
Chapter 3363: It's a bit small


Susan laughed: "It's very simple. Niu Conglong and my current boyfriend are neighbors. He introduced me to him. This time he and my boyfriend have a cooperation project to discuss, so my boyfriend let me Come see the excitement."

Fu Hua remembered the gossip reports of Susan and Xiao Yunkai he saw on the plane when he returned from Hong Kong. The boyfriend Susan was talking about here was obviously not Sun Linyu.

Niu Conglong is said to have spent hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars to buy a mid-level mansion in Hong Kong not long ago. It is possible that he and Xiao Yunkai become neighbors. He smiled and asked, "Has Xiao Yunkai also come to Qingtang?"

"Yeah, he also came by Maybach with me today. Didn't you see him?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I don't know him very well, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

"But Dong Fu seems to be paying attention to my situation."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I didn't pay attention to it either. I went to Hong Kong a few days ago and saw a newspaper report on you and Xiao Yunkai on the plane back. The world is really changing fast. When the sky passed, it seemed that something was wrong."

"Yeah, the world is changing fast. Let's not talk about it, Dong Fu, I am calling you to help Sun Dong bring a message."

Fu Hua was stunned. He didn't understand Susan's intention to do this, but he knew one thing. Susan and Sun Linyu must have separated from each other before, otherwise he would not ask him to bring a message to Sun. Zhaohui.

"What's the message?"

"Just tell Dong Sun that we must attach great importance to the short-selling of Zhaohui Group this time, because the short-sellers have gathered multiple forces this time, and even the investment bank that helped Zhaohui Group issue bonds also participated in private. So the other party can say Get a clear picture of Zhaohui Group’s hole cards."

Susan's situation can be mutually confirmed with Feng Kui's statement, so it is more and more confirmed that this time shorting Zhaohui Group should not be underestimated. Fu Hua also had to pay more attention to this matter.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Thank you Susan, but why don't you tell Dong Sun directly?"

"There was something embarrassing between me and Lin Yu, and it was not convenient to talk to Dong Sun. You can tell Dong Sun for help. He knows the causes and consequences of this and will definitely believe that the information I provided is true. Up."

After speaking, Susan hung up the phone, and Fu Hua immediately called Sun Zhaohui and talked about what Susan asked him to speak.

After hearing this, Sun Zhaohui smiled bitterly and said: "So, you saw Susan in Qingtang, what's her situation now?"

Fu Hua said: "The spirit is high and in good condition. His current boyfriend has a project to cooperate with Niu Conglong, so he went to Qingtang..."

Fu Hua wanted to ask what happened between Susan and Sun Linyu, but he just turned back when he said the words. Sun Zhaohui is a man with a sense of well-measured work. He didn't disclose the reason for Sun Linyu and Susan's breakup. Naturally, there are reasons not to make it public.

Sun Zhaohui sighed: "Golden scales are not objects in the pool. They will turn into dragons when they encounter wind and cloud. Alas, Lin Yu is not good enough for Susan."

Sun Zhaohui still didn’t say why Susan and Sun Linyu broke up, but Fu Hua’s focus was not on this matter: "Dong Sun, Susan’s news should be true, because there are other channels to communicate it to me. After receiving the same news, you should quickly find a way to deal with this matter. Otherwise, if the situation expands further, I am afraid that Zhaohui Group will not be able to bear it."

Zhaohui Group’s debt ratio itself is extremely high. If relevant agencies lower their ratings because of these negative news, their financing costs will definitely increase. If creditors lose confidence in them, the situation may be out of control. Therefore, the current situation facing Zhaohui Group is extremely dangerous.

However, out of confidence in Sun Zhaohui's financial skills, Fu Hua was not very worried about the Zhaohui Group at this moment. He believes that Sun Zhaohui will resolve the crisis smoothly as in the previous situation this time. After all, Zhaohui Group has been short-selling many times, and every time the short-seller has come down.

Unexpectedly, Sun Zhaohui on the phone gave a wry smile: "Fu Dong, what if I tell you this time I can't do anything to raise money?"

Fu Hua couldn't help screaming: "Is the capital chain of Zhaohui Group so bad?"

"Yes, because the overall real estate situation has deteriorated, the sales of the developed projects are not smooth, and a lot of funds are silent in the project. And the large investment bank that originally supported the Zhaohui Group not only did not actively help the Zhaohui Group to raise funds, but was behind it. Spreading news of Zhaohui Group’s deteriorating business conditions has made it harder for us to raise funds..."

It turns out that the negative news spreading outside has a lot of real ingredients. Zhaohui Group is indeed in a situation. It is no wonder that the stock price will fall sharply. Fu Hua is no longer as simple as worrying about Zhaohui Group, but is considering How to let Xihai Investment save himself. Because the situation of the Zhaohui Group continues to deteriorate, Xihai Investment will also be brought into the pit.

Besides, Xihai Investment will soon release convertible bonds. The timing of this bond issuance is really not very good.

"Fu Dong, what I said to you must be kept confidential. If news of Zhaohui Group's tight capital chain is heard from you, it is equivalent to the fact that the rumors outside have been confirmed, and the result will be unthinkable. "

"Naturally, I wouldn't do this anymore," Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "I can't do anything like this. But I can't do nothing like this. Just wait and wait. If you drag on, it's equivalent to sitting. Really."

"I am also looking for new investment, but no one is willing to help Zhaohui Group for the time being."

The background color of Zhaohui Group, Fu Hua, is that it is definitely a high-quality company. The capital chain has problems because the company is expanding too fast. At this time, Fu Hua thought of Feng Kui's inquiring into the details of Zhaohui Group. Can he find a way to introduce the funds of Feng Kui's new private equity fund into Zhaohui Group

Fu Hua said: "I have a friend whose private equity fund has just opened a position with a plate of 500 million US dollars. I can ask her if she is willing to participate."

Sun Zhaohui did not breathe a sigh of relief because of this: "The half-billion dollar plate seems to be a bit small. Even if you participate in it, the money will be spent in a few rounds, so it can't solve a big problem. On the contrary. It will hurt your friend. So forget it."