
Chapter 3356: Young woman


Jessica didn't suspect that Fu Hua was lying, she just asked: "Then what's the matter with Franco being released this time?"

"I don't know this, but it's good to be able to come back safely," Fu Hua suddenly tried to see if Franco had any tricks this time. "Eh, Jessica, since Frank has returned, I I want to invite him to Beijing to play for a few days. It's a landlord's friendship. I wonder if he wants to come to Beijing?"

Although the Mainland and Hong Kong belong to the same China, their governance methods are quite different. The staff of the US special departments are relatively free to move around in Hong Kong. Therefore, special agencies in the United States regard Hong Kong as a bridgehead for collecting intelligence on the Mainland. When it comes to the mainland, the situation is much stricter.

If the kidnapping of Franco and his superiors in Hong Kong is indeed a trap against him, he invited Franco to Beijing at this time. From Frank's point of view, there must be other meanings. Franco should not be cautious. Will come to Beijing.

Jessica didn't know Fu Hua's true thoughts, but just said, "I'm going to ask Franco about this. I will answer you when I ask him later."

Jessica hung up the phone and Fu Hua went back to the bedroom. At this time Leng Ziqiao had been awakened and asked, "Whose call?"

"Jessica's, it was Franco who was put back."

Leng Ziqiao knew the influence of Fu Hua’s friends Lu Xin and Huang Yiming in Hong Kong, and he was not surprised that Franco was released back. He went back to sleep with a bang.

But Fu Hua couldn't sleep anymore, so he lay quietly in bed thinking about Franco. This thought came to mind that there is another possibility, because there is another possibility in the whole thing that may be more difficult to deal with the existence of forces.

Franco was kidnapped this time. Although he went to Hong Kong to directly face the head of the Digital Bang Yong and Meng Qing and Gu Yabiao, the hidden forces behind them were the most terrifying.

This is not just the group of people behind Franco, but also the group of Zuoke who are unknown to us.

Judging from the information that has been obtained so far, the Zuoke gang is likely to be involved in an international money laundering group. This is a more terrifying force than the special department of the United States. Also more cruel.

For so many years, the power agencies of various countries have been fighting money laundering crimes vigorously, but they have not been able to eliminate the roots. However, money laundering crimes are still endless, showing the power of money laundering groups.

And when it comes to Franco's kidnapping, Zuoke's group of talents is the most likely to provide the police with Franco's location. This is not to say that they want to save Franco more, but that they want to anger the Digital Gang more, and want the Digital to help them get rid of Franco. Because the target of Franco's trip to Hong Kong this time is obviously a money laundering group.

The money laundering group did not dare to confront the Yankees directly. Direct confrontation would make the Yankees attack them all-round. It happened that the buck-tooth biao tied Franco, and they might want to use the knife to kill people.

So it’s hard to say that this time Franco’s design must have harmed him, even if Franco refuses to come to Beijing.

It seems that the special departments in the United States are not so cunning and wise. After all, they are still a public power department, and although they also like to engage in small tricks, most of the time their actions are still in the open, and they are not as difficult as the Zuoke group.

Zuo Ke's group of people have been hiding in the dark, using all means, and this is the most difficult thing to mess with. At this time, Fu Hua couldn't help but think of the guy who sneaked into his bedroom silently and silently in the dark night.

Although time has passed for a long time, he still feels shuddering towards this person in his heart. And until now, he still hasn't figured out what the origin of that guy is, and whether it is related to Zuoke's side.

A dog that really bites does not bark.

The most terrifying opponents like this kind of lurking in the dark, who may come out to bite you at any time. Because you can't defend him at all.

Early the next morning, Jessica called and said that Franco could not accept the invitation to come to Beijing. His department asked him to go back to report on work, so he had already flown back to the United States.

Fu Hua was not surprised by this. Franco's trip to Hong Kong this time not only failed to complete the task assigned to him by the US Special Department, but first killed him and was subsequently kidnapped. The performance is extremely poor.

If being kidnapped is not a trap for yourself, then the special department of the United States will be embarrassed by the money laundering group behind Zuoke this time in Hong Kong. Special departments also need to review their responsibilities, and it is only natural for Franco to be called back to report on his work.

Fu Hua secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Franco finally left the trouble. However, will the U.S. retaliate against him in the future? At least Franco's article is over, and he doesn't have to be in a dilemma because of Jessica.

He smiled and said, "It's okay, if he continues to stay, you always have to worry about him."

"That's true," Jessica said, "but this way, I won't spend too much time in Beijing. I want to return to New York as soon as possible after I have finalized the investment with Ms. Feng. So there is no How to get together with you and Zi Qiao again."

Fu Hua heard that Jessica meant that she was eager to return to the United States to see Franco. It seemed that she was really concerned about Franco this time, so she smiled and said, "There is still a chance in the future. I hope you and Franco got the right results as soon as possible."

Jessica smiled and said, "Thank you, Franco is really nice to me and Marie."

In this way, Fu Hua's itinerary was vacant for a while, because he originally reserved some time to entertain Jessica. It’s not easy for a busy person to suddenly relax. So he wanted to see the information about the company that invited Hu Yufei to attend the martial arts conference.

This is not Fu Huaxin but Hu Yufei's recommendation, but as long as possible he still wants to master as much information about the other party as possible, so as to know himself and the enemy. Although doing angel investment is just to pass the time of retreat, but with Fu Hua's character, if you don't do it, you must do your best.

Fu Hua called Zhou Juan: "Secretary-General Zhou, you send me a copy of the company's information that Uncle Hu said. I want to study the situation of that company."

Zhou Juan was obviously taken aback on the phone. Although she has been working for the fund preparation work in Haichuan Building for some time, Fu Hua and she are basically busy with each other and rarely have time to communicate with each other. Without communication, naturally there is no question of what to call.

Zhou Juan could understand Fu Hua's embarrassment. After all, calling a woman younger than him an aunt is not so comfortable.