
Chapter 3344: security


At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Fu Hua came to the Gable Café. Jessica arrived in Beijing yesterday evening and checked into this five-star hotel. After a rest night, Fu Hua met here.

Jessica was already waiting in the coffee shop. It looked like she had a delicate red complexion and a bright look. She still carried the fragrance of her just-shower, which made Fu Hua really pleasing to the eye.

The two gave a brief hug and sat down. Fu Hua smiled and asked, "How is Franco's situation in Hong Kong now?"

Although Franco was released on bail at the last meeting, he had to stay in Hong Kong. Fu Hua wanted to know his latest situation.

Jessica smiled and said: "He is fine. The Hong Kong police are still very capable. They found a monitor of the hotel, which proved that when the accident happened, there was another unidentified man in black who fled from the room. Proving that Franco did not lie, they cancelled the prosecution against Franco."

Fu Hua was taken aback for a while, he didn't expect Franco to get out so easily. Immediately he understood that no matter who did this thing, they didn't want to say that Franco was driven to ruin.

After all, the big boss behind Franco is not easy to mess with. So they left Franco a way to survive so that he could get out of this case. What happened before was just a warning to Franco. I guess the other party just wanted to scare off Franco.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Franko is really lucky. Has he left Hong Kong now?"

"Not yet," Jessica said with a smile. "He said he wanted to help that old colleague handle the funeral, so he needs to stay in Hong Kong for a while. But he promised me that he would pay attention to his own. safe."

Fu Hua's face looked ugly. He didn't expect Franco to stay in Hong Kong so uninterested. Because from the current situation, the reason Franco will be warned is that some people do not want him to stay in Hong Kong and do not want him to investigate those things related to his old colleagues.

But obviously he didn't realize this. In other words, although he understood it, he didn't want to give in.

In this way, Franco's situation is very dangerous. Someone must stop Franco from continuing the investigation. Because if he continues to stay in Hong Kong and continue to investigate, many people feel that they will not sleep well.

For many historical reasons, this place in Hong Kong is really a mixture of dragons and snakes. The powers on the road are numerous and complex.

There are not only the old words with the concept of harmony as the most valuable, but also the digital gangs that are closely related to entertainment activities, and some forces of trade union organizations, such as a house gang, some lurking ruins, and some certain Regional clan power, and a certain circle gang that crosses the river...

In order to survive, these forces are more or less involved in some illegal transactions. Under the current background of criminal internationalization, it is inevitable that they will inevitably attract the attention of the boss behind Franco.

At the same time, these forces also have some kind of connection with some rich people in Hong Kong. (Gangs need funds to support their operations, and the rich need gang forces to ensure that they are not intrusive.) Even those rich people themselves are the grandfathers of a certain force.

You are like the Li family in Hong Kong. Rumor has it that clan forces come from a certain area. And the Luo family from Luo Shengtian is also the master of a certain four small gangs

These forces must have no fear of the big boss behind Franco, especially the big boss who is known for his wide-ranging management. This is an existence they cannot fight against. Avoid it.

Therefore, they naturally do not want to see Franco stay in Hong Kong. Because if Franco caught them, the consequences would not be able to bear them.

Think about it, even Yu Siqiang, who has no courage, is worried about Franco's behavior in Hong Kong, let alone the bigwigs who take rapists as commonplace.

This also means that if Franco touches the taboos of certain forces, it will damage the roots of those forces. None of these forces can be reasonable, and in order to protect themselves, they are not as simple as warnings, and they will inevitably kill them.

Fu Hua didn't care about Frank's safety. What he worried about was that Jessica would suffer.

Fu Hua looked at Jessica, smiled bitterly and said, "Jessica, I don’t really want to interfere with your affairs with Franco, but can you persuade Franco to stop him from staying in Hong Kong? What a good person, leave Hong Kong now."

"You mean Franco will still be in danger in Hong Kong?"

"I don't care if he is in danger in Hong Kong. I'm afraid he will bring you the danger," Fu Hua said with a wry smile. "Don't you see that Franco can get out easily because the other party is just Do you want to give him a warning? If he still doesn't know how to constrain, I'm afraid it won't be a warning next time."

"Is it so serious?" Jessica glanced at Fu Hua. "Franco explained to me that this time I came to Hong Kong and wanted to take care of a little business by the way, but I didn't expect life to be lost. . So he is very sorry to me."

"If you don't follow the way, you can kill people. If you don't follow the way, wouldn't it be an uproar?" Fu Hua said with a sneer, "Don't listen to him so easily. This matter is actually very serious. If you want him to return home safely, it is best not to let him stay in Hong Kong anymore."

"Can you help Franco?" Jessica looked at Fu Hua and said, "I think you are very influential here in Hong Kong, can you help him? I don't want him to be in any danger. "

It seemed that Jessica still liked Franco, so she asked herself to find a way to protect Franco. But obviously this is far beyond his ability.

He didn't even know who Franko was against, and the power that Franco was against was not terrible in general.

He shook his head and said, "Jessica, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but that I don’t have the ability to help you. You want Franco to be safe. It’s actually very simple to let him leave Hong Kong as soon as possible. He stays in Hong Kong. Many people will feel uneasy."

"I understand what you mean. I also persuaded Franco on the phone to return to the United States as soon as possible, but he didn't follow my advice," Jessica smiled and said, "But you don't have to do it for us too much. Worrying about something, Franco said that his company still has some security personnel in Hong Kong and will try to ensure his personal safety. As for me, this time I only have a trip in Beijing, and I will not go to Hong Kong to meet Franco."