
Chapter 3377: disappear


But now he doesn't have to worry about anything. He reached an agreement with the Yankee and gave the Yankee one billion dollars to redeem his freedom.

The Yankee is also very poor now, and he reached an agreement with him without much embarrassment. Even he himself didn't expect to be able to get out so easily. Of course, there are some conditions attached to this agreement. He promised to surrender the channels in Hong Kong that helped him launder money.

This is actually because the Yankee is in a hurry and wants to get more money through him. But the old saying goes that a dead fellow is not a dead old way, which is not unacceptable to him. If a fellow daoist helps him withstand the disaster, why not do it.

Speaking of which he is so lucky, sometimes he feels that he is really a chosen son. When he was young, he was from a wealthy family, and he was the best in everything. Because of his grandfather's shrewdness, the Zuo family has always been a member of the upper-class society in country m. With the help of the family's influence, he got in touch with that partner. The two teamed up to grab a huge amount of wealth from country m.

Originally, he was a subordinate supporting role in the two people's cooperation, but the situation evolved that the partner was in jail and didn't want to think about it. Had to give him the dominant position. He controls this huge amount of funds. This is something I didn't even think of.

Later, the Yankee unexpectedly came to him and reached a cooperation agreement with him. He was relieved of the worries of being held accountable for this huge sum of money,...

This is not God's favor, so what is it

Thinking about it. Zuo Ke came up sleepily. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I don't know how much time has passed, the bedroom door suddenly opened, and Liu Shengmei walked in in her pajamas. Zuo Ke said sternly, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Shengmei smiled and said to him: "Dong Zuo, I'm sorry! I used to do bad things."

Zuo Ke was ecstatic, and the queen finally bowed her head to him. But he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart forcibly, and said with a straight face: "What did you do wrong?"

Liu Shengmei smiled and said, "Okay, okay! I shouldn't be so indifferent to you. If you don't remember the villain, please forgive me this time."

Zuo Ke still said with a cold face: "Why should I forgive you? Why do you make me forgive?"

Liu Shengmei laughed and said: "I will make you satisfied. I will do whatever you want me to do."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Zuo Ke's mouth: "Do you do everything I want you to do?"

"Yes, yes." Liu Shengmei said with a smile, "I can do whatever you want me to do. Come on. What do you want me to do?"

Zuo Kexie smiled and said, "I don't have any ideas right now. I want you to look at your own performance."

"Okay! Okay! I'll behave to your satisfaction" Liu Shengmei said, leaning over and lying on the key part under him...

Zuo Ke only felt his back tighten for a while, and immediately felt an unspeakable sense of convenience. He didn't expect it. Liu Shengmei would do this to him, and there was a kind of comfort in her heart to get what she wanted. The mood became more and more excited. He stretched out his hands and held up Liu Shengmei's gorgeous and indispensable face. While watching Liu Shengmei act, she smiled and said, "Wasn't you alright that way? Well, what do you want? I will give you what you want!"

At this moment, a low-pitched man's voice sounded in Zuoke's ear: "What kind of dream is this? The smile is so sweet."

Zuo Ke was immersed in the beauty with Liu Shengmei, and when he heard the sound, he said impatiently: "Go away, don't make trouble."

After the scolding, Zuo Ke was shocked, because he suddenly realized that the man's voice sounded so real, as if someone was talking in his ear.

No, the security measures for his courtyard house were installed by professionals. How could someone appear beside his bed unintentionally? He wanted to open his eyes to see who the speaker was.

But then the voice said again: "Don't open your eyes! If you see my face, I will have to kill you."

At this time, Zuo Ke realized that Liu Shengmei was just a sweet dream he had. And this voice that speaks like a nightmare in his ear is the real existence.

He dared not open his eyes. I can only ask with my eyes closed: "Who are you? Why did you find me?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I have a friend who wants to talk to you."

"You have friends, what kind of friends?"

"You don't need to worry about that much, just listen carefully."

At this time, a mobile phone was placed in Zuo Ke's ear. The sound of a call from the mobile phone. The voice said: "Hello, Mr. Zuo, you don't know me, but my father has a deep relationship with your family."

Zuoke said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Huang. During the national disaster, my father fought guerrillas in country M. You tell your grandfather that Huang Tiannan's son asked him about his old man, and he should know who I am. At the beginning, my father was lucky enough to meet his old man. In order to be able to save lives. This kindness of the Huang family will never forget."

Zuo Ke didn't know what the surname Huang was talking about, but his grandfather was indeed an exquisite person. Good destiny is formed everywhere. Maybe his father really received the favor of his grandfather.

At this time Zuoke was already relaxed. Since he had received the favor of his grandfather, the person who came to the door was not a family enemy, but a friend.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Huang, I don't know if you came to me late at night, do you have any advice?"

The surname Huang smiled and said, "I dare not teach you. I want to save your life."

"Save my life?" Zuoke asked, "Who wants to kill me?"

"Yes. Our friends on the road in Hong Kong know that you are currently working with Yankees. They had a lot of business relationships with you before, so they were worried that you would sell them to Americans. So they wanted to sell You silenced it. But considering the relationship between our family and the Zuo family, I didn't dare to start rashly. So he came to say hello to me."

"When I heard it, I felt that the matter was very serious. People on the road would definitely not tolerate this kind of betrayal of the brothers. But the relationship between your grandfather and my father. I can't just let them just like that. It’s not good for you, so I told them. I will let you disappear as soon as possible."

"Disappearing, what do you mean?" Zuo Ke was really terrified at this moment, because there was a rather weird person beside him, who could kill him at any time, "You don't want to kill me, do you?" I can tell you that if you do that, the Zuo family will definitely not let you go."