
Chapter 3348: Alienated


At 10:30, Hu Yufei called: "Fu Hua, do you want to participate in this year's Internet Martial Arts Conference? A friend sent me an invitation, allowing several people to join the conference."

Fu Hua knew about the Internet Martial Arts Conference. In September 2014, with the official listing of Zhima Kaimen on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States, the Internet officially entered the btob era from the portal era.

The three traditional portals are declining day by day, and they are replaced by emerging Internet giants. Niu Conglong, the leader of the Zhima Kaimen website, has also become a man of the new era of the Internet. The cyber martial arts conference also came into being during this period.

The reason why it is called the martial arts conference is because the founder of the conference, Niu Conglong, is a fan of Jin Yong's heroes, so he called this annual summit meeting of Internet practitioners the martial arts conference. Competitive taste.

The venue for the conference was set at the hometown of Niu Conglong, Qingtang, a warm water town in Bianzhou. The time is the end of November, which is close to the end of the year.

This is the most typical example of a person or a company bringing up a city. Because of the great success of the Sesame Open website, Bianzhou City has become a popular gathering place for the country and even for online business companies, and the economy of Bianzhou is also corresponding. Has been greatly improved. The city of Bianzhou has also smoothly entered the new first-tier city from the second-tier city.

Although knowing this, Fu Hua has never had any intersection with Zhima Kaimen and Niu Conglong. Xihai Investment has always been mainly engaged in the real estate industry, which does not have a boundary with the Internet, and lacks opportunities for intersection.

But now that he wants to invest in angels, it is inevitable to deal with the hot industries in the Internet era. Counting the time, Jessica must have left Beijing at that time. He smiled and said, "Yes, it's okay to see Niu Conglong. It would be nice to have a pilgrimage."

Because of the great success of the Sesame Open website, the dominant effect of the winners has now pushed the bull from the dragon to the height of a saint. I always say what Niu Conglong said, or what Niu Conglong thinks...

As if the Sesame Open website is listed in New York, it means that Niu Conglong's point of view is the same as that of the saint. That's why Fu Hua said that he would go on a pilgrimage.

"Don't listen to those people on the Internet," Hu Yufei said with a smile on the phone, "What a pilgrimage, nonsense, I have been in contact with Niu Conglong before, I remember he was a stubborn guy at the time. The southern man looks a little weird. At the time, he sold me the business that his company owner did at the time—the yellow pages, but he was indeed a very foolish person."

"Don’t take his words too seriously. Now it’s because of the success of his Open Sesame website. People in the society will treat him like a god. Maybe it’s because he is a southerner. I always think He was too bragging and gave me a very unreal feeling. So even though he had been selling sales with me for a long time, he didn't get the business of Tiance Group in the end."

Hu Yufei can be regarded as an authentic northern man, he must be somewhat uncomfortable with the behavior of the southerner from Niu Conglong. This should be regarded as a regional difference. Most people in the north are used to going straight and talking, while people in the south like to make rounds and corners.

Sometimes a southerner clearly wants to do eastward, but he may first say westward, then turn from west to south, then turn from south to east, to achieve the goal in a roundabout way.

This curvy style is naturally not to Hu Yufei's appetite.

Moreover, Hu Yufei is the kind of old-school entrepreneur who has been in business for so many years, so naturally he is not interested in the intangible online world. However, this also made him basically miss the outlet of the Internet era, and missed the opportunity for his assets to explode exponentially like the Sesame website.

This is also a matter of character.

"I want to participate in this martial arts conference. It's not about holding Niu Conglong's stinky feet," Hu Yufei continued with a smile. "What I think is that by then, many start-up companies will definitely gather in Qingtang Town. Maybe At that time we can find several companies that are suitable for our fund to invest."

"Also, my invitation itself was given to me by a startup company recommended to me by a friend. That company is in Bianzhou. You can also contact that company by the way."

Fu Hua smiled: "Uncle Hu, you entered the situation quite quickly."

"I'm really bored at home," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "I have long wanted to go to the far door to relax. It is estimated that your ex-in-law must have an idea with me now."

Fu Hua smiled. Hu Yufei was right. Zheng Jian must have the same idea as him. He wants to send Zhou Juan away as soon as possible: "What else is there to say, just go."

The next night, Jessica hosted a banquet for Fu Hua and Leng Ziqiao in the steakhouse of a five-star hotel in Yonganli, **** Street. After sitting down, Jessica smiled and said, "I originally wanted to invite two of you to eat roast duck, but then I thought about it, you are in Beijing, you might have been tired of eating roast duck, so I changed to this steakhouse. Steak."

Fu Hua laughed: "Jessica, you remind me of a joke, that is, a group of Koreans came to China and were invited to eat kimchi. In the end, the Koreans really couldn’t stand it anymore. They took the initiative to say that they weren’t either. So if you want to eat kimchi, you also want to try a delicious Chinese meal."

"It's still Jessica, what you think is thoughtful, I really don't like roast duck, it's too tired." Leng Ziqiao said with a smile, "It's so delicious to eat steak, and it has a sense of ritual."

"The taste of your Chinese people is really getting more and more westernized," Jessica said with a smile looking at Fu Hua. I had dinner with your boss last night. She also ordered a steakhouse, but it was another one. The hotel is nothing. "

"Did you eat with Sister Kui yesterday?" Leng Ziqiao asked.

Jessica smiled and said, "Zi Qiao, you also know Ms. Feng?"

"Yeah, I'm so fascinated by her, she smells capable, and I really want to find a chance to ask her out for a drink, bubble bar or something," Leng Ziqiao said with a smile, "but her person Without anger and prestige, I have never had the courage to invite her. I am really persuaded sometimes."

Jessica looked at Leng Ziqiao and then at Fu Hua. There was an intuitive and strange feeling in her heart that although Fu Hua and Feng Kui seemed to be very alienated, they were actually more distant than Leng Ziqiao. It was right to get close, but Leng Ziqiao didn't know about it.