
Chapter 3345: Obstructive


Fu Hua heard rich connotations in Jessica’s words. Now it seems that it is not Frank who refuses to withdraw to the United States, but that the forces behind Franko are not reconciled to the failure of the Hong Kong operation, especially since they sacrificed one before. Inside, Chen Chongbing is already in Hong Kong, and he has to fight against the forces in Hong Kong.

Then there will be a battle in Hong Kong, and it is difficult to predict who wins and loses.

On the surface, it seemed that the forces behind Franco were unmatched, and it seemed that he had a chance to win. But the time, location, people, and three factors that determine the victory or defeat are not on their side. They only have strength. They want to conquer the other side by strength, but they are incapable.

The enemy is in the dark again, and when dealing with it, it is like an elephant stepping on a mosquito.

Past history has proved that these underground forces in Hong Kong have great experience in dealing with the forces behind Franco. In the game between the two sides, less loses and more wins. Therefore, Fu Hua is not optimistic that Franco will win.

But these have nothing to do with him, he is only concerned about Jessica's personal safety. If Jessica really only stays in Beijing as she said, then theoretically it is safe.

Although the Mainland and Hong Kong are separated by a water and belong to the same China, they are governed by two distinct worlds.

Including those forces that are hostile to Franco, as well as those forces behind Franco, unless they are forced to do so, under normal circumstances they would not dare to cross this water barrier.

They have all experienced the power of special departments in the Mainland, and they are afraid that if they cross over, it will be difficult for them to retreat. This is why even though the mainland is relatively safe, Franco dared not run over to stay with Jessica.

He should know that from the day he set foot on the land of Hong Kong, his sensitive identity must have been registered with the special department in the Mainland.

Based on this, Fu Hua didn't raise any objections to Jessica's words. He just smiled and said: "Then when do you have time, I can arrange for you to meet my girlfriend Lengzi Qiao?"

"I'm quite looking forward to this," Jessica said with a smile, "but I still have some work to do here in Beijing. I want to go public first, and then arrange this meeting after the work is done. Don't you have any comments? ?"

"It should be like this," Fu Hua said with a smile, "Leng Ziqiao and I have been free for some time recently. Whenever you can, as long as you notify me one day in advance."

"Okay," Jessica said with a smile, "Hey, why are you so idle these days? Don't you need to manage and run your company?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I am ready to retreat to the second line. Recently, I am gradually handing over the management of the company. The new management team is already in place, and I have become much more relaxed."

"Since you are so free, can you do me a favor?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "What's busy? Just say it."

"Come with me to meet the leader of the fund company that our group will invest in this time. It is a Chinese fund company called Hongling. The leader of the team is a lady named Feng," Jessica said with a smile. "I admire her style very much, shrewd and capable, with the taste of Wall Street elites, but you also know that, because of cultural differences, sometimes I can’t fully understand what you Chinese people say. Want to express the true intention."

Fu Hua laughed. He really didn’t expect Jessica to accompany him to see Feng Kui: “Jessica, I’m not very suitable for this favor. Frankly speaking, this Ms. Feng knows me. , The relationship is still very good. Her team also knows that I lived in your house when I was in New York. My incident was still quite a sensation in the Chinese circle at the time. So do you understand?"

Jessica glanced at Fu Hua: "So, they asked you about my situation?"

Fu Hua nodded: "Yes. But I know that yours is just some general basic information. It doesn't matter if you say it or not. On the other hand, Ms. Feng is also a very proud person, just came to understand the situation with me. , And didn’t ask me to come forward to help her as a lobbyist, so I didn’t tell you about it either."

Jessica smiled: "If I ask you to say this, I really can't ask you to accompany me to see her. That makes me too self-confident. Forget it, I'll go and see her myself."

"That's the best thing," Fu Hua said with a smile, "Actually, you don't have to worry about this Ms. Feng. She has a very high background and aristocratic style. She doesn't bother to play tricks."

Jessica glanced at Fu Hua, smiled and said: "Listening to your tone, it seems that you respect her very much?"

Fu Hua nodded: "Yes, many people in this circle around me treat her as the boss."

Jessica laughed more and more: "The female boss, it's kind of interesting, does it mean she's great?"

Fu Hua nodded. Jessica smiled and said, "Then I will go and meet your boss."

Jessica's expectation revealed a clear sense of competition, and Fu Hua was not surprised by this. He understands Jessica's personality. Although Jessica is not as tough as Feng Kui on the surface, and even has some mother's tenderness on her body, in her bones, she is actually a strong woman.

Zhou Juan appeared in the Haichuan Building as soon as he went to work the next day. Fu Hua and Hu Yu did not discuss the result and initially selected the Haichuan Building as the location for their angel fund. Zhou Juan, the secretary-general, is here to officially start the office and prepare for the construction. Their angel fund.

Fu Hua personally received Zhou Juan, no matter what angle he should respect Zhou Juan. He led Zhou Juan to several offices that had been vacated beforehand, gave Zhou Juan the keys and everything, and asked Zhou Juan to be responsible for the sanitation and cleaning of these offices, and began to hire personnel and deploy office equipment to formally. Started the preparation of the fund.

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They all have a certain desire for power, and have the opportunity to be responsible for the preparation of a fund, which makes Zhou Juan look very energetic.

Seeing her getting busy, Fu Hua said something to tell me, and then retired.

These offices will become Zhou Juan’s home ground for some time to come. She will be responsible for filling these offices with personnel and equipment, which will make these offices that seem to be empty now become busy and change. Into a vibrant angel fund company.

What Fu Hua needs to do is to give her full space to play. If she continues to stay here, Zhou Juan will find him an eyesore.