
Chapter 3390: feast


Susan smiled: "Dong Sun is polite, Yunkai and I are because Zhaohui Group is a very high-quality company, and you are a manager whom we both admire. That’s why we want to invest in Zhaohui Group and be a financial company. Investors.” Susan talked about the amount that Kexun Digital intends to invest and the required shareholding ratio. After finishing speaking, she said a little apologetically: “Excuse me, Dong Sun, I can’t get the amount. I personally want to invest more with you, but Yunkai was invited by Niu Conglong as one of the cornerstone investors of his Sesame Credit listing to participate in the listing of Sesame Credit Company. So he reduced his investment in Zhaohui Group ."

Sesame Credit is going to spin off its listing on the Sesame Open website. This is the most popular event in the financial world in recent times. Capital is now very touted to Niu Conglong. The company’s valuation of Sesame Credit has reached trillions. Seeing Niu Conglong Another giant listed company under its umbrella is about to be born.

The establishment of cornerstone investors was originally a protective measure for companies to go public, because it takes time for newly listed companies to get the approval of investors. In order to avoid the failure of issuance, listed companies are allowed to invite some companies. Powerful investors participate in the issuance of new shares.

Of course, if the listed company has not been recognized by the market, the existence of cornerstone investors is a kind of bottom-up measure, just like the second son of the Li family mentioned earlier as the cornerstone investor of Xiaoniu Brother Company. The second son of the Li family didn't profit much from that investment, so the shares were cleared out of the capital preservation.

But this time Sesame Credit’s listing is completely different. Sesame Credit, a payment company that grew out of Sesame Open’s website, has now been highly recognized by the market and is invited to become a cornerstone investor of this company, not to make a mistake. Yes, but to share the feast of wealth.

So although Susan was talking about this in an apologetic tone, it was actually a kind of Versailles in disguise, which seemed a bit funny in the eyes of Sun Zhaohui. Susan was still a little tender and couldn't hold back her ostentation.

As for Sun Zhaohui, he has seen too many shopping malls and seen too many trendy figures, and he has long since taken these things seriously.

In fact, he also knows Niu Conglong. They are both leaders in the industry, so they naturally have the opportunity to encounter each other. But he didn't appreciate Niu Conglong's dedication to the world. I even feel that Niu Conglong is a little lacking in talent, and I always feel that there is something less about that face.

Although some people have said that Niu Conglong looks like a natural alien, and he is a well-known person in the sky, Sun Zhaohui always has a crooked feeling towards that face, full of chaos. Niu Conglong himself also likes to make friends with strange and weird people, he likes not to talk surprisingly, he likes to pretend to be heroes...

Some people say that character is destiny, and Niu Conglong's character also determines his style of behavior. Tai Shigong said that Xia Xia is forbidden by martial arts. Now Niu Conglong naturally does not use any force. He prefers to subvert and collide with the rules. The several major developments of the Zhima Kaimen website are all because of certain rules. Subversion and collision.

This is something Sun Zhaohui dared not do. Sun Zhaohui is domineering in the shopping malls, using the ultimate actuarial calculation and speed to madly advance and promote the development of his career. Although there are occasions when wiping the ball, it is basically done within the rules.

Just like the Sesame Credit Company, which is going to be spin-off and listed this time, as a person with outstanding financial skills, Sun Zhaohui can see at a glance that Sesame Credit itself does not have much of its own funds. It uses financial technology to increase leverage and asset securitization. After a series of methods, the funds were enlarged to the current level.

According to Sun Zhaohui's rough calculation, Zhima Credit's leverage has reached a hundred times. What kind of concept is this? It is to enlarge one dollar to one hundred through financial technology, and the leverage has reached a staggering level. This risk is too high.

On the other hand, although Zhima Credit’s main small loan business claims to be inclusive finance, the actual annualized interest rate is as high as more than ten percent. This is not inclusive finance at all and can almost reach the level of usury.

Relevant departments are actually wary of Sesame Credit. A senior executive who understands the economy clearly asked Sesame Credit to control the scale of development. Because the scale is small, the risks are still controllable, and the larger the scale, it will slip into the financial crisis. Dangerous abyss.

The 2008 financial crisis was actually caused by the securitization of the two-family bond. Sesame Credit’s operation method is similar to that of the two-facility bond. This is one of the reasons why the senior who understands the economy is quite jealous of Sesame Credit.

But Sesame Credit is still very easy to pass the meeting. Although the scale was huge, the review department still let it go despite the high risk. Right now is the time to go public.

So some people shouted that this is an era of subversion, and the establishment of rules is to be subverted and broken, and some even shouted out that this is the era of Niu Conglong.

When he saw this report, Sun Zhaohui just smiled. It has been more than 40 years since the reform and opening up. He has seen too many people in the industry, such as Mou who changed planes, and the rich rely on wisdom, and the rich rely on virtue. Niu, Wang who completed a small goal first, Xu from Hermès...

These people are often able to lead the way for three to five years, and become the temporary choice at that time. After three or five years, the city will change the banner of the king. He has not seen a hero who can dominate an era. It's more of a meteor character whose prosperity, death, and suddenness.

Wasn't his grandson once also the one-time choice? That was his swelling to the point that he didn't put others in his eyes at all. At that time, he really had the aura of looking at the world and giving up to me. But soon he was besieged and suppressed by his colleagues, and he had to transfer the company at the time.

It was only after he accepted the lesson of that failure that he achieved today's results.

In the final analysis, although there are many heroes now, there are no extraordinary and stunning epoch-making figures. The original Mou was not, his grandson was not, and the current Niu Conglong would not be either. They are just being pushed to the fore by the trend of the times.

When the tide rises, the tide falls naturally, and he has not never seen some people's embarrassment when the tide is low.

However, Sun Zhaohui would not tell Susan about these feelings. It is estimated that even if he did, Susan would not understand it. He just smiled faintly and said: "That's really congratulations to you and Dong Xiao. Opportunity to participate in the wealth feast of Sesame Credit."