
Chapter 3361: Upanishad


88. At this time, Chen Xi completed the check-in procedures and distributed the room card to the three of them. The three of them took their belongings and went to their respective rooms. Chen Xi asked the three of them to have a good rest, and later in the evening she would come to accompany them to dinner.

When going to their respective rooms, Fu Hua noticed that Hu Yufei had always been calm and did not speak, and it seemed that he was not in a very good mood.

He knew that when he saw Niu Conglong who was begging for food in front of him again, Hu Yufei's mood would be very complicated, especially when he saw the media frantically praising Niu Conglong. Hu Yufei's mood must be somewhat lost. He didn't want to be uncomfortable, so he didn't ask Hu Yu what was wrong.

In the room, after a brief wash, Fu Hua lay on the bed, turned on the TV and started watching the news. Niu Conglong is a mythical character in this city. He has been interviewed by the media, and the local news will definitely report it.

Sure enough, in the local news, he saw the reporter's visit to Niu Conglong just now, and he understood why Hu Yufei was depressed.

The interview was very brief, and Niu Conglong was asked two questions in total. One question is to ask Niu Conglong's views on the current domestic economic development.

The Niu Conglong in front of the camera still looks a bit playful with a wrinkled nose: "I think the current domestic mainstream economic development model is very old. They have stuck to China's model of seeking profits for thousands of years. Severely behind this era."

"What era is it now? In the Internet age, the Internet has greatly expanded the depth and breadth of economic development. Only by embracing the Internet and developing with the help of the Internet can the old model not be eliminated and can have a future."

"If the ancients are not changed, and blindly stick to it, there can only be two destinies, one is to be subverted, and the other is to be carried forward by the wheels of the times."

"Look at some of the traditional and established enterprises in China. The speed of development is almost incomparable with that of Open Sesame. Those entrepreneurs who have once been brilliant really need to change their minds."

This part should be what made Hu Yufei's face calm. Compared with Niu Conglong, Hu Yufei's industry has always been a traditional physical industry. The development of China Strategic Group over the years is no longer comparable to that of Zhima Kaimen.

Although Niu Conglong did not name Zhongce Group when he said it, Hu Yufei would definitely think that he was classified by Niu Conglong as an established traditional enterprise. In other words, he is one of those people who need to change their minds.

Niu Conglong's instructive words are definitely not useful to Hu Yufei's ears. Even a little arrogant.

In fact, what Niu Conglong said at first sounds reasonable, but when you think about it, it is specious and cannot stand the test.

There are many business models of enterprises, which are ever-changing, and there is no unified model. It is true that the Internet has brought great convenience to the operation of enterprises, but there are many Internet enterprises that have died in these years. Traditional companies are indeed particularly obsolete, but some high-quality companies are still alive and well.

Take Niu Conglong's Zhima Kaimen company as an example. Except for the e-commerce website, some of the companies that Niu Conglong has expanded over the years are not very successful. Even the e-commerce website is gradually showing signs of decline, and some large merchants on the website are starting to find it difficult to make money.

At the same time, some new business models have also appeared in the market, which have clearly surpassed the Zhikaimen company. I don’t know if this is a kind of subversion from Niu Conglong’s point of view

Although Hu Yufei's Zhongce Group did not earn as much money in the United States as the opening of Zhima, its business has always been very stable. Has always been the backbone of the domestic beverage industry.

In the final analysis, whether the network or the traditional model is good, it is only the carrier of enterprise operation. For a company to operate well, it depends on many other factors. It is not that the embrace of the network will lead to prosperity.

As for Niu Conglong's subversion, it is even more a joke. No matter how good the network is, it will eventually return to physical operations. If you subvert the physical business, there will be no soil for survival if Zhima opens the door.

The reporter's second question room asked Niu Conglong about his next plan, because they heard that Niu Conglong was going to quit the management position of Zhima Kaimen and was about to retire.

"You ask me what I have plans for the next step. I really don't have any special plans. To be honest, I am tired of the busy life now. For me, money is just a number in the bank. , Has no other meaning. To be entangled in these trivial matters all day is wasting my life."

"Tell you, in fact, I regret that I started the company called Sesame Open. It takes up too much time for me, keeps me busy with trivial things every day, and makes me very unhappy. . As long as I have enough money. I really miss the days when I got a small salary. At that time, I was really full of enthusiasm. Alas, it’s a pity that time can’t go back anymore. "

This is even more arrogant. Maybe Niu Conglong really thought so in his heart, but when he became one of the richest people in the country, he said this to the reporter, it was a bit awkward. There is no empathy either.

He said that, what do you think of those working class who squeeze buses and subways every day, commute for several hours to work, and have been busy for a month but only get a meager income? Do they feel that they are happier than Niu Conglong? Do they really think that 1996 is a kind of blessing? I'm afraid that even Niu Conglong didn't think so in his own heart.

Then why did he say that? Fu Hua felt that this was an act of sensationalism that was not surprising and unstoppable. Even Fu Hua felt that the words Niu Conglong said gave people a feeling of being crowned by a monkey in the history books.

After Xiang Yu destroyed Qin, some people persuaded Xiang Yu to settle in Guanzhong, thinking that Guanzhong was a battleground for military strategists. However, Xiang Yu said that wealth would not return to his hometown, just like walking at night, so he chose to go home first.

The dispute between Chu and Han was at the most critical time, but Xiang Yu was only looking at going back to his hometown to show off. It was obvious that he was impetuous and short-sighted, so the person who proposed Dingduguan said indignantly that people say that the Chu people are crowned by monkeys. , I'm right.

The image of Niu Conglong is actually a bit like a monkey. What he said is not that he is really tired of the operation of Open Sesame. Although he has said similar words several times, he has always firmly controlled the control of Open Sesame in his own hands.

He said so, it is a kind of show off in disguise. So there is even more the meaning of being a villain.

In fact, although he thinks he is very good, there is really no groundbreaking deeds. From the perspective of public reports, the number of e-commerce routes is actually not his pioneering work. Only the person who was the first to be an e-commerce company in China sold the e-commerce website and went to the United States for development, which gave Ampang a golden development period.

The development of Sesame Opens was also stumbling at the beginning, and it was very unsatisfactory. It has been struggling on the edge of life and death. Another financial professional of the company joined in and helped him find investment. Coupled with a few years of domestic economic development, his website took advantage of the trend.

It can be said that the times have created the glory of him and Zhima Kaimen today.

Of course Niu Conglong itself is not useless, he has a powerful ability to fool. The financial man who made a huge contribution to the opening of Sesame, was fooled by him to join the company.

This has become more and more obvious since Sesame opened its doors. Wealth has brought him a dazzling aura. Every time he has appeared in public since then, he has repeatedly made golden sentences. Regardless of whether he can make sense or not, he can shock the audience with just one sentence. Become the headline of the media.

Although these words have no practical use after hearing them, they are mostly specious. But after he talked about it, he would be reported by the media immediately, and would immediately attract the attention of public opinion.

This fits better with his ostentatious personality, and he is even more comfortable with it. Next time, he will love to do amazing things more and more.

This is probably due to his lack of quality. He didn't have a good education, he went to a university that didn't enter the stream, so he didn't have much connotation. But because of the times, he became famous and became a leading figure in the domestic electric business community. It is inevitable to be self-righteous. At one time, he was even confused by the juggling tricks played by some warlocks, and made a lot of pranks.

Fu Hua feels that his situation is very similar to another figure in the domestic real estate industry. When that guy was bullish, he bought and bought internationally. When he walked there, he was eager to support him, and he was in the limelight for a while. He is really defiant of pointing the country everywhere. He once gave a lecture at a top domestic university and said anything from Peking University and Tsinghua University. In his eyes, he couldn't keep up with the courage.

This is also a relatively interesting point in the financial industry. Basically every few years, there will be two richest figures, like the former Mou, Gu, etc., and talk about it in some public occasions. The pretentious and arrogant language caused an uproar in public opinion, and then it was gone.

Relatively speaking, Niu Conglong, a character called newmoney, still lacks some precipitation compared to Hu Yufei's oldmoney, which is a bit shallow, and he doesn’t know what it means to keep a low profile, and he has a thick body all over his body. The nouveau riche.

Therefore, although he is obsessed with Jin Daxia's works, he is actually only Ye Gonghao, who has learned a little bit. He can't really understand Jin Daxia's sweeping monks, which is the profound meaning of the peerless masters who hide their merits and fame.