
Chapter 3372: Become famous in World War I


Fu Hua calculated the time difference. It was about noon in the United States. He took his mobile phone to the living room and called Jessica: "I just came back to Beijing and saw the message you sent. What does Franco want to do when he comes to Beijing? Didn't he know that his identity is very unpopular in Beijing?"

"I'm sorry, Fu Hua," Jessica smiled apologetically, "I caused you trouble as soon as you returned to Beijing."

"I'm not afraid of trouble," Fu Hua said with a smile, "but the organization behind Franco is very hostile to Beijing. Isn't he afraid that he can come and go?"

Now Fu Hua thinks this Franco is really a trouble. This is not only because Franco wanted to set up a situation to harm him when he was in Hong Kong, but also that this guy came to Beijing and might do some harm to the country. Regarding matters of national interests, I am afraid that he would have to take some corresponding measures against him at that time. Even that would be difficult for Jessica to explain.

Safeguarding national interests is for the public, and Jessica's love and help to him is for private. It is impossible for him to abolish public for private on this issue. In order to avoid the embarrassment that may arise in the future, he wants to deter Jessica in words first, and let Jessica not let Franco come to Beijing.

Jessica smiled: "You don't have to worry about this. I also feel that Franco's identity is very sensitive when going to Beijing. For this reason, I seriously asked him what he wanted to do in Beijing. He told me I was sent to meet a person to discuss a project, and he repeatedly assured me that the project was completely legal and would not offend Beijing."

Fu Hua didn't believe in Franco's guarantee at all. In this recent stage, Franco's organization has been targeting China everywhere, and from time to time he found a provocation. Franco suddenly ran on a business trip in such a big atmosphere, and said he didn't want to do tricks, who would believe it

Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "I think it's better not to come. You should also know that Franco is a bit different from what he says and does. Beijing is not Hong Kong, and my ability in Beijing is also limited. It’s okay to take care of him. If something else goes wrong, I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do."

People like Franco must be registered with the special department. Once they enter the country, they will be under the close watch of the special department. It may be difficult to escape punishment if they want to do something illegal. At that time, even if Fu Hua wanted to help him, there was nothing he could do.

"I'm afraid Franco has to go," Jessica said with a wry smile, "This time it is very important to face his department. But Fu Hua, you really don't need to worry about him or anything. He is very I know what the situation will be when I go to Beijing, so I will never do anything offensive."

Fu Hua was a little curious about Franco's mission this time. Since he wasn't here to disrupt, what on earth did this guy do? Tomorrow, Ma Yong should be notified of this matter. On the one hand, Ma Yong could be guarded against Franco's arrival. On the other hand, perhaps Ma Yong knew Franco's true intentions.

Thinking of this, Fu Hua smiled and said: "Well, when will you tell Franco to arrive in Beijing, call me and direct me, I will arrange to take care of him."

The next morning, Fu Hua called Ma Yong when he got in bed together and talked about Franco's coming to Beijing. After listening to Ma Yong smiled and said: "If he wants to come, let him come, you don't have to worry about anything."

Fu Hua asked tentatively: "You seem to know his intentions?"

"Know, everything is under control, you are responsible for receiving him well, and don't care about other things."

"What's the matter?" Fu Hua said with a smile, "I am providing you with information, can't you tell me something clear?"

"Curiosity killed the cat," Ma Yong said with a smile. "This matter has nothing to do with us. It is a major money laundering crime involved in a dog-biting infighting. Franco should have been sent to investigate this. It's a matter. The relevant departments of the two countries have already approved the gas in advance."

It turns out that this time Franco's visit to Beijing was approved by the special department in advance. No wonder he repeatedly assured Jessica that he would not offend Beijing. Since it was like this, Fu Hua didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, he just waited for Franco to do a good job of reception when he arrived in Beijing.

Towards noon, Fu Hua called Feng Kui, wanting to talk to Feng Kui about participating in Zhaohui Group’s private placement.

It took a long time for Feng Kui to answer the phone, and smiled and said, "You guy doesn't know my work and rest habits. Why do you wake me up so early?"

Fu Hua laughed and said, "I thought you should be awake at this time."

"I should have woken up, but at three o'clock in the morning today, I cleared the stocks of the game station at hand. I felt very proud of what I did with this order, so I did some review work and summarized the gains and losses. Relevant records are reserved for reference in future operations."

"Game Station?" Fu Hua smiled, "Are you not involved in the bloodbath of amateur retail investors on Wall Street hedge fund bosses as described on the Internet?"

The years that have passed are really long-lived years. There have been many circuit breakers in the United States, and there is also a paragraph about Buffett on the Internet: the first day Buffett: I lived to be 89 years old, and I only saw a US stock circuit breaker. The next day, Buffett: I lived to be 89 years old and only saw two US stocks circuit breakers. On the third day, Buffett: I lived to be 89 years old and only saw three US stocks circuit breakers. On the fourth day, Buffett: It's blown again... I'm still too young.

But these are not as dramatic as the retail bloodbath hedge fund bosses that have occurred on Wall Street in the past few days. Game Station (GameStop), a company that started in 1996, is a game retailer that specializes in second-hand video games for only $10 for five sets.

As more and more people buy games online, its retail model has become outdated. In recent years, the stock price has been sluggish, and even dropped from 28 US dollars to 3 US dollars. In recent years, it has become the most short-selling stock.

So Citron Research, a well-known short-selling institution in China, focused on this company. Citron is one of the longest-lived short-selling institutions on Wall Street and one of the most famous third-party independent investigation institutions for researching counterfeiting Chinese concept stocks in recent years. In 2011, shorting the Chinese concept stock "Southeast Rongtong" listed on the New York Stock Exchange led to its delisting and fame. The entire event took only more than 130 days.