
Chapter 3362: long time no see


89. Fu Hua was watching the news, his cell phone rang, and the number was Feng Kui's, and he connected: "Why is it so good suddenly, when you think of calling me?"

Feng Kui smiled: "Don't think too much, I am not interested in you, I am interested in Zhaohui Group. I have seen negative news coming out recently. Someone is shorting Zhaohui Group, right?"

"It should be, what's wrong, you don't want to get a kick too?"

"Why not? You know that capital is like a shark, and when you see profit, you will naturally want to participate."

"Aren't you Xiaokui?" Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "You must know that Zhaohui Group and Xihai Investment are strategic alliances. If you short Zhaohui Group, it is actually equivalent to short Xihai Investment. At this time, you should not make this. Is it lively?"

"Why are you scared?" Feng Kui said with a smile, "what if I say I have to join in the fun?"

Fu Hua was shocked. He never thought that one day Feng Kui would stand on his opposite side. Although capital is ruthless, it is too much, right

"Why don't you speak anymore?" Feng Kui said with a smile: "You won't be really afraid of me, are you?"

"I never thought that you would conflict with me just to make money," Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "You don't really want to do this, do you?"

"What if I really want to do this?" Feng Kuiruo smiled nonchalantly, "Do you feel hurt?"

"That's natural," Fu Hua asked weakly, "Can you tell me the reason you want to do this?"

"If I say there is no other reason other than profitable?"

Fu Hua was a little angry, and said that your heart is too hard, right? Actually he would treat me like this for money.

"Why don't you talk anymore?" Feng Kui laughed, "You, it's really not suitable for you to roll around in the mall. There is no human favor in the mall. You will be short when you encounter a time that is suitable for shorting, which is absolutely wrong. Let it go. If you really want to meet a ruthless character, you will definitely be eaten by someone without leaving any scum."

Hearing Feng Kui’s words, it’s not about playing the Zhaohui Group’s idea. Fu Hua sighed with relief in his heart. He was still really worried that Feng Kui would fight with him in order to make money. That way he really didn’t know how to do it. Place.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

"I really want to take a trip in the muddy waters of the Chaohui Group, but I think it is more profitable to do more now. However, I don't know the truth of the Chaohui Group. Tell you about the details of Zhaohui Group."

Fu Hua was shocked: "Why did you come up with the idea of Zhaohui Group? Didn't you get Jessica's investment?"

"I got it, but she didn't put all the funds in me, but invested 500 million US dollars," Feng Kui said with a smile, "she doesn't want to put all the eggs in one basket, it is too risky. But for me, the amount of funds raised is still a bit small, so I want to continue to raise funds while looking for opportunities to make a few short speculations."

Fu Hua couldn't help laughing: "You guy has a really big appetite."

Feng Kui smiled and said: "This is also no way. I have operated a private placement of tens of billions of dollars on Wall Street. Looking back, I always feel that it is not enough to do small funds."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "You can make big things, and small ones."

"If you don't know how to do it, don't direct it blindly," Feng Kui said with a smile, "the scale of funds is too small to have bargaining power. Only when the scale is up, can we get the excess income. This is currently internationally accepted. Method. How can a large corps battle be comparable to a small group of skirmishers?"

What this guy is looking for is the effect of capital crushing, which Fu Hua couldn't even think of. The scale of angel funds he currently operates is a company that invests several million yuan.

Fu Hua laughed: "I am also doing investment, and you are also doing investment, but how do I feel like you are living in two worlds."

"That's true. The business philosophy of funds with different capital scales is indeed very different," Feng Kui said with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk about this, just tell me what's going on outside. How true or false is the negative news of Zhaohui Group?"

"I am not very clear about this. I want to ask Sun Zhaohui later."

"Then you don't have to hurry up, give me a call after you ask."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "This is not a problem, but the ugly words are at the front. No matter what Sun Zhaohui answers, you are not allowed to short the Zhaohui Group, otherwise everyone will not even have to do it with friends."

"Are you threatening me with this?"

Fu Hua felt a little guilty in his heart. He was just talking ruthlessly. If he really couldn't even be friends with Feng Kui, he might be uncomfortable at first. But this is his bottom line, and he can't stand back and feel uncomfortable.

"Yes, you can understand that too." Fu Hua gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"You don't need to gnash your teeth like this," Feng Kui said with a smile, "According to the pre-judgment of the intelligence I collected, the Zhaohui Group is not as unbearable as the media said. This time they are so passive because of the international community. That big investment bank that helped them issue bonds is backhand shorting, you understand, there is no morality in this world, and some are just benefits."

"But I still think you wouldn't be so unethical to me."

Feng Kui hesitated for a while, and then smiled and said, "Don't be funny. Remember, when it comes to investing, you must first learn to be a little wary of everyone, so that you can remain invincible. Alright, okay, let's not talk about you anymore, you can call Sun Zhaohui as soon as possible."

Feng Kui hung up the phone, and Fu Hua was a little confused. This elusive woman didn’t make any guarantees to him, and he couldn’t figure out what she would do if she had the opportunity to short his Xihai investment one day. do. Immediately he gave up thinking about this issue that he didn't want to go into, because in terms of the current scale of operations of Xihai Investment, it was not enough for Feng Kui to sell short.

So it's just a fake question, and it doesn't need to be considered.

Fu Hua wanted to call Sun Zhaohui, but at this time the phone rang first. It was an unfamiliar number. Fu Hua hesitated and connected: "This is Fu Hua, who is looking for me?"

There was a woman's silver bell of laughter over the phone: "It's been a long time since I saw Fu Dong, are you also at the martial arts conference in Qingtang now?"

Susan actually called. Fu Hua smiled and said, "Yes, I’ve been in Qingtang. It’s really been a long time since I saw Susan. I was really very surprised when I saw you get off Niu Conglong’s car. Surprised, I'm really curious, how did you meet him?"