
Chapter 3357: layman


So when Fu Hua called her Secretary-General Zhou, she didn't realize that she was calling her. Immediately she realized that this was Fu Hua calling her by her job title, which cleverly avoided calling her an aunt, and she couldn't help laughing.

It is said that she was also a white-collar elite before marrying Zheng Jian, so she naturally understood how to deal with the current situation: "Okay, Fu Dong, I will send the information to your mailbox right away."

A few minutes later, Fu Hua saw that an email was sent to his mailbox, and when he opened the mailbox, he saw a PPT, a business plan in the field of mobile Internet.

Fu Hua couldn't help smiling secretly. He felt that he was really going to fall behind in this era. Before, he focused on the real estate industry. He hadn't figured out what was going on with the Internet. Now the Internet era has passed. , Has developed into the era of mobile Internet.

Of course, he still knows that the mobile Internet is actually an Internet based on the mobile phone network, knowing what small programs such as APP are all about, and knowing that it is more convenient to use mobile phones to watch news, because operators are constantly pushing new ones to users. Current affairs hotspots also know that operators will push things of interest to customers based on big data in order to attract customers to browse.

But the power of habit is powerful. He still can’t get rid of the habit of reading news on the computer. He still has to browse several major portal websites after turning on the computer. Although portal websites are not as fast as mobile news, he is not as quick. Understand what the business model of the mobile Internet era is.

Fortunately, some things will never change. Merchants always take making money as the most fundamental starting point. Whether it is based on industry, the Internet, or the mobile Internet, the ultimate goal of the business is to achieve profitability.

It's just that you want to rely on your own strength and your own wealth to develop in the current era is a bit unworkable. That way, not only will the company develop slowly, but it will also be easily defeated by competitors. Many of the current business models need to use other people's money to develop themselves.

It is necessary to use other people's money to advertise, attract traffic, or even post money at a loss to cultivate new consumer habits. When consumers become accustomed to a certain consumption pattern and form a certain consumption dependence, it is time for the operators to make money. This is simply not feasible in the previous operating model that emphasized the input-output ratio.

The current operating model is also full of tricks, so many of the current operating models Fu Hua has never heard of before. Just like the mobile shopping guide mentioned in the business plan in his mailbox, he has never contacted before. A way of commercial operation.

Fortunately, this business plan is very detailed. It contains detailed industry data analysis and trend analysis. It quotes data released by many professional organizations. At first glance, people have a certain degree of this so-called mobile shopping guide industry. Understanding.

From this point alone, Fu Hua has a good impression of the producer of this business plan, not to mention that there is a photo of the entrepreneur himself posted in the PPT. She is a very young, beautiful and beautiful girl.

Sometimes I have to admit that being beautiful will bring many benefits. Although they all say not to judge people by their appearance, it is undeniable that appearance is the most intuitive first impression of communication between people. If you grow stubbornly, no matter how good the project is, it will be discounted somewhat.

Of course, Fu Hua only has a pleasing feeling for the entrepreneur, and he didn't want to say that using the advantage of investors, he can obtain the benefits of certain hidden rules from the entrepreneur.

He is already a long-standing old fritters. This kind of immature girl can no longer make him interested. immature means no experience and requires more adjustment and cultivation, and he has already There is no more patience.

At this time, Zhou Juan knocked on the door and walked in. Fu Hua glanced at her: "Are you okay?"

Zhou Juan handed him a folder and said with a smile: "This is the information collected by our own staff after receiving this case and related to Chenxi shopping. It seems that this company has had a lot of negative news recently. , The angel funds that were planning to invest have all retreated."

"You need to know that the initial operating model of mobile Internet companies like Chenxi is basically the same. They burned money and smashed advertisements and engaged in preferential activities. After a period of time, you must look at the daily and monthly activities brought by the advertisements. If the data is ideal, it will attract angel investment. After getting the angel investment, it will continue to burn money to advertise and engage in preferential activities to make the traffic data look better, thereby attracting venture capital."

Fu Hua looked at Zhou Juan, who was talking eloquently, and couldn't help but admire in secret. This woman seems to be more familiar with the current mobile Internet than he is. The professional language of Daily Life and Yuehuo is pretty slippery, but when he looks back, he has to search for information on the mobile Internet quickly, and the province shows up in front of this little aunt. .

Zhou Juan continued: "Now their money has been burned almost, but the traffic data brought by advertising is not ideal, far less than expected. If it can no longer attract angel investment, this company can only gameover. "

Fu Hua finally heard a few words that he could fully understand. Zhou Juan meant that the results of Chenxi’s early cash burn were not ideal, and the data looked a bit ugly, coupled with the influence of negative news. The Angel Fund, which was originally interested, was discouraged.

Now the initial investment is almost burned. If no new investment is obtained, the company will break the capital chain and be over.

The first thought that Fu Hua came up with at this time was that Hu Yufei's disposition has not changed. He imagined that he would continue to be a living bodhisattva who saved the suffering and the hardship just like Hu Yifu. Can this kind of company invest? Chen Xi's little girl is not as resistant to tossing as Hu Yifu.

Although a few of them saved up this angel fund not to make money, but they can't use the money to make money. In that way, the money will be lost in a few strokes. What else will they use for fun later

Although he was dissatisfied with Hu Yufei in his heart, Fu Hua did not express his dissatisfaction. Their angel fund is funded by three parties. Although there is no conflict of interest between them, if they want to cooperate for a long time, some things are still not possible. Talking nonsense.

He glanced at Zhou Juan and said with a smile: "I'm basically a layman about the mobile Internet, and I still can't figure out a lot of things. What is your opinion on Chenxi's situation?"