
Chapter 3381: character


When the tide finally receded and the restlessness of the body calmed down, Yiling Yi cuddled Fu Hua and smiled and said: "A man is really the best medicine for a woman. You have tortured with me like this, and my heart is depressed for the past two days. The irritability and irritability were all gone."

Fu Hua was not sure at this moment whether Yiling Yi had deliberately pretended to be so fragile just now. He enjoyed the beauty of the moment so much that he had no intention to distinguish what Yiling Yi thinks. He just joked that Yiling Yi said: "I asked you to say this, then what have I become, is the medicine dregs that you squeezed dry?"

The dregs of medicine said that Fu Hua was joking with Ma Yiling. It is probably a legend originating from Wu Zetian. Wu Zetian was depressed and asked the imperial physician to treat her. The imperial physician prescribed eight stubborn men. Afterwards, someone saw eight languid men appearing in the palace. He asked about the origin and replied: medicine scum .

Yiling Yi smiled and squeezed his nose: "Don't get cheap and sell well. Didn't you enjoy me just now? Huh, Fu Hua, do you think we should always find opportunities to get together?"

Fu Hua didn't take Ma Yiling's words seriously. Even if she was dismissed, there would be a new appointment soon. Even if she wanted to meet with him often, it would not be so convenient to travel to and from Beijing from Haichuan.

He just smiled casually and said: "I want to be like that too, but you still have work to do and you can't go back to Beijing often."

"Then what if I transfer back to Beijing?" Yiling said, looking at him with a smile, "Will it be convenient for us to get together?"

Hearing what Yiling Yi said, Fu Hua couldn't help being stunned. At this moment, he felt even more deceived.

At the beginning, he was blinded by the illusion of weakness and pain that Yiling Shi put on, and did not think about some of the details of this matter. Now Yiling Shi is showing more and more details to him, and it also gave him thinking. He realized that he was really being brought to the rhythm by Yiling Mao.

In fact, many details that Yiling Yi presented to him could not stand scrutiny. Because he cared too much about her before, he didn’t care about it. As a result, she was successfully brought into the atmosphere she wanted. She was in deep pain and pity because of her dismissal, and she was anxious to see her and to comfort her, and then she dared not push away from her intimate behavior.

What if the matter of her being removed from office is not what he thought? On the surface, it seems that being dismissed will have a great negative impact on her future development, but what if this matter is combined with the dilemma that Yiling Yi is facing in Haichuan City

It might not be impossible to regard the dismissal as a superb operation technique to help Yiling out. She is not in her position and does not seek politics, and the removal from office has basically nothing to do with the dilemma she originally faced.

This possibility is still very high. In the two years when Yiling has served as the chief official in Haichuan City, her political achievements are quite good, but she is deeply trapped in the quagmire of the project that Daktronics took over and cannot extricate herself from it. Being dismissed naturally broke away from the project.

Moreover, although the impact of the mining accident is very big and bad, it has nothing to do with Yi Ling itself. This was not caused by her direct mistakes, she was removed from office only if she assumed leadership responsibilities. This also makes her re-enablement become less difficult. Because the top executives will feel a little bit unbearable for being removed from her job without making a mistake.

If Yiling Yi was removed from her job because someone really helped her get rid of her set, then the choice at this time is really the right time. If you change to a new position, you will be able to get out of the mud of the Haichuan project immediately, and you won’t be against Yi Yi. Ling's development has had a major impact.

In addition, some details seem to indicate that the dismissal is to help Yiling out. Yiling Shao is under the care of Su Lao's line of people. Her job changes Deng Zifeng and Sunan will definitely know in advance. If this matter really affects Yiling Shao, at least these two people will follow him. Say it. Now that the two of them have no voice, it means that the people of the Su line have reached a tacit understanding long before they were removed from office.

Thinking of this, Fu Hua smiled in his heart. This group of guys used to play a scene together, but they just kept him in the dark and made him care about Shao Yiling and Shao Yi without knowing the situation. Ling, a cunning woman, is even more hateful. She actually lied to him...

If things are really like what he thinks, the Su Clan may now have made arrangements for Yiling Yi to return to Beijing to take up a post. Why don't you try her

Fu Hua looked into Yiling Yi's eyes and said, "Don't be foolish to ask Uncle Deng and the others to be transferred back to Beijing!"

"What's the matter?" Shao Yiling glanced at Fu Hua, "Don't you want to be able to see me in Beijing often?"

"That's not the case," Fu Hua said. "If you work in Haichuan, no one will notice our meeting in Beijing, but if you transfer back to Beijing, someone will notice us instead. It won’t be that convenient. So you’d better continue to bring it in Haichuan."

Fu Hua's statement is not without reason. Everyone lives in a certain circle. He pays attention to the people in his circle, and on the contrary, the people who care about him are mostly people in his circle.

If Yiling Yi was still working in Haichuan, most of her circles would be in Haichuan. People in Haichuan can hardly see Beijing from no matter how wide their eyes are. Otherwise, her circle will return to Beijing, and Beijing will pay more attention to both of them.

Yiling Shao glanced at Fu Hua again, and then smiled: "You guy is really cunning. Have you guessed that the new job I'm about to announce is in Beijing?"

Fu Hua nodded. By saying this, Yiling Yi basically admitted to him that the pain before was pretended to be shown to him.

"Don't think that I was lying to you before, how do you say?" Yi Ling looked at Fu Hua sadly and said, "I was so nervous when I saw you just now. I was really touched. If you can always How good should this be for me? For a while, I even wondered what the meaning of the ones I chased in ordinary days? Isn’t it better to be like Leng Ziqiao, obediently staying by your side and living that kind of life? Where are the days?"

At this moment, Fu Hua was a little bit ashamed and a little bit sad. What was ashamed was that there was also a moment in his heart just now, moved by the beauty that Yiling Yiling brought to him, and forgot about Leng Ziqiao, who stayed with him and depended on him. Sadly, that kind of beauty is just a kind of illusory realm, after all, he still has to return to reality.

Maybe Yiling Yi will regret her initial choice for a moment, but it doesn't mean that she will give up her career and stay quietly beside him to be a little woman. Leng Ziqiao is the one who can stay with him.

Character is destiny.