," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "I also know the operation of angel investment. This is a way. I will talk to Gao Yun and get some money. Let's make fun with you."

At this time Madam Hu came back and saw Hu Yufei talking to Fu Hua with a smile, she couldn’t help but smiled and said: "Fu Hua, you still have a way. I haven’t seen your Uncle Hu’s smiling face in some days. You did it. what?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I just persuaded Uncle Hu not to be a miser, and to become a spoiler."

"Go, what kind of money-spreading boy?" Hu Yufei said with a smile, "I'm still a boy with gray hair, saying that Santa Claus is almost the same."

Madam Hu still didn't understand: "What are you guys talking about?"

"What's not clear about this? Fu Hua wants me to spend money to invest in some start-up companies," Hu Yufei said, "so that I can go out and around, and I don't have to stay at home and drink tea."

"This is a good way," Mrs. Hu said with a smile. "Whether you make money or not is the second thing. Let you do something, so you don't have to stay at home and blow your beard and stare at me."

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Fu Hua and Leng Ziqiao both lay down to sleep. The phone on the bedside suddenly rang, and Fu Hua was awakened. Seeing that the number actually belonged to the money director of the police station under his jurisdiction, he was a little confused about the situation.

Because although he has a good relationship with Director Qian, he doesn't actually have a close relationship. Why did he call so late? Couldn't it be Sun Linyu who had another moth

He answered the phone and said with a smile: "The money house, it's already so late, what happened?"

Qian Zuo smiled and said, "I made you sleep, right? Actually, I don't want to disturb you, but I caught someone here. He may have a deep relationship with you. You'd better come over."

"Anyone who has a deep relationship with me?" Fu Hua not only froze for a moment, but he has many friends here in Beijing, "Who is it? What's his name?"

"It's because he insists on refusing to give his name." Director Qian said with a smile. "This person seems to have drunk some wine at night. It's quite big. After being brought to the place, I asked us where we are. After knowing the exact location of the place, he said he knew you and let us contact you."

It seems that he is really a friend who is familiar with him, but Fu Hua is still at a loss, because in his impression, there are no friends who don’t know how to check, "What the hell does this person look like, and why did you bring him here? Are you here?"

"A very old man with white hair. He speaks with a Beijing accent and speaks very sleek Beijing dialect," said Director Qian. "There are one or two half-doors in the district who do that kind of accompaniment. Woman, your friend ran to join the show, but was reported by the enthusiastic crowd, and the police arrested him."

Fu Hua felt a little dumbfounded, because according to Qian's description, he almost immediately thought of Hu Yufei who had only met during the day.

Why does Hu Yufei drink so much? Actually, he caught a current while doing that kind of thing. Didn't he know that the enthusiastic masses here in the jurisdiction are a discerning, well-known existence in the whole country

After listening to Fu Hua without speaking for a long time, Director Qian thought that Fu Hua really had a deep relationship with the people he caught, so he was a little embarrassed, so he smiled and said, "This kind of thing can be understood, especially some such things. The elderly man, because of various reasons, can't solve that kind of thing at home, so he has to find a way to solve it. There is no other way."

"You and I are both men. It's hard to know that men don't solve some things. Since it's late at night and no one pays any attention, you should come over and go through the formalities. You can simply punish them and take them back."