
Chapter 3376: Nosy


"Mr. Fu, I can't talk to you anymore," Lu Xin continued, "Since this incident involves Yankees, it is very troublesome to deal with it. I need to make some preparations quickly."

"Then be careful, the Yankees are not easy to deal with."

Lu Xin smiled and said, "I know this. By the way, you don't have to come to Hong Kong if you don't have anything very necessary recently. In extraordinary times, you must guard against someone who wants to take the opportunity to make trouble."

Fu Hua thought so. He had a lot of enemies in Hong Kong. The Yankee wants to do things now. Some enemies may take the opportunity to make trouble for him. Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then I won't arrange a trip to Hong Kong in the near future."

Hong Kong, in Lu Xin's villa.

Lu Xin handed Huang Yiming a cup of tea hurriedly: "Huang Dong, the matter is urgent, so I found you recklessly. Have you heard about Lei Jin?"

Huang Yiming said: "Don't be so polite. Everyone has been friends for so many years. Just say something straight. I've heard of Lei Jin. Isn't he the one who was said to have stolen the code?"

"It's him." Lu Xin said, "Now things are going badly. Lei Jin feels he is being forced to desperate, so he surrendered to the special department of the United States in order to save his life."

Huang Yiming's face became serious. "This is a bit bad. The Yankees have been trying to trouble us. Lei Jin has been messing around on the road for many years, and he is very clear about many things on the road. The Yankees attacked our weapons. You are looking for me, is there anything that involves me?"

Lu Xin smiled and said: "Lei Jin doesn't have the guts to involve you, but he has confessed a lot of our Hong Kong roads. Among them is a very important person involved. This person lives in Beijing, but in the past few years. We have a lot of business on the road in Hong Kong. Many of us on the road have had in-depth cooperation with him."

"Because this person's family is particularly powerful in country M. Some time ago, he made a lot of money in country M. Some of the money was transferred to Hong Kong for laundering. Lei Jin was one of the people who dealt with it. Naturally, this person was It was explained. The special department of the United States also threatened this person with Lei Jin’s account. This person reached a certain compromise with the special department of the United States in order to protect himself."

Huang Yiming glanced at Lu Xin: "This person you are talking about is not the Zuo family from M country, right?"

"Or Huang Dong, you are transparent, yes, that guy is a child from the Zuo family," Lu Xin nodded and said, "We don't know the specific content of this guy's compromise with the U.S. Special Department. But no matter what the content is. It will cause great harm to the brothers on the road. In the past, the best way to deal with this situation is to let this person disappear from the world."

Huang Yiming resolutely said: "No, this person is not good, you can't do this to him. His family has a deep connection with my father. When the country was in trouble, my father once fought guerrillas in the M country. I was seriously injured in an ambush, and it was his grandfather who saved my father's life."

Lu Xin nodded: "I guess you would say that. I know that your two families are very related, so I found you. But if we don't do him, what shall we do? Just let him and the United States do it like this. Does the guy cooperate and do nothing? It's hard to control what he will say to the Yankee next."

"Of course you can't just let it go," Huang Yiming pondered for a few minutes. "Mr. Lu, have the special departments of the United States taken any surveillance measures against him now?"

Lu Xin shook his head and said, "That's not the case. After all, that guy is in Beijing and is not under the control of the special department of the United States."

"This will be easier," Huang Yiming said with a smile, "I will find someone to scare him, let him hide, so that we can't threaten us."

"Is this possible?" Lu Xin asked with some confusion, "I think Fu Hua led the Yankee to see that guy this time. It can be seen that the relevant domestic departments know about this matter. If you intervene in this way, will it be OK? Will you provoke those people?"

"It certainly won't. Since the incident has disturbed the special departments of the United States, why do you think that guy can still have the courage to stay in Beijing and not escape? That's because that guy has a profound family background, and the Feng family owes him too Grandpa’s favor. You must know that during the national crisis, many overseas Chinese leaders actually bet on both ends."

Lu Xin knew that Huang Yiming's father was actually hostile to Beijing during the national crisis. Since the Zuo family had favors on both sides, then he helped both sides.

This is actually a kind of survival wisdom that big families often have. Both sides place bets, which can ensure that no matter who wins in the future, the family will be saved. Therefore, during the national crisis, both sides often have me in the enemy and the enemy in me.

Huang Yiming said, "Leave this to me. I will let that guy know what he is going to do."

In the evening, in Zuo Ke’s courtyard, Zuo Ke looked at the sleeping little model lying next to him with some comfort. The little model has long legs, a rugged figure, and delicate and smooth skin. It was a really good toss, and it made him feel ecstatic, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: "It's better to play with women of the same clan and the same clan!"

Those international supermodels, Hollywood female stars, etc., although they look beautiful, they must not be savoured. The skeleton of a foreign girl is too big, the skin is still rough, the pores are large, the body hair is lush, there are freckles on the face, and there is a strange smell on the body. It is definitely only for viewing from a distance, not suitable for playing.

The only regret is that this little model is very young and looks very immature, lacking Liu Shengmei's mature, gorgeous queen temperament.

Thinking of Liu Shengmei, Zuo Ke couldn't help swallowing, why didn't he have a chance to taste such a good piece of swan meat? In fact, he really wanted to be able to have a spring night with Liu Shengmei, and for this he also spent a lot of money, but the woman has been reluctant to submit.

He is really rich, and at least tens of billions of assets are under his control, and the tens of billions are still US dollars. But for this woman, she can only swallow and cannot succeed.

Of course, before he reached an agreement with the U.S. Special Department, he still had great risks in spending the money. The money was actually taken from Country M in cooperation with others. And that collaborator is now imprisoned because of his opponent's gain, and this huge asset is controlled by him alone. Yankees have always been nosy, thinking that they have jurisdiction over this kind of money that comes from illegal channels.