
Chapter 3343: dislike; despise


Fu Hua really didn't expect that Zhou Juan's affairs would arouse Hu Yufei's emotions in this respect, but being old is an unavoidable stage in life. It is difficult to find any suitable words to comfort Hu Yufei, so he had to jokingly said: " How about letting Auntie also hold any position in the fund?"

"Go," Hu Yufei laughed, "I am not as embarrassed as Zheng Jian. But the fund should be put into operation as soon as possible, not only because of Zheng Jian's wife, but because of the news that I want to establish an angel fund. It has been spread, and friends have come to inquire about the relevant situation, and want to recommend some start-up companies to me. No action seems to be impossible."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "You still have a strong appeal, then we can get things done."

The two communicated about the company's basic articles of association, and roughly formed a preliminary company framework. As for the implementation under the framework, it was left to Zhou Juan to implement...

Towards the end of the evening, Wang Li walked into the chairman's office of Sun Zhaohui. The office was full of smoke, and Sun Zhaohui was sitting at the boss desk frowning while smoking a cigarette.

Wang Li walked over, stretched out her hand and snatched the cigarette from his hand: "Don't smoke, are you going to smoke yourself?"

Sun Zhaohui looked up at her, smiled and said, "I was thinking about things just now, and I unconsciously sucked one by one. Stop sucking, stop sucking."

Wang Li pressed the cigarette out of her hand in the ashtray, and then turned on the ventilation system in the house, while cleaning out the cigarette butts in the ashtray, helping Sun Zhaohui refill the tea in the cup.

After finishing this quietly, the air in the house became fresh as before. Wang Li turned her head and glanced at Sun Zhaohui, and was about to exit.

Sun Zhaohui said at this time: "Don't go, sit down and chat with me for a while."

Wang Li smiled and sat opposite Sun Zhaohui: "Dong Sun, you have done a good job, so don't be too demanding of yourself."

Sun Zhaohui also knows that he is already the best person in the top real estate company to do risk control. For example, he sold the Haichuan project to Daktronics in time, and he also handled the Phoenix project in Chongqing and Wuhan. …

These are projects that can be sold that are difficult to recover investment in the short term. If they cannot be sold, stop investing, and strive to return funds as soon as possible and reduce debt. These disposals are straightforward, without the slightest hesitation.

Now that the international and domestic environment is further deteriorating, the relevant departments are already figuring out the specific situation of their real estate companies' dollar loans in order to prevent the systemic financial risks that real estate companies may have.

Similar to the situation in the Zhaohui Group, some leading companies are also trying to dispose of some assets, and even cut prices and volume, to avoid becoming the last successor.

But after all, these are paying a great price. Even if some domestic economists analyze that the financial situation of Zhaohui Group is the most stable among the leading real estate companies, Sun Zhaohui is still unhappy. He sighed and said: "These are the items that the group bought for real money at the beginning. Now that I have lost so much before I shot it, I really can't be happy."

This is the result of the general situation. Wang Li couldn’t find anything to comfort Sun Zhaohui, so she changed the subject and said, “Let’s stop talking about these frustrating things, eh, Sun Dong, you know that I was here two days ago. Who do you see in the news on your phone?"

Sun Zhaohui glanced at Wang Li. Wang Li's scope was too broad. He couldn't reach a specific target. He could only smile and said, "Who did you see?"

"I saw Susan, and the news said that she is now studying in the United States, and there is an upstart in the science and technology sector in Hong Kong who is chasing her," Wang Li glanced at Sun Zhaohui when she said that, "In fact, I think this Su Shan is a very capable person, and staying here will definitely benefit the development of the group, but I don’t know why the group let her go to the United States."

Wang Li's mention of this topic is a little gossip. What she didn't say was that Susan and Sun Linyu were originally a good couple, and Sun Zhaohui originally brought Susan into the Zhaohui Group for cultivation. Meaning, Susan did perform well.

But suddenly Susan left Zhaohui Group for unknown reasons. What happened during this period is really intriguing.

Sun Zhaohui's face darkened a bit. In fact, he had already seen the gossip between Susan and Xiao Yunkai of the science and technology network in the financial news. This fully shows that good women always have no shortage of chasers. It's a pity that Sun Linyu cares too much about certain things, so he can't see the shining light on Susan.

Although Sun Zhaohui admired Wang Li very much, he did not want to explain to Wang Li the reason why Sun Linyu and Susan broke up. On the one hand, this is considered a family ugly, and on the other hand, it would make Wang Li look down on Sun Linyu.

Sun Zhaohui smiled bitterly: "I rarely intervene in matters between young people. I thought that Susan and Lin Yu got along well, but who knew that they broke up suddenly, and there was no explanation."

Although Sun Zhaohui gave the answer, Wang Li did not believe him. In her eyes, Sun Zhaohui is a strong man who knows everything around him. It is impossible not to grasp why Sun Linyu broke up with Susan.

But Sun Zhaohui didn't say it, which meant that he didn't want her to know the specific reason for this matter. Wang Li understands how she should behave in front of Sun Zhaohui, so she hurriedly changed the subject and said: "The young people of this generation really have no longevity, eh, Sun Dong, do you know? Yesterday Shao from Haichuan The mayor talked to me on the phone and said that after Daktronics took our project, it still has no intention of starting construction."

Sun Zhaohui smiled somewhat proudly: "This is normal. We are all struggling now. Zhang Sko has no ability to revitalize the Haichuan project. Wait and see. I'm afraid Zhang Sko won't be able to hold the Haichuan project, sooner or later. We still have to lose a lot of money to transfer the project out at a lower price."

"Then he deserves it," Wang Li laughed. "Who told him to just take advantage of us?"

Sun Zhaohui also laughed: "Yes, the advantages of our Zhaohui Group are not so easy to take advantage of."

At this moment, someone was knocking on the door, and Sun Zhaohui shouted to come in, and Sun Linyu pushed the door and walked in. He just saw the two people sitting together talking and laughing, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Wang Li also knew that Sun Linyu was actually a bit unpleasant to her, so she quickly stood up and said Sun Dong, I'm going out first, and then hurried out of Sun Zhaohui's office.