
Chapter 3347: Stranded


Jessica still didn't make any clear statement, she just looked at Feng Kui, as if waiting for Feng Kui to continue speaking. Feng Kui felt that the reasons she stated were already sufficient. There was a short cold field between the two.

Feng Kui naturally did not want to let the scene cool down. The cold scene seemed to mean that Jessica was not interested in the items she recommended, so she had to bite the bullet and continue to say: "At the same time, it is now an era of Internet plus. Because of the convenience brought by the Internet, the boundaries between industries have long become blurred. Although Amazon is engaged in the online e-commerce industry, investment banks treat it as a technology company. It is difficult for you to Tesla. Positioning him only as a car manufacturing company, I think what Gironde now needs is not a new department store, but needs to be able to bring network traffic..."

"Ms. Feng, if I don't give a clear affirmation here, you will keep talking?" Jessica looked at Feng Kui's eyes and smiled.

Feng Kui smiled and said, "I have the confidence to convince you."

"What if I insist on not approving?"

Feng Kui smiled: "Then I will keep talking until you agree."

"I like your unwillingness to admit defeat," Jessica laughed loudly. "No wonder Fu Hua said that you are the boss in their circle. You do have a leadership style in you."

"Don't listen to Fu Hua's nonsense, what kind of boss, friends are just funny," Feng Kui said with a smile, "I am just a person who is trying to persuade you to invest now. I don't know if you are convinced by me now? "

Jessica smiled and said: "I dare not be persuaded, because you will keep talking like that. I have passed this test, but in the end, it needs to be evaluated and approved by the annuity investment committee. ."

Jessica, the leader recognized, that even if this matter is mostly successful, the investment committee's assessment and approval is a procedural process. As long as there are no accidents, it is a matter of high probability to pass.

Feng Kui secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It has been a few days since she returned to China to set up this private equity fund. She has been stumbled all the time. If the expected funds are not raised, the corresponding business cannot be fully developed.

If Jessica fails again this time, then she might really have to rethink the direction of fundraising. As a last resort, she can only use domestic resources, even if it goes against her original intention to set up this private equity, she will not hesitate.

Because on the one hand, there is a team following her behind her. These are all elites in the investment world. They can't always wait without doing anything.

The investment circle is a jungle full of wolves. Everyone in the team wants to get a huge amount of benefits from fighting each other. Even if they can pay for them, it is difficult for them to feel satisfied. Not to mention, they always do not go. Fighting, always can't smell the smell of blood, their hunting instincts in the world of wealth will degenerate, and they may even turn from hunters to prey.

Feng Kui naturally didn't want to be like this, and the members of her team didn't want to be like this, so Feng Kui must start the fund business as soon as possible, or the team would be disbanded.

On the other hand, she is used to being the boss. If the fund is always in a state of being immortal and not having enough food, she is also very lost. She is a person who wants face.

Therefore, Feng Kui actually attached great importance to this meeting with Jessica, so he was secretly relieved when he saw that the situation was progressing well.

"I'm done on official business, now I want to talk about you," Jessica said with a smile, "To be honest, I am very curious about your own situation. According to the situation that my team has learned, you seem to be born in China. A good family, it was also very successful in investing on Wall Street before. Because of his father’s physical condition, he returned to China and founded the current private equity..."

Feng Kui glanced at Jessica. She knew that because of the family, some of her information was actually blocked and could not be easily collected. Jessica's ability to find out these facts showed that she had done something to herself. Homework.

This is also a normal operation process. In order to know oneself and the enemy, it is natural to collect the other party's information as much as possible before the meeting.

"But I didn't find any intersection between you and Fu Hua, and even I think that even this possibility does not exist, because your own situations are very different," Jessica said with a smile. "So Fu Hua said that he and you are friends, I am very surprised."

Feng Kui never expected that what Jessica said would eventually end up on Fu Hua. It seems that this woman still has a deep concern for Fu Hua. She said in her heart that you would never know how Fu Hua and I first met. In one situation, it is even more impossible to know the once sweet intersections that happened between us.

Those are things that cannot be known to outsiders.

She smiled and said: "I am familiar with Fu Hua, will it affect your judgment on Gironde investment?"

"No," Jessica said with a smile, "So I appreciate your way of not letting Fu Hua help you as a lobbyist."

"I don't think he can affect you. Benefits are benefits. Friendship belongs to friendship. I think you will divide it very clearly," Feng Kui said with a smile, "So I won't do these useless efforts."

"You should be a type of person with me, that's why you know me that way," Jessica looked at Feng Kui and said with a smile, "I will stay in Beijing for a few days, find time to eat together, I think We will become very good friends."

"With pleasure, let my assistant and your assistant fix the time later."

The next morning, after Fu Hua went to work, he went to the Angel Fund office in charge of Zhou Juan to take a look. This is not to say that he has anything to explain to Zhou Juan, but a kind of courtesy and respect. If he ignored this stall, Zhou Juan would feel ignored.

The details are the devil. Since he accepted Zhou Juan to join the Angel Fund, he wants to do his best to prevent Zhou Juan from picking out the problem.

Zhou Juan is very busy, and there are always a lot of things to do when preparing for the construction. This is exactly the effect Zheng Jian wants. Just keep Zhou Juan busy, and there is no need for Fu Hua to intervene.

After reading it, Fu Hua went back to his office, turned on the computer and briefly browsed the economic news on the Internet. There was nothing particularly interesting to him.

It was just a piece of news about the Hong Kong police breaking a money laundering syndicate that made him look more. The news said that Hong Kong prosecutors had prosecuted more than a dozen criminals involved for this, and several of them were found to have ethical backgrounds.

The reason Fu Hua took a few more glances was because he seemed to feel that this incident had something to do with Franco, who is still stranded in Hong Kong.