
Chapter 3369: Crazy and endless


After comforting Leng Ziqiao, Fu Hua called Mao Qiang: "Mr. Mao, did I offend you in any way? Why do you want to say something in front of Ziqiao?"

Mao Qiang laughed: "Don't pretend to be innocent in front of me, you stinky men, you are all gluttonous cats, there are no fishy cats. You dare to swear that you have never hooked up with any other woman except Zi Qiao. ?"

"Heaven and Earth conscience, I really have a business connection with that Chen Xi."

"Don't be sloppy in front of me, Chen Xi may really have nothing to do with you. People are throwing at the big tree Fanjiang now. Yours is a little worse, but what about other women?"

Fu Hua didn't dare to say anything about the conscience of heaven and earth. He had other causes and effects besides Zi Qiao. He smiled and said, "Eh, Mr. Mao, I am calling you to tell you that Sun Zhaohui is willing to meet you and Zhu Dong. What time is better? What?"

"Don't worry about him, Fu Hua, I can warn you, I don't care what you used to do, but now I'm not allowed to be sorry Zi Qiao."

"Don't worry, I won't be sorry to Zi Qiao," Fu Hua said with a smile, "Let's talk about meeting Sun Zhaohui."

"In fact, it doesn’t matter whether we meet or not. From the current point of view, the market recognizes Junhua Securities and Zendai Securities’ investment in Zhaohui Group. What I and Zhu Dong mean is that our two self-employed departments give out a portion of the funds. Have fun."

"You can tell Sun Zhaohui this way. Our two companies intend to acquire part of the Zhaohui Group shares through private placement. The price is based on the average price of 20 trading days. The specific share is 100%. It’s about five. If it’s less, the market doesn’t see our sincerity. If it’s more, the self-employed department can't afford that much money."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "This plan is still feasible, and I will follow along with it. I will find someone to take over a part of the additional shares of Zhaohui Group. The share is about 1% of the total shares."

Fu Hua is willing to participate in the additional issuance. The first thing is that he thinks it is a profitable thing. The share price of Zhaohui Group is already very low. At this time, he can participate in bargaining. And there are two top domestic brokerages escorting, and you don't need to worry too much about copycats in the middle of the mountain.

Furthermore, Feng Kui has already expressed his interest in Zhaohui Group, and may also be interested in participating in additional issuance.

"Do you have so much funds on hand?" Mao Qiang said suspiciously, "I tell you that this kind of private placement needs to be announced in the market, and if you can't cash it, you will have to bear certain consequences. of."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Don't worry, since I dare to say so, naturally there are channels for raising funds. I will negotiate with Sun Zhaohui according to this plan afterwards."

That night, Fu Hua told Sun Zhaohui about this plan on the phone. Sun Zhaohui tends to accept this plan. However, because Zhaohui Group is a listed company, such private placements require approval from relevant departments, so Sun Zhaohui must first obtain The approval of the company’s board of directors.

At breakfast the next day, Hu Yufei, Zhou Juan, and Fu Hua sat together. Zhou Juan was young after all, and the city was not enough. After sitting down, she looked at Hu Yufei and asked: "Hu Dong, we will go shopping in Chenxi today. ?"

Hu Yufei laughed: "What's wrong, didn't we make an appointment with Chen Xi?"

Zhou Juan smiled and said: "It's an appointment, but I'm afraid Chen Xi will miss the appointment."

Hu Yufei looked at Fu Hua, who lowered his head to concentrate on dealing with breakfast, smiled and said, "Fu Hua, do you think Chen Xi will break the appointment today?"

Fu Hua raised his head and smiled and said, "Why did Chen Xi break the appointment? She took so much effort to invite us, and she won't back down at this time."

Zhou Juan gave Hu Yufei and Fu Hua a glance: "You two will pretend to be confused. With a slap in the face so loud yesterday, Chen Xi would never assume that nothing happened, right?"

Fu Hua laughed: "It's just that nothing happened. I saw in the news last night and in the newspaper in this morning's room, nothing special was reported."

"It seems so. The slap that was so loud yesterday is silent today. This is obviously very abnormal." Hu Yufei glanced at Fu Hua. "If you don't tell me, I really didn't notice this. The people here are getting old and are not so sensitive to these things."

Fu Hua also realized at this time that this incident is indeed very unusual, especially in the current environment of public media and self-media, a focal figure like Fan Jiang has experienced this kind of backyard fire. Zhenggong came to the door to educate the little three in the drama, and the media was silent, which was obviously abnormal.

The only reasonable explanation is that Niu Conglong used his powerful influence to forcibly suppress public opinion that is not conducive to Fan Jiang.

"Hu Dong, I didn't mean you, why did you hook you when you are old?" Zhou Juan smiled and said, "Now there are too many things like this. I know that many stars spend some money. You are not sensitive to the examples where hot events are suppressed, and you are not interested in them."

"This is different," Hu Yufei said, shaking his head. "The lace news of celebrities is only a small part of public opinion, and the mainstream media in society is not paying much attention to it. Fan Jiang's incident is in the category of financial news. The mainstream media shouldn’t be unresponsive to this. Hehe, this Niu Conglong is really crazy and boundless, and he wants to dominate the public opinion.

Fu Hua looked at Hu Yufei and said with a smile: "Uncle Hu, Niu Conglong spent this money, right?"

Hu Yufei smiled and said, "I know he can afford the money, but it's not a question of whether he can afford it. This guy touched something he shouldn't touch anymore."

Seeing the puzzled faces of Fu Hua and Zhou Juan, Hu Yufei smiled: "If you tell you this, you will understand that public opinion is an ideology and a superstructure. If someone wants to use the power of capital, Controlling the trend of ideology will surely arouse dissatisfaction at the top."

Zhou Juan didn't understand what Hu Yufei said, and Fu Hua didn't know it, but he did. The power of capital is indeed very powerful, but it has always served the superstructure, and the powerful power of capital is absolutely vulnerable to the superstructure.

Once capital is unwilling to be lonely and wants to stand up as a master and dominate the development direction of the superstructure, then it will face a very dangerous situation.

This is why Hu Yufei said that the cows are mad from the dragons.