
Chapter 3379: edge


For the Zhaohui Group, Fu Hua accompanied Feng Kuilai and Sun Zhaohui to negotiate the details of the fixed increase, and Sun Zhaohui personally sent the two away.

Fu Hua and Feng Kui got in their own cars. Feng Kui drove away first, and Fu Hua wanted to start the car too. At this time, Sun Zhaohui did not turn around and went back, but walked to the side of his car door and said, "Fu Dong, have you contacted Yiling in the past two days?"

"What's wrong," Fu Hua said with some surprise. "My main energy is now on the Angel Fund. Basically I have no contact with Haichuan City. What happened to Yiling Yiling?"

"You should have seen the report about the recent mining disaster in Haichuan City?"

"I saw that there was a lot of noise in the news, but it was something that happened in a county-level city below Haichuan City. Although this matter was also a lot of noise, Yiling Yi was not directly responsible, and it was still a matter of time. At the next level, she shouldn't need to bear too much responsibility, right?"

"You still didn't realize the seriousness of the situation. I just heard the news that Donghae Province is now ready to change the situation."

"Are you saying that Yiling Shao is about to be replaced?" Fu Hua was a little dazed, because Shao Yiling's term of office has not been fully completed. At this time, the change will be regarded as a serious setback for Yiling Shao's career. Maybe, as far as I know, Feng Yuqing still appreciates her, this time it is not her main responsibility and should not be punished so severely."

"The news I got is quite certain. Your old boss Qu Wei will leave Haichuan City with his resignation."

One of the important reasons why Qu Wei was sent to Haichuan was to escort Yiling. Since Yiling was leaving, Qu Wei naturally had no need to stay. It seems that Yiling Yi may really be replaced this time.

After coming out of Zhaohui Group, Fu Hua dialed Yiling Yi's phone, Yiling Yiling always had a certain place in his heart, but because Yiling Shi was aiming for official career, the two of them did not come together.

Yiling Yi's phone was connected, but she didn't answer it right away. This is not a good sign, because it is working hours. Normally, there should be a lot of work calls to Yiling Yiling. It is not so easy to get through.

After a while, Yiling Yi answered the phone, and said in a calm tone: "Fu Hua, what do you want me to do?"

"I just came out of Sun Zhaohui, and he told me that you were going to be replaced, is that true?"

"It seems that good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles away," Yi Ling said with a wry smile, "someone talked to me about the dismissal yesterday afternoon, and Sun Zhaohui actually knew it today. Okay, this thing is true. Yes, it will be announced soon. I finally don't need to be so busy."

Shao Yiling's tone is as depressed as she is depressed. Fu Hua is a little bit painful. He knows Shao Yiling is a very strong woman, and she has really worked very hard in the work position in the past two years. But she was almost lucky. The deteriorating economic situation did not bear fruit in her efforts. However, she encountered a mining accident that she did not have much responsibility for, which caused her to step down sadly.

"You don't have to be too depressed, the responsibility of the matter is not with you," Fu Hua said comforting her, "You just happened to catch up."

Yiling Yi said with a sneer: "Fu Hua, you don't need to say sympathetic words to me, you are probably secretly mocking me for what I deserve? Yes, I really deserve it. Didn't you choose you when you let me choose?"

"I really didn't think about it that way," Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "I know your temperament. You are a very ambitious woman. You will not be willing to follow me and be a little woman. You. The choice is actually more suitable for you."

"But I really feel aggrieved in my heart," Yi Ling said with a wry smile, "I have given so much, and even gave up on you, thinking that I can get what I want. As a result, God didn't even say hello. It beat me back to my original form, which is too unfair."

Fu Hua knew that it would be very unfavorable for Yiling to be relieved of her job now. Because of a lot of things, she just started, and she didn't achieve anything.

In particular, the projects that Daktronics received from Sun Zhaohui are still stagnant there. Even if Donghai Province wants to reactivate her in the future, I am afraid there is nothing that can make the province feel that she has anything worthy of being reactivated.

On the other side of the phone, Yi Ling said repeatedly: "Why am I so unlucky? Why am I so unlucky?"

Fu Hua became more and more worried. Yiling Yi's current state of mind really sounded a bit bad. He knows that if some people with high official addiction suffer a major blow during their ascent, they will often have some major physical or mental conditions.

Jinda was an example at the beginning. He suffered a stroke because he lost the favor of his boss. Although he has improved after years of treatment, he still cannot return to work.

There is also Sun Shouyi, who also suffered from depression because of the loss of the support of Zhao and Lao’s line. Later, although he came out on his own, he has been doing poverty alleviation work in remote and poor areas for the past two years and dare not return to his original position. Come to the circle of life.

Things like Fan Jinzhongju are not actually exaggerations in Wu Jingzi's plot, but a realistic possibility. Will Yiling Yi not follow the same mistakes of Jinda and Sun Shouyi like this? This is something he doesn't want to see.

"Where are you now?" Fu Hua asked with concern, "Don't stay in Haichuan, and come back to Beijing as soon as possible."

"What do you mean?" Yiling said in a daze, "Do you think it's embarrassing for me to be removed?"

"I know you are in a bad mood right now. When you come back to Beijing, I can at least talk to you and comfort you. If you have someone to talk to, you will feel better in your heart."

"Will you be so kind?" Yi Ling said with a sneer, "Seeing me being so embarrassed, you must be happy in your heart."

"I'm not that bad anymore," Fu Hua said with a wry smile, "you know, I have always cared about you."

"Care about me, don't tease, don't you care about Leng Ziqiao?"

"Don't say it like this, you should be very clear, I still care about you in my heart."

"Fu Hua, are you pitying me by saying that," Yi Ling said with a sneer, "you don't need to be like this, I'm fine. Who am I, Yi Ling, do you need to be pitiful? No need. "

Fu Hua became more uneasy. He felt that Yiling Yi was on the verge of collapse, otherwise she wouldn't talk to him like this.