
Chapter 3366: Can't afford to climb high


"You stinky men, don't look at the timing. Why are you thinking about the next three roads all the time?" Mao Qiang said, "Hurry up, if you have something to say, don't delay my sleep if it's okay."

Mao Qiang said that he didn't look at the timing, and Fu Hua understood why she didn't bring a handsome guy out. This time should be regarded as Zhu Yunhua's retreat. Mao Qiang, his old lover, brought a handsome handsome guy by his side. Even if Zhu Yunhua didn't say anything, he would definitely be very uncomfortable in his heart.

No one would think that the passing of Shaohua is a beautiful thing, and Zhu Yunhua is the same. Although he said it was a retirement, he would not be reconciled. Mao Qiang realized this and dedicated himself to accompany him through this martial arts conference. It is also her sentimental and righteous side.

"Something is going on," Fu Hua said with a smile, "I want to trouble Mr. Mao to extend a helping hand and do me a favor. You should know the current dilemma that Zhaohui Group is facing?"

"I know, Zhaohui Group is now stabbed by the father of the gold master behind him, and the capital chain is in jeopardy. Why do you want to take advantage of the fire to rob him?"

"Go, Zhaohui Group and Xihai Investment are strategic partners. Sun Zhaohui and I are both prosperous and both prosperous. We can only help each other instead of tearing down each other."

"Shit," Mao Qiang said with a smile, "isn't strategic partners just for selling? The key is whether they can sell a good price."

Fu Hua didn't want to argue with Genmao Qiang. People hold different positions and think about things from different angles. There is no friendship between Mao Qiang and Sun Zhaohui, so the perspective of thinking about things is naturally purely from the perspective of interest.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "But at the moment, Zhaohui Group should be in a state of inability to sell. Its stock price has fallen to the bottom. At this time, if you reach out to him, the benefits will be higher, right?"

"This is also true. If you buy the bottom at this time, you will definitely get a lot of profits," Mao Qiang groaned slightly, "Let's talk, what the hell are you thinking?"

"What I think is, let Junhua Securities and Zendai Securities each put out a sum of money to strategically invest in Zhaohui Group, and my Xihai Investment will also put out a sum of money to invest in it, and drink some dew with you."

"You want Junhua Securities and Zendai Securities to jointly invest in Zhaohui Group. I tell you that being a strategic investor does not involve a small amount of money. Neither Zhu Dong nor I can make a personal decision. It has to go through the investment committee. Approval, eh, Fu Hua, this suggestion made by you guy is not to take Hu Dong’s rumor that Zendai Securities and Junhua Securities will be merged seriously? I can tell you, don’t listen to wind or rain, at least On my side, I have not considered the possibility of the merger of the two companies."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I didn't say that the two companies will merge? I just proposed that you two jointly invest in Zhaohui Group. If you are interested, I can help contact Zhaohui Group. I promise to talk to you. The price comes out."

Mao Qiang immediately woke up. This is an event that is beneficial to all parties in Zendai Securities, Junhua Securities, Xihai Investment, and Zhaohui Group. It does not even require the parties to initiate formal negotiations. The stock prices of Securities and Junhua Securities will surely rise sharply, because the news itself strengthens the expectation that the two companies will merge.

The most valuable thing in the stock market is actually the expectation, and expectation is good, and it will definitely be exploded by the market. On the contrary, the expectation has become a reality, but it has become a good thing.

As for Zhaohui Group, the two top domestic brokerages are ready to jointly invest in him, which means that the two major brokers have endorsed his capital status, and the negative news circulating in the market for shorting them will be circulated by the market. If it is deemed false news, it is estimated that the bearer will be blown up immediately.

The international investment bank that originally supported Zhaohui Group but is now short, and seeing that the situation is not right, may soon be idling too much. This is a feature of stock market futures. Short or long directions can be changed at any time.

Few smart funds always stick to one direction.

"Your idea is not bad. You should approach Sun Zhaohui on this matter," Mao Qiang said with a smile, "I will tell Dong Zhu about your proposal and see what his opinion is. ."

Mao Qiang did not say that the two brokerage firms would definitely follow Fu Hua's proposal, but gave him the right to approach Sun Zhaohui with the proposal. At the same time, she said that she would also inform Zhu Yunhua of this proposal.

On the surface, this matter is only a gestation stage, and it only involves Mao Qiang, Zhu Yunhua, Sun Zhaohui and Fu Hua. Whether we can reach a strategic investment agreement has two more to say.

But in fact, these four people are still followed by assistants, subordinates, family members and other related personnel. These people have ears and mouths. So many people may become insiders, and the news will surely spread. The scope of radiation is not just four people. What's more, some interested people involved will deliberately release news.

That's how the rumors that came to come true in the market came about. The market participants will immediately make their own predictions about this rumor and take corresponding actions based on their own predictions. Some funds that are ready to be pre-measured will definitely be tentatively bought first, and further buy or sell based on the market's response to this.

Fu Hua turned around and called Sun Zhaohui, saying that both Zendai Securities and Junhua Securities wanted to become a strategic investor in the Zhaohui Group. He also personally had the idea of drinking some soup, depending on whether Sun Zhaohui was willing or not. Talk to two brokerage firms.

Sun Zhaohui said in surprise: "Of course I am willing, Fu Dong, you can arrange for everyone to meet."

The next day was a new day. It seemed that nothing happened and it was calm. Nothing seemed to have changed. However, the changes in the stock market were immediately revealed as soon as the stock market opened. First, Zhaohui, whose stock price continued to fall due to negative news in the past two days The group's share price stabilized and slowly turned upward.

Then Zendai Securities and Junhua Securities bought large amounts of hot money, and their stock prices rose linearly. Grapefruit is the most sensitive fund in the market. They bought a large amount, which shows that the two top brokers have some positive expectations.

The two brokerages had been rumored to be merged in the market, and retail investors were speculating that this benefit must be related to the merger. They liked this kind of expectation, so they bought them one after another, and the market formed a combined force for the stock prices of the two major brokerage firms to rise.

This kind of combined force is powerful. At a little more than ten o'clock, Junhua Securities, a large-cap stock, unexpectedly reached a rare daily limit. Zendai Securities' stock price was also pulled up by 7%.

At this time, there was a relatively clear rumor in the market, that is, Zendai Securities and Junhua Securities, two top brokers, believed that the business of Zhaohui Group controlled by Sun Zhaohui was stable, although the capital chain was somewhat affected by the policy. Tensions, but the market panicked excessively about the negative news that was not conducive to the Zhaohui Group, which led to the mistaken killing of the Zhaohui Group.

The two major brokerages both judged that the current Zhaohui Group already has obvious investment value, so they plan to use part of their self-operated funds as a strategic investment to invest in the Zhaohui Group. The specific investment arrangements are under negotiation between the two parties.

After this rumor came out, the share prices of the two major brokerage firms fell slightly, while the share price of Zhaohui Group in the Hong Kong stock market rose sharply, rising rapidly by 15%. The share price of Xihai Investment also rose with the tide, and soon rose by 6%.

At this time, Fu Hua, Hu Yufei, Zhou Juan, Chen Xi and others were sitting in the martial arts conference. The martial arts conference officially opened today. Niu Conglong was standing on the rostrum and talking freely and giving the keynote speech at the conference.

Sun Zhaohui asked Fu Hua to arrange contacts and meetings with Mao Qiang and Zhu Yunhua. Because of the rush of time, Fu Hua had not contacted Mao Qiang and Zhu Yunhua, although Zhu Yunhua and Mao Qiang were also at the martial arts conference.

Niu Conglong’s keynote speech continued his usual subversive thinking. This time he went further. It is not just traditional industries that will be disrupted. In his expectation, in the near future, with the advancement of technology, he will definitely There will be new interactive tools, new business formats, the Internet will be subverted, and e-commerce will be subverted...

This guy is also a ruthless person, and even subverts himself when he is ruthless. Quite self-revolutionary.

Because they were specially invited guests from Hong Kong, Xiao Yunkai and Susan were also invited to sit on the podium. Both dressed in a simple and simple style, Xiao Yunkai's upper body casual wear, lower body jeans, the typical Silicon Valley science and technology male wearing style.

Susan is an elegant professional suit of the famous brand, simple but not losing her identity. The key is that her foreigner's face and outstanding beauty instantly caught everyone's attention.

Niu Conglong's speech was very brief. After he finished speaking about his forward-looking judgments on science and technology, the conference became a forum of big leaders on the rostrum.

These people are the overlords in the Internet industry. Niu Conglong still has the style that is not surprising and endless in the discussion, but although he is still guiding the topic of the discussion, the attention of the bigwigs will turn from time to time. Susan, ask Susan for her opinion on the topic.

Fu Hua in the audience watched Susan graciously communicate with the Internet top-liumen sitting on the podium. From time to time, he also happily made a small joke with the big guys in Chinese. He couldn't help but think of a saying that was popular on the Internet recently. , Yesterday, you are indifferent to me, but today I dare not afford it.

This sentence is suitable for Sun Linyu, who broke up with Susan. At this moment, Susan Sun Linyu can't afford to climb. Even if Sun Linyugui is the prince of Zhaohui Group, if there is a chance to compare the two, these celebrities at the scene In his eyes, he must be too high for Susan.