
Chapter 3355: It's not easy to explain


Meng Qing sent Fu Hua and Lu Xin out of the gate of Yong Zitou. As soon as he got on the bus, Lu Xin said to the driver: "Hurry up, take Mr. Fu to the airport."

At this time, the waves on Lu Xin’s face were completely gone, and his expression became very solemn. He glanced at Fu Hua: "You have to leave Hong Kong as soon as possible. Yabiao also has some foundation in Hong Kong, Meng Qing. If you do this, you will surely set off a big storm. It's hard to say that it won't affect you. You should leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible."

Fu Hua knew that Lu Xin was justified in doing this. Qin Hui still had three good friends. If Meng Qing wanted to replace Yabiao, someone on the road would come out to fight the injustice. A dispute is inevitable. It was indeed a wise decision to leave Hong Kong before the storm.

It's just that Fu Hua originally wanted to see Qiao Yuzhen and Fu Qiao, so now he can only wait for the next time.

The car rushed all the way, Fu Hua and Lu Xin in the car were relatively speechless. Neither of them thought that this time the tea battle would be such a result. Fortunately, there is no danger at all.

When approaching the airport, Lu Xin, who looked out the window thoughtfully all the way, suddenly said, "Mr. Fu, have you ever thought about who provided clues to the police if Meng Qing didn't wear red shoes."

"Are you sure Meng Qing must be fine?"

"How can I be sure?" Lu Xin said with a smile, "but I'm not sure that Meng Qing must have a problem, because Meng Qing himself is just my backstop to ensure the smooth progress of this meeting. Beautiful women are really a disaster. Ah, what about Yan Yabiao putting braces on her teeth for her? She still wants to hook up with Meng Qing."

Fu Hua immediately understood Lu Xin's thoughts. In fact, Lu Xin didn't know who would mess up the tea camp this time. He only found out that Meng Qing was affair with his wife. So when something happened, he threw out the information he found, and asked Yan Yabiao to use Meng Qing as a target to vent his anger.

This is a typical Li Daitao stiff strategy.

But here comes the question. If Meng Qing did not betray the buck-yabiao, where did the police know where Franco was detained

This is a question that can be frightened after careful consideration, because Fu Hua immediately thought of the powerful force behind Franco, and thought of that force that seemed to have done nothing until now.

Did that force really have not done anything yet, or did it have done something, but he didn't notice it? If that were the case, Franco and his superiors would not be the real goal of this operation, but just a bait to deal with the real goal.

Fu Hua has not forgotten that Huang Yiming in New York killed several employees of special departments in the United States in order to help him get away. I believe that special departments in the United States will not be so forgetful. After all, Huang Yiming not only caused them to fail their missions and become disgraced, but also took the lives of several elites in the special departments.

If you want to think about it this way, then he is the real goal of this action. The Yankee obviously couldn't help him, so he wanted to get rid of him through infighting. There is no empirical evidence for these, but there are indeed possibilities.

Lu Xin and Fu Hua glanced at each other. After these years of dealings, they had a tacit understanding with each other, and they knew what the other was thinking from their eyes.

"Mr. Fu, all these years of mixed ups have made me understand a truth. After discovering the signs of a crisis, we must act first and eliminate the crisis invisible. Do you want to let certain people stay in Hong Kong forever? I can do it without a trace."

Lu Xin said that he was going to get rid of Franco. It's not impossible to do this now. With the participation of people from the digital gangs such as Gu Yabiao and Meng Qing, he could easily shirk the responsibility of killing Franco.

At the same time it is necessary to do so. The whole thing, Franco and the others, are really like bait, because the power behind them shouldn't be so weak. After Franco was done, everyone was clean.

It's just that Jessica might be sad that Franco didn't come back safely.

After pondering a little, Fu Hua looked at Lu Xin and said, "If you let go, will it harm you?"

"No, from the beginning to the end, I was just an intermediary who helped save people in this matter. I can't be blamed for those who don't save it."

"Then put all the people back," Fu Hua said, "This is the favor I owe. There is no way I can't pay it back."

Lu Xin shook his head and said a word about the benevolence of women, and said nothing more.

When Fu Hua arrived at the airport, he changed to the fastest flight to Beijing and went directly back to Beijing. After landing, he didn't immediately call Jessica to tell him that he was back, because he didn't know what Franco was in now, so he called now, and he couldn't explain many things.

At midnight, Causeway Bay, which was originally full of people, has recently appeared deserted and sparsely crowded because of some bad incidents. It also makes a van that rushes over look particularly eye-catching. The van suddenly braked in the middle of the road, then the door opened and two sack sacks were thrown from the car.

The van sped away, and the sacks thrown on the road began to wriggle. Not long after, two foreign-faced men struggled out of the sacks...

Che Hung Yashe, Fu Hua and Leng Ziqiao were sleeping soundly in the bedroom when the mobile phone on the bedside suddenly rang. Fu Hua was awakened. Seeing that the number belonged to Jessica, he knew that Franco might have been released back.

Fu Hua grabbed the phone and went to the living room: "Hey, Jessica, it's so late, what's the matter?"

"Fu Hua, Franco was released. I just received a call from him from Hong Kong. The guys who caught him didn't know why they suddenly threw him on the streets of Causeway Bay," Jessica was pleasantly surprised. Said, "Thank you Fu Hua, thank you."

Fu Hua knew that Meng Qing had let go. Although this was indeed his credit, after knowing that Frank’s arrest might be a trap, he couldn’t bear the credit: “It’s good if Franco comes back safely. Don’t come to thank me. I didn't do anything."

"Didn't you go to Hong Kong to find someone to save Franco?"

Fu Hua pretended to be confused and said: "No, I did go to Hong Kong, but the person I was looking for told me that they could not help me. I was thinking about how to tell you what to say about it. Just call your phone. Come here. Fortunately, Franco is okay, otherwise I really can't explain to you."