
Chapter 3370: The end of Qingping


Chen Xi did not break the appointment. She appeared in the lobby of the hotel at the agreed time. Apart from applying heavy makeup to cover up the handprints on her face, there was nothing different from the past.

This probably means that Fu Hua can understand her state of mind. After all, Fu Hua's Xihai investment was made by him, so he knows how difficult it is for a company to seek money for development.

But what happened yesterday really happened. Chen Xi also had a few looming fingerprints on her face. It is impossible that the eyes of the three of Hu Yufei and others looked at her without any strangeness.

Chen Xi is a smart person with ice and snow. Of course, he understands that it is impossible for the three of them to have no idea what happened to him. Therefore, when they see the three of them, he said straightforwardly: "Three, I don’t want to defend myself or anything. If you I don't want to see Chenxi shopping anymore, I can understand."

Hu Yufei smiled and said, "Why don't you go? Haven't we all made an appointment? We came to Qingtang from thousands of miles away, but we didn't come to listen to the bullying."

"Thank you, thank you," Chen Xi's tears rolled in her eyes, "Thank you so much."

"You don't need to rush to thank us," Fu Hua said with a smile. "It's hard to say whether you want to invest in your company or not. We have to look at your company's status and then judge and decide."

Chen Xi smiled bitterly and said: "I know this. You are willing to give me this opportunity, I am very grateful. It is too difficult to find investment."

"Why are you?" Zhou Juan is a woman after all. Most women still sympathize with the palace and hate the mistress, so they can't help but ridicule Chen Xi. "You can obviously eat on your face, do you have to choose this A difficult road?"

Chen Xi smiled bitterly: "I don't want to prove anything to others. I just want to get used to it. If I want to rely on others to succeed, I can't pass this level of myself. As for Mr. Fan, he is a very good person. It's hard for a dull person to find a common topic with others, but I don't know why, he can talk to me quite well, sometimes he doesn't pay attention to the occasion when he speaks, and there is a misunderstanding of yesterday."

"I believe you about this," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "That Fan Jiang is the kind of character you mentioned. After that happened yesterday, he probably didn't call you to apologize, right?"

Chen Xi smiled: "That's right, he doesn't understand the world at all. I guess he hasn't even paid attention to what happened yesterday. All he cares about is his own work."

"This time, he just didn't want to pay attention to it," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "Niu Conglong has always advertised the highest ethical standards to govern the Sesame Open Door Company, even if Fan Jiang was wronged by his wife this time. , But what happened here in Qingtang must have spread, and he will definitely punish Fan Jiang."

Zhou Juan smiled and said: "In fact, I don't think this incident has had a serious impact on the opening of Zhima. Fan Jiang is a well-known talent. Isn't it okay to be vague?"

"It definitely won't work," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "If this matter is transferred to another company, it won't be a problem at all, but it will definitely not work if Niu Conglong's Zhima opens the door. You haven't seen Niu Conglong. In the past two years, when Long faced the general public, did he always elevate himself to the height of a life mentor?"

"I know this," Zhou Juan said with a smile, "Now there are Niu Conglong's quotations on the Internet. People who have good things have compiled some of his speeches together and unified the name Niu Shuo. I see When I got to this news, I mistakenly regarded it as cowhide and said it was a good laugh."

"The cowhide said, this word is interesting, it fits Niu Conglong's style," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "Let’s tell you this, there are no purely good people in this world. Many people do things with My own purpose. When it comes to the quotation, it must have been done intentionally or unintentionally by the Sesame Open Door Company. There is only one purpose. They are creating gods, and they want to make the three words Niu Conglong a universally recognized society. Popular symbol."

"I don't know if this is Niu Conglong's personal thoughts or the idea of Opening Sesame," Hu Yufei said with a smile, "but I think this idea is a bit stupid. The public symbol must be able to resonate with the public. Niu Where can Conglong resonate with the public?"

"Is ninety-six a blessing? Or is it screaming to retire every day but always holding on to the control of the company?"

"Don’t look at it now, you just talk about cowhide and cowhide. It seems to be very beautiful, but Niu Conglong is obviously not worthy of virtue. You can wait and see. One day someone will take cowhide and talk about liquidation. his."

At this time, Chen Xi looked at Hu Yufei and asked, "Hu Dong, you have rich social experience and you have seen more things than us. What do you think will be done with Fan Jiang in the end? I don’t want him to be severely imposed on him because of me. Punishment."

Hu Yufei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I promise Niu Conglong will not be too hard for Fan Jiang."

Chen Xi was still a little worried and said: "But I heard people say that this kind of situation happened before, so I don't need to say anything, I just went out."

Hu Yufei smiled and shook his head: "You don't need to worry about Fan Jiang anymore. I tell you, Niu Conglong can't do anything about it. Fan Jiang is a real talent, and Niu Conglong has never been anything. A benchmark figure who is consistent in words and deeds, the punishment for Fan Jiang this time must be raised high and put down gently."

"This is also the main reason why I think Niu Conglong can't become a popular symbol. He is a person who talks about one thing and does another thing, and sometimes he has no responsibility and shoulders. You should remember that he said no. Are you familiar with a certain actress? Is he still a man like that?"

All the people present laughed. This should be an embarrassment that will follow Niu Conglong for a lifetime. The public who cares about current affairs know what is going on. Niu Conglong's performance at the time was really shoulderless.

Hu Yufei and the three followed Chen Xi to visit Chenxi Shopping Company. Start-up companies often carry the imprint of the founder themselves. Chenxi Shopping is the same. It clearly bears the imprint of Chen Xi, and it has the gentle atmosphere of a southern woman. There is also the calculating side of southern businessmen.

On the whole, the three of them feel very satisfied. The next step is to discuss the specific share of investment.

That night, a very inconspicuous punishment was reported in the news. A large-scale media was required to rectify for a week and fined 50,000 yuan for disrupting the order of dissemination and disseminating information that violated laws and regulations.

The news is very inconspicuous, and the punishment seems to be slight, but the wind started at the end of Qingping...